Thursday, August 20, 2015

do you see ?

Hunting the thought, Jew

when when when does politics become a crime
and worse than that for the body politic
another institution
that can be ran over
like a bobcat in the rain
hit on the plain by
a six wheel drive

I grew up in a perfect world
never knew about the pain
everything was rosy
and no thorns
grew on me

this experience fueled in
me a great rise
which I rode
like a great wave
until I missed a curl
and asked for something
and then my world crashed
and I realized just how
unusual my life
was before

Life is slavery
just like a cow
except most society
will not slaughter you
they put you in a window
seat and pretend
your dead
and life will
kill you like
that with cancer
high blood pressure
or a heart attack

Do you ever
know those sneakers
do not fit your foot
as well as moccasins
made by the tribe
not some import from Mexico
made by slave labour
no something the collective made
to make sure when
you walked the world
the thistles did not penetrate
your sole

Soulless monsters we now are
walking this planet
devoid of reason or leadership
confined to tribes
seeking power to rule\
the world with out knowing
the end prize
is loneliness
and no one
giving you the rules
in a knife fight]
because the blade
will never come
right between
your eyes

No matter how great you
and how many rivers
of tears a nation
grieves for you
you know what man or
you will have to something
human incredibly remarkable to
be remerged
six seconds later

Like Hitler every one members
histories asshole forever
human shit anatomy we
can never find
an enema
to unplug

I challenge you to rambler
everything you learned in schoo;
and to think
is there anyone
who wants to rule you
that reminds you of
Hitler today?

I gotta preface this next comment
by I love the Juice
no that was wrong
I love the Jews.

Without the Jews
there would never
have been Sienfield
and if that was not enough
almost anything that makes
you laugh or puts non chemical
solutions in your pool
was brought to you by
a full fleged blood tested
although they may have
squiremed at the concept

I hate the Jews and it
is not a simple reason
they were the ones
that as far as my
History major
of great import
from THE  university
of Western Ontario
says I am certified
to bad for you
if you never had
my experience

Back to my Jew
hating ways
I hate them so much
I think I do not know
what I say
blood like Donald
flows from my eyes

The number one reason I hate the JEWS
is that I was not born rich or beautiful
What is my fixation upon the people
west of the west bank
you ask me steve

My basic instinct is to say
its a lot of sand
in fact its a fucking
desert and I can not
believe we are in
this temporal state
of nonsend
fighting over
something that
is not useful
to either party

Some one some where
has pinged me on my
crepitates as a jEW

Of course I hate them
for leaving us behind
in the wisdom of
we can not trust
the gentile with this

Its all written in the first testament
if which you believe
whole hearty
makes you Jewish

and cock all over
America say no way

What I am really trying
desperately to say to
anyone who reads
this message

I will take the waterboard gladly to 
say truthfully the Jews built our
modern society and not to the man
or women directed what we say
about Jews or each other
humans can be human
when words do not 
hurt eachother
without soothing worss
ir touches 
for each other

Everything in its right place

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Rooster not soft when removing cox

An open letter to Bruce and DJ
Except for you
I would never have worked
Microsoft word 2001
sitting on my computer for
a long time not abused
just not connected to me
in 2015
my father told me son
if you can not say something
do not speak like the sun
because under its glare
you are no one
I am an optimist
at heart and while I acknowledge
everyone has a dark part
I know all people born on

not just knowing proof
that on this planat
all participants are given
a good heart

Love the great hearts and the brave hearts
and people like Rooster are making profits
by making human nature extinct
by tapping into the lizard brain
in our DNA
or worse
the new GMO foods
they feed us to make
us buy again
a monopoly
on everything

So if your still reading I respect you
if your not that ship had sailed anyway
and with all due respect
as you may have noticed
I do not care anymore

I realize your not plotting to take over the world
like me
and working in a call center was a key piece of the
data stream
that I could not get over
the internet
and I had to walk the halls
as well
with my sign in card
and my WIG things
like Tony Robbins
was a big thing
in the master plan
and I had to carry his
water until a beautiful
ROOSTER gave birth
in a contrarion way
and the founder would
founder looking at
a huge girths and inches
more than any women could\
but still as they have a great
they will plow forward
looking for the perfect

You can not hide behind

If your oblivios to the truth
and sitting in shade
look at history
muther fucking
and say one time
or too
I will never let the Grey
Zone over come me 
with its fumes of desperation
and fear
cause that is a path that
leads us to the ovens


Error 308

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Summer is Siam and IED's are Blooming

This picture taken in my backyard reminds me of the beautiful lush vegetation of Thailand. I have spent about a year off and on in this fantastic country. Thailand has its own very unique architecture, Tuk Tuk and whip tail boats. It is also the only South East Asian country that has never been conquered.

I really do not know what to think or who to support in the latest political quagmire. I have been in Thailand during a previous military coup. It was no big deal then, and now likely much the same. The army seems to step in when the ruling elite Red Shirts (mostly ethnic Chinese) loses control of the ethnic Thai.

The twice democratically elected Yellow Shirt party that was ousted is on the surface a populist party spreading the riches a little wider. However, the leaders of this movement seem very adapt at using this process as cover to make out like bandits. The CIA, and Neocons are in bed with the Yellow shirts.

Hopefully the Army can reset democracy for one more try. Based upon my experience I would not avoid travel to Thailand at this time, but may pass on Bangkok. (published May 25th, 2015)

Pool is officially open. After the worst winter in memory the earliest opening in history. Hopefully a harbinger of a wonderful summer. It makes me reflect upon the absolutely crazy weather experienced by most of America last week. Sooner or later this is going to have a serious effect upon the US economy and when they catch a cold Canada gets pneumonia. 

Two of the current Conservatives government's many massive fails are failure to address climate change, and putting all our economic eggs in the energy superpower basket. Canada has gone from a 30% value added economy under Liberal leadership to an 82% hewer of wood and drawer of water under the Conservatives. Serious missteps that will take decades to recover from.

Just like the huge miss on the National Energy Plan of Pierre Elliot Trudeau. If his policy had been adopted Canada would be a Norway with ten times the population.

These two photos make me think aboot transit and sustainability.
Thats an 11 year old bike and it still works like new. I spend about $50 a year maintenance. The cost of buying a machine needs careful consideration, matching needs to budgets and constraints. However the upfront cost pale in comparison to the maintenance costs. That's been the disaster of our transit system.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Friday, August 14, 2015

Cry The Tears

I listen for Truth

For truth speaks softly

It is not boastful nor proud

Truth whispers low

Solemn quiet

It wraps around

Like Smoke

Subtle and free

Truth Knows no Boundaries

No limits Truth Speaks

From within

Not without

It floats In the spaces

Of dreams

It is not angry or vengeful

Truth simply is

It cannot Be hidden

Nor disguised Truth

Shines Like iridescent Dew

It rests Within Your heart

Of hearts Truth

Unchanged Living

The promise

As it was so

It shall Be

Cry The Tears


UFOs and Alien Structures on Mars

Soap Caution, Lust Caution, Zero Hour Trusting, Union busting, Tyler Durdeen getting down!

Greek inocgaphity is timeless

Soap Caution, Soap Caution
the cleanest caution around
being clean is a great advantage
scrubbing the Demetris that is genetically

the body politics
with a natural sound
and super zonic clarity
created dedicated farmed essentially
artificially simulated synthetic organics
brought to you by
your friendly neighbourhood

Bose Bose Bose Bose Bose boss
it sure pops
the first time
but will your ears
stick around
I love my pioneering 501
but today its old
and market hype
about reflections
has not escaped
the aural markets
(what was I thinkingaboot this verse?)

Bubble baths of cash and credit
lounging around in copper tubs
and vaults of imaginary
wealth created by the masters of the universe
because its easier to lead with carrots
than sticks

but at the end of the day
most citizens
statistically more accurate
than the false average
are the mean
pounding bricks
to create castles
in which they will
never live

Buy once your hooked for life
and a wage to your slave
life filled with bright lights
and pleasant experiences
stuff fuelled by
canned emotion
packaged harvested and paid for
with fairy dust and ground unicorn horns

Drunk on Jesus Juice
powerful distillations of
organised religions
intoxicating our lizard brains
with messages we must absorb or
go insane


be shunned by the powerful 
on Facebook
oh the humanity oh the humanity
a personal Hindenburg
created just for me
and ten billion

drinking by Ascension
the Tony Robbins kool aid
we have a sugar shack economy
retrofit sweat sweeting the tar paper 
constructed miracle of shelter
in a shotgun shack

I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger on Thursday Friday
and Saturday
Sunday I will fast
Don't call me Wimpy
or I will pop you in the eye
Hamburger caution

Soap caution the best security around
being clean is a great advantage
cause zero hour is cumming down
and big buildings are going to fall
fall fall fall fall fall fall
all the way
down down down
really fucking far far down
even though the authority declared
them fiscally sound
metaphorically and electronically
devastated by the programed
high speed trade
of integrity for credibility
and short term guaranteed profit


based on math fractals
of personality love
and exponential selfies
realized by digital film
that needs no
silver oxide
thinkaboot it

Technology power can push the past aside
but tomorrow and the day after already exists today
in Zen math WA matics
as an overshoot
like playing lawn darts
drunk and you kill
your uncle because
you never realized
games were that sharp
toys don't kill
people do
time for the planetary people
to put the toys
away and act
like we are grownups


I do not ever believe I wrote what I say

God delivered this message

I am just his highest messanger

Thursday, August 13, 2015

don't cry !

Happy Birthday New Lucky Country. It used to be Austrailia but the water went away. Now its all about leadership.

Singapore Girl always going somewhere
well at home you are carefully
logistically logically metaphysically
 throwing the bathtub
off the balcony of your
world class
Singapore Style
 public housing 
cause its not perfect to your taste
some may call that extravagance
as the lease lasts less than a century
but for sure that flat
will be worth millions in a short while
lets thank the last Emperor
the Gia  world wishes it had
of course I disagree 
with him abooot a few things
but what man has wrought in a swamp
using only will, intellect
and geographic location
should make the world snap to attention
never discount a good determined man
with a plan
if the world can be saved
by driving cars whose sticker price
starts in six figures
we got a winner
I sincerely feel that way
about Singapore

This is me at Newtons Circus or Newton Circle one of the two

Singapore at 50, more history in 50 years than most countries in 500.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Last Bomb

If ever there were cause for concern over mankind's sanity this book is it.

No Nuke Canadaa Eh!

Another Canadaa exclusive T shirt

When the Avro Arrow threatened to soar
like no plane had ever done before
tribute grounded our technologically advanced Angel Angel
we choose US nukes instead
No Nukes Canada Eh!  quell surprise
When plain brown envelopes
arrive on schedule 
accounted regularly
do not wonder 
at the shock and awe
of a collaterally damaged
 budget that bought the crippled F35
Though its good to see in this politically correct
era constantly under attack from conservatives
that we bought an airplane
with disabilities

Diefenbaker stabbed Pearson in the back
and Canada straight through the heart
forced to beat in the darkness
in those shadows of derring doo
that never get pooper scooped

Reputations and brands are global cousins
for countries and people as corporations
that want to stand the test of time
Grok  Honda or Toyota both forged
in Nuclear forges
Ford taxpayers created that bomb
Still in a search for excellence
not only created the Taurus Jaguar 
but launched it 
blowing up the company
with negative sentiment

So why has the government of the EH!
chosen to trash everything Canada became
in the world
for some cheap tarnished electoral map 
Take the flags off the back packs boys and girls
your voice in the world is no longer heard
its just a micro circuit on the motherboard
of liberty defined by the circuity makers

The boys and girls in short pants
dreaming of glory
power projection
being a player
sitting at the cool peoples
and aircraft carriers
little and fat boy pickets
across the frozen wasteland
with the promise of turning it into

This message sponsored by the Zombie and Space Lizard Defence Force. Sign up today, you can choose your own rank, and that's way better than pay. 
Exclusive Canadaa T Shirt Not for sale, ok make an offer!

Deep Zoom

Fight Club Members that we know about

Argentina and Iceland. Read about it think aboot it. Its seems the way of the future is to not talk about it. One big nation and one insignificant one have said no mas. Zero Credit History must be making some wave tontie.
Stay away from financial buildings out of caution. Soap caution. Soap Caution, the cleanest one available.

Mr Alsweilem wrote in a Harvard report that Saudi Arabia would have an extra trillion of assets by now if it had adopted the Norwegian model of a sovereign wealth fund to recyle the money instead of treating it as a piggy bank for the finance ministry. The report has caused storm in Riyadh. It should be causing a CAT5 Hurricane in Ottawa and Calgary, two current oil capitals that have pissed away a fortune Norway could only speculate about. Brian Mulroney and the tax lemming conservatives made 3 giant policy decisions. The GST has been a Godsend. Free Trade with Mexico a soul crusher for Canada's middle class. Abandoning the National Energy Plan that Norway later adopted carte Blanche the single biggest folly of government short of unnecessary war in the 20th century

Oh yes the footsoldier John Brown.

Reality busting devices failing like Farabochi Fibonacci fractal dominoes.

reality busting devices failing like Farabochi Fibonacci dominoes.
the masters of the universe creating their own black holes
the fall that started so cleverly acceleratingly

sinister as the event horizon looms
muppets stripped in a feeding burlesque
to supply the drones 
commanded to Marshall the resources
to feed the flickering reality distortion field
exhausting the participants
until the physics dictates
they all fly into the singularity

When all the gravity defying souls
are sucked away
fall off the end of the flat earth
in an ironic scientific way
it should leave lots of room
for best practices practitioners
to clean up the mess
that will take decades
and even centuries
of applied wisdom
to clean away.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Cow based economy, because thats where we are headed with the idiots in charge

Imagine an economy based upon
cows instead of gold
because a cow gives
you nourishment everyday
and a feast on retirement
while gold just weighs \
you down doubling
down for
for disaster
or spending capital
on worry
which is even to the\
best practioners
a out of control

Lets pull the plug
on the reality distortion field
before it leaves the world
starving and poor
we humans have simple minds
and flashy image over time
diluted our simple minds
do not forget to eat
or shower
or there could be
a big stink
one is for a limited time
and can be corrected
but the second choice
is forever

I love milk from
healthy teats
and that is because
I was born
so do not take
away my nourishment
with vitamin porn

The world today is
nothing but confusion
and conflicting stories
most of which IMHO
are not true
and so it goes
and so it goes
but Fuck Kurt Vonugunt
we have all the information
in the world
yet a big minority
choose to use it
to declare
I am as stupid as
I want to be
and thats my right
and if I get enough
similar members
I can make stupidity
a civil right

Maslovs needs
was as accurate as we
need to be as a society
so lets just give the fish
a smile for a while
and the crops will
come in and the
workers covered
in sweat and pollen
will celebrate the harvest
knowing they did the
big part

The world my friend is hanging
by a human thread
can we darn
fast enough
to fill in the
centuries of
holes in our
walking socks?

Coming back to cow
in a state broken
and with no hope
its a Cadillac or
a rare Ferrari
of hope
and the owner
can declare
local pope.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Today In History

green onions

The Terrorist Bethune

Of all the freedom fighters in Canadian History
none is more famous or has greater
modern acknowledgement
than Norman Bethune

He went to China
to help the communist
overcome the
Kum in tong

His side won
and his place in
history was
by many factors
to permanent greatness
Fast forward from the clarity

of yesterday
Steve Harper
would have
taken his
passport away
and stripped him
of any medical licence
long before he
even thought of saving a life

If they rounded up all his friends
it would shut down the U of T
and still if would be called
and action of democracy

Today we have two classes
of Hemingway fighters
those who fit the template
we admire and fund
those who do not
are Muslim or Russian Scum
in reality every insurgent
wears a black hat
in incalculable tangents
of greater good
and personal need

Now I am old enough to appreciate
that humans do 
thing inappropriate
but to think that
one side in a conflict is
morally correct and the
other is vacuum deficient
will not bring victory to either side

For sure the ISIS forces are
the worst of the worst
but are they in the employ 
like so many before
in the CIA?

You want to read somethings unredacted
that will send a chill up your unicorn spine
look at the dispatches from Vietnam
if this is not enough
how about Abu Grieve
or Gitmo
the point is that
when it comes to war
there is no high ground
just two warriors
in full armour
trading broadswords
hoping to rebound
on the sacred ground

Do those bad ass mutherfuckers
fight for me?
That's the reality
bad ass motherfuckers
what would they do
if we did not have
prisons to contain them
or wars to entertain them?

They might come to your
neighbourhood and declare
that now they were the
local warlord!

herding cats is hard
herding humans is impossible
but still at university we
study ways to understand

Civilisation is like a decaying sun
its going to burn off 20% every day
until it burns down
The only import fact in that
equation for human kind
is the timeline
that makes us rich
it is billions of years
present value

Now back to Bethune
who made an impact
on a billion people
of that we should
not be suspect
he did it without
modern propaganda
or agenda
he was
he WA
was was he
do it right
and the people will remember
and no one so far
can plan that from above
its just in history
he was

Where is the Spanish Civil war
when we need some kind of line
in the sand between wrong and right
Syria, Iraq and Ukraine are all rolled
up to me in some kind of magical
CIA game
like billiards
when a pro 
sets the table

We fight in Syria with Iranian allies
and we want to take the Sunni city
of Mosul
with our Shia allies
who hate our guts fundamentally
NATO trained as a member 
of good standing
and why are we here
because of oil
but at the end of
the day why not just
hire EXXON to produce
a better result in the
same way
harming one hair
on an child?

The price of gas goes up
while the price of oil tanks
that is the mind
of the people we
should employ to make a
civilization mastermind
because aside
from eating and drinking
and expelling
its all imagination

Ed Note; if you think I am comparing the brave principled idealist  Dr. Bethune to the cowardly cynical nihilistic ISIS scum
you need a plumber.