Monday, June 10, 2019
Monday, May 9, 2016
open your eyes
Monday, November 30, 2015
victims of patriotism
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Monday, August 6, 2012
A-bomb Drawings by Survivors
(原爆の絵ーヒロシマを伝える )
This is the second edition of the pictures drawn by atomic bomb survivors, published by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum in 2007.
In 2002, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Museum supported by the NHK Hiroshima Studio, Chiugoku Press and other organization collected 1338 drawing from 484 persons for the second time and put them on special exhibition between 2002 to 2003 at the Museum and also on the website (
The Museum edited and catalogued 1200 drawings for the book "原爆の絵ーヒロシマを伝える - A-bomb Drawings by Survivors" in Japanese and English and printed by the Iwanami Books (岩波書店 ) in 2007. The book is available at the Museum Bookstore in Hiroshima.
Storm Over Nagasaki
(長崎原爆絵巻 崎陽のあらし)
The picture scroll dipiciting the Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki was drawn by Mr. Noritaka Fukami who was a soldier assigned to the Nagasaki Fortress Headquarters at the time of Atomic Bombing on August 9. 1945.
Mr. Fukami was born on September 20,
1919 in Pyongyang, Korea, Empire of Japan. He inherited a talent of painting from his art teacher father. He won the Grand Prix Award for the All Japan Tourism Poster Contest while he was a student of the Kagoshima Commerce High School, and his work was exhibited at the Boston Museum of Arts in the United States in 1941 befor the War.
In 1942 he was drafted into the Imperial
Japanese Army and was assigned to the Nagasaki Fortress Headquarters, 3,500 meters from the Hypocenter at the time of the Atomic Bombing. When he entered the Ground Zero to survay the damage, he personally witnessed the davastation of the Atomic Bombing. After the War, he returned to his hometown and taught art at the junior high school and painted this scroll in summer of 1946. After suffering from radiation sickness, he killed himself on July 2, 1951 at age 31.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Monday, August 9, 2010
Swords into Plowshares

Swords to ploughshares is a concept in which
military weapons or technologies are converted
for peaceful civilian applications.
The phrase originates from the Book of Isaiah,
who prophesies of a future Messianic Age where
there will be peace amongst all humankind:
They will beat their swords into plowshares and
their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not
take up sword against nation, nor will they
train for war anymore. Isaiah 2:4 & Micah 4:3
The ploughshare is often used to symbolize
creative tools that benefit mankind, as opposed
to destructive tools of war, symbolized by the
sword, a similar sharp metal tool with an
arguably opposite use.
In addition to the original Biblical Messianic
intent, the expression "beat swords into
ploughshares" has been used by disparate
social and political groups.
One of the greatest efforts in this vein has
been various peace movement goals. An example
might be the destruction of nuclear weapons
and the use of that technology in the development
of power sources. Nuclear fission has been
applied to many civilian purposes since its
use at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and nuclear
fusion requires further research before it
can become practical to the same degree.
(read more)
Swords to Plowshares
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Brigadier Samson Simon Sharaf (Retired)
The recent incidents in Gojra are a grim reminder of how existing half laws can be manipulated for personal and political ends. Besides loss of life, property or the reputation of the country, it also reflects an opportunist political system in which strange bedfellows can be espoused for political expediency and where rule of law can be applied selectively. Worse, it exposes false claims of the provincial and federal governments over constant surveillance of banned militant outfits in Punjab.
The entire trail from Jhang to Gojra, Mian Channu and Shantinagar is littered with similar incidents of religiously fanned hatred spearheaded by banned militant outfits. Time and again such incidents take place with impunity and remarkable alacrity. It is to question why the local administration is caught sleeping and why no preventive measures manifest themselves in pre emptive actions.
There is no doubt that the working relationship between the Federal Government and PMLN Government is dysfunctional. It took the Government of Punjab three days to move into a belated action despite warnings given by Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti, the Federal Minister of Minorities Affairs. The provincial government dismissed the factual reporting of the federal minister for over two days and moved reluctantly after all the damage had been done and Faisalabad-Karachi Railway traffic blocked for two days. The Chief Minister has repeatedly postponed his visit to the city citing security reasons. Meanwhile the frustrations continue to grow resulting in resignations of one federal and one provincial minister.
Reportedly, around 18th of July, intelligence agencies had issued a warning to the Government of Punjab of likely incidents of terrorism in which some enclaves of minority Pakistanis could be targeted. Rather than take this information seriously, the provincial government deemed it fit to act as it did, allowing free access to militant outfits for arson and murder. Perhaps they were too engrossed in the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling sparing no moments for the welfare of its citizens.
The entire incident belying the fragility of our system began at a wedding party in Korrian, a Christian village 6 Kms from Gojra on 29 July. A local guest was escorted out of the celebrations for being drunk. He took revenge by leveraging the Blasphemy slogan in cahoots with some local clerics and sleepers of the banned outfits. The Federal Minister Mr. Bhatti moved into action but all his cautions fell on deaf and defiant ears in Lahore.
The Christian enclave in Gojra is located close to Awan Town named after a local property tycoon Mr. Qadeer Awan. Qadeer also runs and controls many local businesses like CNG and Petrol Pumps. He is reputed to be a very influential PMLN member and financier of the party and sleeper militants. He is known to hold the neighbouring Christian enclave in contempt with a long record of confrontation. He saw the incident at Korrian as an opportunity to settle issues and extract advantage. He is the prime suspect in the FIR, registered after 48 hours of delay. Christians allege that he with his team of sons and relatives master minded the entire operation including movement of militants from Jhang and surrounding areas.
These militants moved on public transport with automatic weapons, explosives and incendiaries with complete impunity despite many Police Check Posts en route. Rather than risk confronting heavily armed militants, the baton wielding local police chose to by stand. A nearby sizable Christian Village Chak 424 was put on hold through an expected militant attack. This was done through messages by militants, clerics and local administration. The village was never attacked but the warnings served to block reinforcements to the besieged people of Gojra. The militants were seen taking orders on cell phones as also pass on information. If all calls on cell phones from the area were to be checked during the arson, it would reveal a long trail of connections leading to militant leaders, politicians and handlers residing outside Pakistan.
But there is a positive side too. Neighbouring Muslim communities gave shelter to men, women and children, escorted them out of the area on their own transport and provided food. Some Pakistani NGOs have also established camps and MQM relief has arrived in trucks from as far away as Sindh. Pathetically, the only missing group is the Government of Punjab.
Standing next to seven caskets on the railway crossing at Gojra, I was questioning myself why seven females were burnt alive with incendiaries and why innocent people shot in the head at point blank. As I write this, two more men have succumbed to burn injuries in the local hospital. The Punjab Government made no efforts to evacuate them to a Burn Hospital in Lahore. I ask myself, did they deserve this treatment. Do Pakistani Christians who put the opportunist Unionist of Punjab to shame by aligning with Jinnah deserve this?
Local Christians allege that PMLN Government is reluctant to act because it fears losing its vote bank in the area. The incident has become a political battle ground between PMLN and PPP in which justice, rule of law and criminal accountability would ultimately be eclipsed. I remain in awe of the political system to move beyond its petty politics.
In an environment where the legal community is charged and Supreme Court taking landmark decisions, it is incumbent to take a look at half laws that provide a pretext for mob justice. The Supreme Court needs to re evaluate Section 295 C of the Pakistan Penal Code and direct the Parliament to frame it in a manner, wherein it cannot be exploited or manipulated.
Brigadier Samson Simon Sharaf is a retired officer of Pakistan Army and a political economist.
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