Showing posts with label occupy wall street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label occupy wall street. Show all posts
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Saturday, July 14, 2012
We will occupy the 1% | Occupy Bohemian Grove
Occupy groups from Santa Rosa, San Francisco, Portland, Sebastopol, and Petaluma, are joining some twenty other social justice activist organizations to protest the powerful one-percent elites partying at the Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, California July 14-29.
2,000-3,000 rich and wealthy men have gathered every summer for 133 years in a private 2,800 acre ancient redwood retreat to celebrate themselves with parties, entertainment, and speakers. The men, Bohemian Club members and their guests, will hold a cremation of care ceremony July 14, where they symbolically burn the cares of the world before a giant owl in a bizarre annual ritual.
This year’s protest against the gathering of the world’s political and economic elite is called “Occupy Bohemian Grove, Expose the 1%. Occupy groups across America, and increasingly the world, are working to expose the one percent in control of global resources who are bringing human rights repression, environmental destruction, and war to humankind.
The Fukushima Mothers and Cindy Sheehan are joining the twenty-four co-sponsors for a Creation of Care ceremony, speakers, and music, Saturday, July 14, at the Monte Rio Amphitheater, just outside the gates of the Bohemian Grove. Kris Welsh will MC the day, and Dennis Bernstein, host of Flashpoints on KPFA/Pacifica radio will broadcast live from the event. Russia Today-TV with Abby Martin will film and John Rees with No-Lies Radio will video-cast the day on the Internet...
more: We will occupy the 1% | Occupy Bohemian Grove
occupy wall street,
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
#OccupyNuclear | Corporate Prostitutes | Entergy
new paper - updated daily
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Occupy Nuclear Daily (#OccupyNuclear)
Helen Caldicott: "Educate those Corporate Prostitutes in Congress"
Helen Caldicott "Educate those Corporate Prostitutes in Congress" - YouTubeOn day one of NOW DC ( ) Helen Caldicot speaks at the EPA about nuclear radiation and the need to shut down the dozens of reactors in the United States that are identical to the Fukishima plant and they are also on mostly on fault lines.
< #OccupyNuclear #fukushima #nuclear #nukes #nonukes #antinuclear #occupy
The Activists Occupy Entergy!
The Activists Occupy Entergy! Starring our anti-nuclear heroes! (A homage to "The Artist".) - YouTube
Eight intrepid heroes from the New England Natural Guard affinity group, traveled to New Orleans, the headquarters of nuclear corporation, Entergy. They were there to occupy Entergy HQ on the day that the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor, owned by Entergy, should have ceased operation. Putting up crime scene tapes and holding banners, the group refused to leave without a meeting with Entergy CEO, J. Wayne Leonard. No meeting happened. 7 of the 8 agreed to be arrested, and were detained and released. Their actions came in solidarity with allies in Vermont, 1,000 of whom marched in Brattleboro, while a second affinity group of 5 were arrested at Entergy Regional HQ in White Plains, NY. The State of Vermont voted in February 2010 to shut the 40-year old Vermont Yankee plant when its license expired on March 21, 2012, a decision that was over-ruled by the federal government and Entergy which sued to keep the plant running in defiance of states' rights.
BeyondNuclear1's YouTube Channel
whats up: #OccupyNuclear | Occupy Nuclear Daily (#OccupyNuclear)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Shining the Light on the Triple Meltdown at Fukushima | OCCUPY NUCLEAR
There were ample warnings that both TEPCO and Japan's regulators ignored steps that would have prevented this tragedy. Throughout the world, nuclear oversight has been compromised by the revolving door and cozy relationship between the nuclear industry and the so-called nuclear regulators who promote nuclear power rather than regulate.
Shining the Light on the Triple Meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi on Vimeo | Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo | Updates on Fukushima: | Fairewinds Associates, Inc
- - - NEW NUKES ALERT - - -
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has scheduled a vote for Feb. 9 on Southern Co.’s application for the first construction permit to build nuclear reactors in more than 30 years. The two Westinghouse nukes are already under construction at Plant Vogtle in Georgia.
Note this (meeting) is not to "make a final decision" on the Combined Operating License for the Vogtle units, but to affirm the decision of the earlier mandatory hearing that there are "no environmental or safety reasons not to approve the COL" - once the Commission affirms the hearing findings, the staff is authorized to issue the COL
Your tax dollars at work - The U.S. Energy Department in February 2010 conditionally approved an $8.3 billion loan guarantee to help the company build the two reactors. - this ok with you?
OCCUPY NUCLEAR, February 9, 2012 -
• NRC: Rockville, Maryland | other NRC Locations
• Southern Company: NW Atlanta, GA
• Vogtle Electric Generating Plant: Burke County, near Waynesboro, Georgia
• Westinghouse Nuclear: Cranberry Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania
more info, maps, etc > whats up: OCCUPY NUCLEAR - New Nukes | February 9
got nukes?
want to help? - find your closest nuke plant(s), look up the type and status of the reactor(s) and/or other facilites; and find out who the owners & operators are. then we can talk about some organizing and actions! - who is already working on the nuclear issue in your area? - what next? :)
follow links, comment below... | email rc :)
see also
whats up: Links
who is nuking in your back yard ???
View Larger Map
try a google map search, use the name of your state & see what comes up
note - the page "whats up: OCCUPY NUCLEAR" includes links and an extensive list of nuclear reactors in the US - way more than the "104 operational nukes" that you hear about
see also: FREEZE OUR FUKUSHIMAS - March Against Nuclear Madness!
Beyond Nuclear - Home
Become a co-petitioner to NRC and support the Beyond Nuclear call for the suspension of the 23 Fukushima-style reactors operating in the US.
whats up: RC's NUCLEAR BLOG
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Occupy Wall Street | Unity Day | Occupy Courts
Unity Day
Members of the African-American faith community have joined forces with Occupy Wall Street to launch a new campaign for economic justice inspired by the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Faithful to its philosophical origin, the "Occupy the Dream" coalition has called for a National Day of Action to Occupy the Federal Reserve tomorrow to focus attention on the gross injustice visited upon the 99% by the financial elite. Clergy members and Occupiers in over 16 cities will come together in Austin, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, DC, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Richmond, San Francisco, St. Louis, Wilmington, and beyond. In Manhattan, we will gather tomorrow (Jan. 16th) from 10am to 1pm at 33 Liberty Street (NY, NY 10045)...
more > Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for World Revolution
#J20: Occupy The Courts Nationwide, San Francisco to Occupy Wall Street West
via Occupy Portland:
This is a national day of action (January 20,2011) just one day before the second anniversary of the infamous Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which held that corporations (as people entitled to the rights of the U.S. Constitution) can spend unregulated and undisclosed sums of money in order to influence elections. [There are] over 80 rallies at federal courthouses around the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.
Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for World Revolution
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Shocking Images Show Escalating Violence Against OWS

A man who identified himself as Brendan Watts was beaten to the ground by police officers in Zuccotti Park. According to reports he was injured and suffered a fractured skull after being hit with a baton to the head as police clashed with protesters. Brendan Watts; photo: Occupy Wall St. on Facebook
. Video below
"I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protestors. The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights and the United States will stand up for them everywhere."-Barack Obama,
28 January, 2011
Shocking Images Show Escalating Violence Against OWS
by Beth Buczynski
November 19, 2011
Shocking Images Show Escalating Violence Against OWS | Care2 Causes
November 17th marked the two-month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. To demonstrate resilience and solidarity in the face of coordinated crack-downs, Occupiers around the world organized a massive day of action.
Many of these actions were met with marked violence by law enforcement. At UC Davis, a police officer flippantly pepper-sprayed seated college students at point-blank range while a wall of onlookers documented the heartless act.
Police pepper spraying and arresting students at UC Davis- YouTube. Crowd chants police out of the quad with "Shame On You" and "You Can Go"
Update: The cop who used the pepper spray, reported to be Lt. John Pike, earns $110,000 a year–almost twice that of an experienced assistant professor at UC Davis. Pike’s cell phone number is (530) 752-3989 (confirmed). His email is Tell him what you think of his violence against these kids and the interests that he serves.
A similar scene played out at Occupy Portland, which was completely destroyed by the Portland Police Department last week. On November 17th, 21 Occupy Portland protesters were arrested occupying Chase Bank and Wells Fargo. These actions followed the arrest of twenty-five union members on the Steel Bridge protesting the lack of infrastructure spending and job creation, which was led by We Are Oregon and organized labor.
see Occupy Portland Under Attack: Police Evict Protesters | Care2 Causes
Over twelve instances of pepper spray at point blank range targeting people on the sidewalk, reported Occupy Portland in a statement. Two people were stepped on and pushed down by police horses. At least six people were beaten with batons by the police. Seven people were injured from impacts with police bicycles. One individual suffered an injured back after being forcefully grabbed by a mounted office. One elderly person was taken to the hospital with leg or hip injuries.
“On multiple occasions the police pointlessly endangered demonstrators and ensarled traffic, including a mounted charge of peaceful protesters on a sidewalk, forcing them onto the MAX tracks on SW Yamhill,” said David Osborn.
In New York City, the nexus of the Occupy Wall Street movement, over 30,000 people took to the streets (see above) to protest political and economic injustice, and to show support for the recently evicted Zuccotti Park occupation. Over 100 were arrested at the action, including journalists.
A man who identified himself as Brendan Watts was beaten to the ground by police officers in Zuccotti Park. According to reports he was injured and suffered a fractured skull after being hit with a baton to the head as police clashed with protesters.
see Blood on Wall Street: Violent OWS arrests (GRAPHIC PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT and videos below
At first, OWS protesters were chanting "Put away the riot gear. I don't see no riot here" and '"This is a nonviolent protest". But when police went on with tough arrests – it was "Shame" and "This is what a police state looks like" chants all the way.
At 3pm, thousands of students, workers, and other supporters gathered in Union Square chanting “Shut the city down!” and using the People’s Mic to share stories of how banks and corporate greed have impacted the 99%. Simultaneously, Occupiers took to multiple subway stations in all five boroughs. The day of action culminated when the student strike, labor unions, and various OWS groups took over a number of streets in Lower Manhattan on their way to Foley Square before marching across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Shocking Images Show Escalating Violence Against OWS | Care2 Causes
Brendan Watts videos (New York)
OWS NYPD Bloody Faced & Crying Protester Ugly Arrest - Brendan Watts - YouTube
Man BLOODIED by NYPD at OccupyWallStreet

A woman is blasted with pepper spray during Occupy protests in Portland Thursday. (Randy L. Rasmussen, The Oregonian)
"The dramatic photo of a young woman getting a blast of pepper spray on her face during a mostly peaceful Occupy protest in Portland is destined to become an enduring image of the national movement."
Portland pepper spray incident generates iconic Occupy photo - KDVR
Seattle activist Dorli Rainey, 84, reacts after being hit with pepper spray during an Occupy Seattle protest on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at Westlake Park. Protesters gathered in the intersection of 5th Avenue and Pine Street after marching from their camp at Seattle Central Community College in support of Occupy Wall Street. Many refused to move from the intersection after being ordered by police. Police then began spraying pepper spray into the gathered crowd hitting dozens of people. A pregnant woman was taken from the melee in an ambulance after being struck with spray. Photo: JOSHUA TRUJILLO / SEATTLEPI.COM
Seattle Police officers deploy pepper spray into a crowd during an Occupy Seattle protest on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at Westlake Park. Photo by Joshua Trujillo,
PHOTOS: Elderly woman, pregnant woman hit with pepper spray at Occupy Seattle | Seattle's Big Blog -
New York
Try arresting that!
Occupy Wall St. on Facebook | Wall Photos
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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