Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Women Being Burnt Alive

This is the modern world. 
This here and now.
8 Days of setting fire to women . 
Since the 28th May, 2016:
Iraq :Daesh publicly burns alive 19 Kurdish women for rejecting sex slavery 
Italy: woman burnt alive with cigarette lighter
USA: Male uses 2-gallon gas can and a lighter to burn a woman
Pakistan:15 year old girl burned.
South Africa :a man poured petrol over a Limpopo woman and set her alight.
Just in case you thought this only happened during the witch trials and to Joan of Arc


Monday, June 6, 2016

Alien Base Formation In Apollo Moon Photo

Report Accuses Mexico of Crimes Against Humanity in Drug War - The New York Times

Report Accuses Mexico of Crimes Against Humanity in Drug War - The New York Times:

 "MEXICO CITY — Two days after Jorge Antonio Parral Rabadán was kidnapped by a criminal gang, the Mexican Army raided the remote ranch where he was a prisoner and killed him. As he instinctively raised his hands in defense, the soldiers fired over and over at point-blank range."

'via Blog this'

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Riddick Official Motion Comic - Blindsided


Miyamoto Musashi AMV

Men in Black falling out of fashion

there are so people
you dont know
unless you put 
on the tinfoil

they are the men in black
and who they work for
is still a mystery 
while their public faces
are well spread
like the Bushes
on a hedge fund
the real masters
are invisible

How long through war
and pillage
buying at the sounds
of howitzers and selling
when the doves cry
have they whipsawed
the human world
into their own design

Reality has its own
number one
seems to be global warming
number two 
seems to be 9 billion humans
and 2 billion jobs
something will break
it will be worse than an earthquake\
because man made events
are predictable \

Things keep going until they stop

The 2016 Summer Games in Brazil will be a big speedometer
letting us know how close the 6th Civilisation is to zero.
Jah Man only Jesus can save it.

Cable car to sugar loaf mt

I was in Rio during the time of the civil war in Lebanon, at that time the US State department concluded Lebanon was a safer place for Americans than Brazil. As I Canadian I felt very safe there, but all joking aside it was a very dangerous place for civilians even then. Things have gotten much worse.  Latin America is our dystopian future. Maybe speaking latin was too much.

Maybe some hope, cause I had a excellent time there. I have visited most of the so called great cities and Rio has a vibe that is number one.

That red Canterbury shirt was also number one. I totally endorse thier clothing.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Ramses II Luxor

The Revelation

Jews are just like you and me with beter overall culture

I am a culture junkie and have the street creed of travelling to most parts of the world to back it up. Never been to Israel, don't believe in the first testament, but I know if there is a culture the world would not regret emulating its the Jewish one. The Koreans, Japanese and especially the Chinese are way more Frengi than the Jews. If you think Jews are about money
that's your opinion, but I say that culture is the thing they bankroll. 

Look around our world today, what do you watch, who are the old masters, what brings joy to your life. Yep at least 20% is Jewish if you believe in fractals. 80% if your Netanyahoo,

I am going to say something very cruel here. The Palistineians are a beatan people who refuse to go to the police to get help. Nihilisim is beautiful to the suicidal.

Steve may be a living God working backwords

I went to the doctor today
because I had a problem
and it was the best way
to make it temporarily go 

But being professional
they had to look at
me inside and out
and thats scary
when your almost 60
and have lived
a life mostly racing
to die young
and leave a 
nice corpse
a regular JFK

The results under
the circumstances
where fucking amazing
I am a video game
obviously what does not
kill me makes me stronger
and I swear i am getting younger
like I am the future
baby ENYDayMoon.

The way things are going
and the way the game is changing
I still think its possible
I will play in the NHL
sorry Gordie I will elbow
your age thing

Antisemitism by Zionists

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Oscar Wilde

“Man is made for something better than disturbing dirt. 
All work of that kind should be done by a machine.”

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

How You Are Enslaved And Why You Dont Know It

Murder Mystery on Noahs Ark

Wa habi's sitting pretty
without a single care
multiple pneumatic deveices
one for every day of the weeek
if one gets old
you do not even have to trade
just make a deal
for a new 12 year old

This goes on every day
in oil rich parts of the world
and worse happens
when they have no money
so lets stop calling bees
who only sting
something like honey

Every religion has silly hats
and tats
and supernatural tenants that
make it special
and all believe in love and peace
beneath their sword
beneath their vengeance
beneath the expulsion
or death
for the blasempmahs
for the mind that can
not except thier God
is a virus worse than
needs to be terminally wiped out
the one time that religion and science
its over imoluuigy

Religion is a powerful thing
its is the primary OS of
the lizard brain
all data must go throught
that firewall
to keep safe
the secret
that religions only
purpose is to rule
us all

I grew up a Christian in a small town
where an Orange God
and a Catholic purple God
were in constant conflict
and at the local
it meant children of differant
Gods could not fall
in love
but for sure they did
and the fathers
dammed them to hell
for that
just being faithful

All the great religions
have very bloody pasts
but today its 2016
and we can all mostly do
and taking blood for religion
is just the last resort
for the ultimate

A fool who cant
see the world is
more than just God's
no its a human artifact
we control our future
stupid and unworthy as
we are
humans are the ones
driving this armoured car

Our driving is very erratic
if God was a cop
for sure he would pull us over
for driving drunk

I have no special hard on for Islam
I could live real nice in KL or even Jakarta
Ipoh or Penany
all places where if
you want to live
you got to pay
the Muslims
a dime

A revolution is comming
its comming quick
when the body politic
says religion is trash
its waste on our brains
its a control system
now gone insane
because everyone realizes
it was all Kardashian
and not based upon

You can draw lots of blood from
the lizard mind
but due to evolution
thinkers will come
and drink that blood'
like cum in the face
and declare
its full of AIDS
for human kind
and I will die
to save my son
and my daughter
from you
of human nature
who believe
we will not find out

Case study's are the way
to look at any failure
and for humanity
this is a big file
but we should never
close the book
humans every day
are advancing close
to Gods
with gillglions of keystrokes
and AI brains
and we wil be Gods
within my lifetime
I just hope the bureaucrats of hope
wANT  to persevere my Genome

Case study at the crime scene or
maybe it was an act of God
or maybe the surviers
thought they were blessed
and told the twisted tale
like Jonah who rode
around the world
powered by a Whale tale

Case study of Noah
who like most celebrities
has no last name
because he saved humanity
with just one boat
and who was aboard that thing
that would never float
a zero percent of biological
I suggest it was just

Something bad was going to happen
on the environment supporting life
and NOAH was commissioned
to let the earth recover
from this impact
and so committed by GOD
or some other beau racy
named Good Outcomes Division
gave him a massive task
at first he said I cant do it
I have not got the power capitan
but then spock did a mind meld and
here we are

Case study today
we uncover Gods secrects with
expotentaial discovery every day
its a race between reason
and discovery
a drag where
the future is not
welcome by
the Kings and  comprises Queens
because for sure if they were
women they would refuse
to vote for
a Mysocige
society ruled
by elites
when the common man
must be put down by contrails
because Malthuis who had to be executed
was right
the earth is a space ship and only
can be crewed by a limited number
now this number is in the billions
which it hard for most humans 
to comprehend when they can not count
past their fingers and toes
and of the 9 billion forcast
the majority will not be able 
to count past twenty

Imagine a scenario where 
instead of being executed on the spot 
for having a virus
you where executed for
your lack of intelligence
how Nazi
how heart of darkness
but when the world
goes into quadratic attack
the glue in the system
will be cleared with authority

You know what I always hate
when a doctor a life bringer
a preserver of precious
boklduy fluids for life
is killed
same goes for any smart human
who could acutally save us
if the lowbrow did not think

Doctors with out Borders 
are today being slaughtered in Syria
and if you believe Assad the buther\that his is
does thins  you need a lobotatoy,

The world is in a criss , an extinction event
hear my voice if you will
but I have solutions
they already exist
just listen to the voices
that push
sustainable discovery/

Monday, May 30, 2016


many worlds

fucked my way up to the top

Chyralis Life Raft no chance on the right

Life for the human animal on this earth
measured by the mean for millions if not billions
of years
has been
brutish nasty and short

Perhaps teh epitome of hypocrites
Winston Churchill said of the British Empire

its greatest achievements
via the navy which brought
it no setting sun

Rum Sodomy and the Lash

I was born in 1958
a love child of the
Hungarian uprising
God obviously did
not want me to be
a communist
cause he raised
me from birth in Canada

At the time of my revolutionary birth
the average lifespan for a white man
in America was 66 years.
Today I am 57 and like so many
of my peer could whip the ass
of most 30 year olds from 1990
in any competition you might image
fists of fury
fire on ice
or just better ways
to make love
and give birth

Today the average lifespan for men in Canada
is moving towards 90 years
in America its a bit c complicated
as they are already in the opening
stages of civil war
Just to make life simple
I have 30 more years to
fuck around now
then the day upon

which I was born

and for a mortal
that is golden

My children both born
in 1992 will they also see
a leap to 120
and play in the NHL until

Who fucking realy knowns
but the one thing we can all
see is that 50 is old no more
its a lifestyle choice
DNA science brings us franken fish
and mutated crops
looking like huge profits
and rule of the
way to a mans heart
through his stomach

and I must digress
that may be the most sexist
thing ever said
men care way more about the
cock and the brain
than the stomach

even the guys
pushing 350

Why does a turtle live
a thousand years?
We will know this soon
and be able to design
these jeans
and our asses
will be tight
and the Kardashians
will fail
cause everyone
who wants to look
that stupid
can do it on trial
and I am still not
Gay, so I do not understand
stringent people doing anal

Dolphin people and
crocodile psychopaths
will fill the tabloids
as crazy people
grow fantasy crops
from sciences toil
and in the same breath
they fly with DNA

they will put scientist
to death

because they protest
to much

this is the human condition
psychopathic intelligent
silver back powered
with the femes
the pussy rules

This should have
gone with the science
and left back the ways
and means

I cant imagine how
the pre civs that existed
in Scandinavia, Mesoptiania
and what we call South America
self destructed

but as we can see
they did not leave
any big bomb pieces
which is to be expected
cause a million years
could have passed between
each epoch

and all we have left as
evidence in impossible stone engineering
crystal skull
and hyroglipichs

Word of mouth dont work so
well when disrobing
a billion manometers

It works great when telling
stories about Gods
who walked and water
flew they skies
and could print food'
for the masses

One incandescent bulb bringing light on its
own a trillion leave mankind left behind
so lets all go LED

and save this worthy civilization
filled with mostly friends

and enemies
would never exist
if we could all just break bread

on any day
with out starvation
the other 7

lets sweep away with math
all the nonsense
there is not afro American solution

to two plus two
their is no Muslim Pie
there is no Christian
let alone manifest destiny
that is clearly a lie
Stop the lies
save the civilization
trust the future to scientist and bureaucrats
because the politicians
have filled their pockets
with gold and
will be the first to sink
when the oceans
come to be the wons
to be told
cant be told

The New Rulers of the World

The Death of Freedom

You move to the left seeking what's right
Then light the candle to guide your sight
You think you are a free man in a world of fools
But freemen are nothing but slaves, but tools
The Empire crashed in forty-five but the dream
survived, Imperialism's alive.

They work thirty six hours to make you shoes
Corporates uinterested in their views of
What is just, of what is fair so long as the dollar
increases its share. As long as it does what do you care?
The flags still fluttering, the nations still there.

The Union Jack is red, white and blue
The Stars and Stripes of similar hue
You'd have thought the New World
Would learn from the old but no you've
Made it bigger, your hearts just as cold.

Its a chill calculus where Corporations rule
In America, In Britain and in the EU
The third world exists in a debt of our creation
All subject to the dictate of one single nation
Raise your filled glasses up high to the sun
Democracy has died State Capitalism has won