Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Murder Inc

Image result for images of Trump dancing swords
A lone wolf
according to plan
now is severed
endlessly by 72
virgins for taking
the life of 22 children

Can one blame Islam for this
its different than Priest endlessly
diddling alter boys
for centuries
there are no passages in the
Bible that celebrate suicide

All religions are nothing more
than control mechanisms
humans like all other animals
are nothing more than higher
level Pavlov's dogs

If the west really wants to stop
this plague
point out were all the funding
and thinking and
everything elses
comes from

Case in point
we have Shite
which you can say Iran
we have Sunni which
you can say Saudi Arabia
911 was a Sunni group
ISSIS, Al Queda and the Taliban
are all Sunni
Hamas is Shite
know your

Thursday, May 18, 2017

I apologize for being honest and direct

Image result for imagavis of old school
Its just my old school nature

Brain magic | Keith Barry


Image result for images of the 12 m
The answer is easy given the question
and the intelligence of the current

Our civilization may be failing
or maybe its global hysteria
someone should be able to give
a definitive answer to the question
are we Kardashians
or  Sagans

We can not find 11 honest men
and one intellect to challenge the
finding monogamist our 7 Billion citizens
the answer is there
its clear


Monday, May 8, 2017

Cultual Output per person

Cultural output per person
is the measure of a great
unless you believe
the reason to be alive
is to make hay

Ever had to manage people
well there is nothing
golden or life
about the rule
of one person
over another
and in the end
its going
to be nasty
and a death
where everyone
even your best
are going to say
good riddence

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Who is the Bond Villain in the French election>

Both maybe. Now that would be a Roschfield first.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Charity is just another adverb covering for a noun

Image result for images of charity fraud
Charity is just a way
to give a 10% cut
to a 100% robbery

If you could judge 20th century
society by the state of their
public toilets
you can judge the 21st
by the definitions
of charity

Dystopia is a man made enviorment

Image result for images of utopia
I wish big Pharma and big entertainment and the industrial military complex had
a solution for nihilism.

Thats my anti dystopian statement
as if I should just take the F35 news
of destruction at every level
and use it to construct
a perfectly level
for the dark

Its never been darker
before the dawn
but nowdays
someone has patented
the dawn
and they went
and its tied
up in the courts

and until the settlement
its going to be dark


Hey Hey Hi
get happy
we are living in
a golden age
believe me now
and I will prove
it later
like the Trump
its all yellow or golden
on top with a shade
of rouge

Very unlikely we are going to blow
ourselves up in a nuclear war
hey thats great
All the slow steady ways to end
ourselves are all in play
but humans do this
always every day
drugs, eating
or lack of exercise
so all we got to do
is make the planet
do yoga
and we will


Monday, May 1, 2017

Fanfare for the Common Man

Church of the SubGenius

J. R. "Bob" Dobbs is the figurehead of the Church of the SubGenius. His image is derived from a piece of 1950s clip art. According to SubGenius dogma, "Bob" was a drilling equipment salesman who, in 1953, saw a vision of God (JHVH-1 according to Church scriptures) on a television set he had built himself. The vision inspired him to write the "PreScriptures" (as described in the Book of the SubGenius) and found the Church. The theology holds that "Bob" is the greatest salesman who ever lived, and has cheated death a number of times. He is also revered for his great follies and believed to be a savior of "slack". He was assassinated in San Francisco in 1984, though the Church states that he has come back from the dead several times since then.

The quotation marks in "Bob's" name are always included when spelling his name, according to the Church. According to Revelation X; The "Bob" Apocryphon, "Bob" was born in Dallas, Texas, to Xinucha-Chi-Xan M. Dobbs (a pharmacist) and Jane McBride Dobbs. At an early age he possessed a talent for making large amounts of money by playing the stock market over the telephone. He married his wife Connie in Las Vegas in 1955 and worked as a photographer's model while inventing and patenting novelty gag items. In 1957 he worked weekends doing Evangelical Christian preaching "strictly for the money". (read more)