Monday, November 9, 2015

Jimi Hendrix - The Star Spangled Banner American Anthem Live at Woodstock 1969

Flush the Harper Turd TPP

Free Trade is a great economic idea. In practise it has become a race to the bottom. Now with the TPP it has become a clever way for the MAN to use lawsuits to eliminate even basic protections or power of governments to regulate business. It should be called the Ferengi .Trade Mistake.mistake

The most successful intellectual property rights developer in Canadian history says the deal turns Canada into a intellectual farm team for the the USA pro MAN team. The Harper team negotiated a deal so lousy it can not be believed. For example in 5 years Canada will have to allow Japanese cars duty free. The USA gets 30 years protection. WTF!!!!!! The document is chock full of Canada bending over for no good reason. Harper sold us out.

The Honourable Chystia Freeland wants to hear from Canadians.

Please leave a comment on the 24th (with a bullet now) most influential Internet lawyers blog. My suggestion below. Then email the minister with the link.

How about we shred this 30,000 page permanent prison document, shape it into a giant dildo, and stick it up Harper's ass for permanent archiving.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

obama tells the truth about aliens

Bar - Code

Zombie Apocalypse Training

Answer to the question why all the Zombies


We have Zombies
they are everywhere
eating up the content
of today
like brains
and burping
the truth
we are 
never safe
so says the 
lizard brain

I love Zombies
I love the Apocalypse
because I have an 
exaggerated sense
an do not drive
a V W 
of the shame
its like a car
has become
in more than name
and we are talking
about the people
that brought you the Holocaust
and now I just have to wonder
if this was a big mistake
or something wrong
with a beautiful people
that make them think
that they can cheat
and change the place
because they know the answer
but the time to get
there will make 
the train late
so why not run over
a few pedestrians
if we can achieve the goal
which we no longer know
cause we long ago
sold our souls

Zombies Zombies Zombies
we got Zombies
Zombies and Zombies
and town criers
wake up Zombies
but you might as well
try to teach a Baptist 
to dance when 
they are not underwater
near death\
getting saved
by having 
their head held 
down in the drink
while the evil
flows like water
around them
so cleansing of
invisible sins
that humans
do do do do
but we should
never forget the 
big one

The big one is letting the
Zombies win
I wear a tinfoil hat 
with pride
like you wear
a sports branded
baseball cap

My cap cost me
about 50 cents
and a lifetime 
of origami
but it fits
and can transform
can your planet killing
polyester formed by 
slave labour duplicate

If your still reading
you gotta wonder why
we still do not know
why the Zombies
are in our minds
like vampires
and in every household
they are thinking aboot
armour up and
buying more crossbow arrows

There is a simple explanation
if you read the paper of record
the grey lady
the New York Times
It brings you Paul Krugman
but for the most part the 
rest of the paper is pure
the most effective
number station ever
for the MAN
to disseminate the big lie
and give fuel to the
reality distortion field
that takes so much energy
it must fail
and the CIA know
this and thus Zombies

Zombies are plan B
Like a doctor that 
has diagnosed 
his own death
the CIA 
has given us
that is their 

Did that explanation make little sense
then step down to the pedestrian explanation
the powers that be know
we are going to have major trauma
and they are prepping us with the Zombie
so when they head shoot you down on the street
your relatives will not complain so 
its just part of the show.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Bowling Tricks with Andy Varipapa (1948)

Wrong Turn Right

I took a wrong turn
but it all turned out all right
because  I ran straight into you
I have traveled millions of miles
without a hitch
but a simple mistake
an life goes on the dipstick
the invisible hand is always
pushing me around
making it hard to avoid
the commonplace
at least it treats me better
than the marketplace

What is the purpose
what am I supposed to do
why give me the opportunities
when you know
exactly to the day
when i WILL be willing
give me weeds whites and wine
and show me a sign
and Ill be moving
to kick tomorrow
you know I will always kick tomorrow
but today is all savour
and yesterday
has completely passed

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Justin Trudeau sworn in a PM

to love and say goodbye

"We the mortals touch the metals,

the wind, the ocean shores, the stones,

knowing they will go on, inert or burning,
and I was discovering, naming all these things:

it was my destiny to love and say goodbye."


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

tired of my fat ass

I am tired of sitting on my ass
its not that fat
but its still
killing me slowly
like an accelerator
of the the Bob Dylan
song that states
those that are not busy being Born
are busy Dying
are busy dinning
so many people
today so busy doing
it reminds me of the game
of thrones only in the real
world its not the winter
the rulers fear
for the cold can be fatal
long before heat cuts you
and as Hitler and Napoleon
learned the hard way and one
was a stupid dunce not to know
the trek to Russian
is a motherfucker
trying to catch hold of his
mother in six feet of snow

Today that is history past
and in the present people sit all
day on big fat asses
and bony petite ones
and every kind of ass
you have ever seen
or can ever imagine
has sat on a chair
likely way more
than is healthy

Project Fat Ass
eyes only officers in
the Zombie and Space Lizard defence force
those who race relativity
with no chance of their exploits
being seen
still Jones Spaceman did
not to see a tricorder equipped
space suit to know
his ass was numb
and he should
kickback with someone
if it got bad enough
or just in general make
a move like water
water can flow or it can
be like water my friends
the zombies cant swim

Project Fat Ass
has two cheeks
that must be kissed
that's why every part of the project
mention is already there
in the countries where the double peck
is de riguer

Make the people walk and take transit
and make that a better experience than driving
in the lump sum. Sugartax the fat down causes just like
alckool tabak, and soon to be advanced smoke and cake dope,
To govern with best effect
the leader should be guided
by the principles that break the most
bricks and the least hands
when concrete and human will collide
Good government can make Canada bulletproof
sitting mostly above the USA
we have climate change blowing wind
into our sales due to Geographic size
and salt and pepper scarce population

Make the world the citizens live in pleasant
posh is a roller coaster
most only the lonely survive
the rest of the gilded participants
falling off the yacht
dinning at the last camp before
the summit at Everest
or blowing both your
lungs scuba diving
in the Maris trench because you
far exceed the depth
humans could tolerate
I know it was mostly
a simple mistake
because the actor
did not know
there was no movie
no script
no guidance
just improv 24/7 in a world
where the majority of the population
are all some kind of joker in disguise
you just dont know what the card
will do until your in the game

They do it in Europe
THey have done it for 50 years
for me thats a lifetime of wage slavery
compared to my Euro brothers
and to tell the truth I loved all my jobs
and always do my best to make sure the
customer is happy and loyal and wants
to buy the rest as soon as the budget
is approved
be that the partner
or the CEO
the principle is the same
its just that the consequences
do not remain quite
the same
but if you get lucky and
pick the right door
the tunnel in the sky
appears and you walk
through to a world
where people flew
and thought and
just buggered off alot
yet the Firma prosper
because they work smart
and use capital like it was
intended, not buying additional space
for men when a Robot can compact
that footprint like a a supermodel trying to
hide her size 15 on the runway

sometimes when the day has been rough
i put up my feet at the end of the day
and just stare at them endlessly
until a hit comes to my head
from my life monitor
and it tells me move
get off your fat ass

I have felt this same impulse
in so many ways
and diverse locations
strewn all around
the big circle of the
world upon which
we all walk
has anyone ever ever
we will sit upon the world
cause even though way to many
people think that way
no one would ever do it
cause it sounds stupid
now if only we could
get dictators and elected fascists
to agree
you want to walk the world
and enjoy a place where
your just a visitor
at streelevel
not some kind of purchase
prince striding around
with no clothes but
worse abhorrent dignity

My revolutions is starting today
and its called
get off your fat ass in anyway
if you need to full Tyler Durden
I suggest you watch Mr Robot
before you blow anything up
or take blood
that will cut you back
cause the ying and the yang
spend most of their time
on coupling bad deeds
than freeing the good

Paul McCartney Band on the Run

Stuck inside these four hemispheres
Been living here forever
Turns out climate change was no game
Like you, sugar daddy
You, daddy got oil...

If we survive a 100 years
Thats my thought today all the way
To a safe galaxy
All I need 1000 light years an hour
If I ever find earth three
Earth three Earth three

Well, the glacier exploded with a mighty crash
As we fell into the desalinated sea
And the first one said to the second one there,
"I hope you're having fun."
cause I cant swim
and there is polar bear
on your six

Human on the run, human on the run
And the jailer man,
was Exxon
and unbelievably it was all
done according to plan
Were searching everyone
For Exxon on the run, Exxon on the run.
For Exxon and friends on the run, Enron on the run.

Well, the paid economist 
drew a heavy sigh
Seeing no one else had bothered
to read what he wrote
and was about to be spoke today
and anyone who knows anything
is an Economist is person who
reads tea leaves written in phony math
and attempts to explain
why the invisible hand
should not be sent to the land
where Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy
and the Easter Bunny reside.

Ok man you are walking down the street
you have on your power clothes
and by chance its New York City
where the game is always
rigged half way
And a bell was ringing in the village square
For the billionaires who placed the whole
chip on the past
when any rational thinker
must know the future is
way ahead.

Band on the run, band on the run
And the jailer man,
And sailor Sam
Were searching everyone
For the band on the run, band on the run.

Yeah, the band on the run
The band on the run
Band on the run
Band on the run

Well, the night was falling
As the desert world began to settle down
In the town they're searching for us everywhere
But we never will be found

Band on the run, band on the run
And the county judge, who held a grudge
Will search for ever more.
For the band on the run
Band on the run
Band on the run
Band on the run

Run Run Run away
I guess to Mars
when this planet is dead
at least you will still have the interne
and anything important will
all be on screen
so whats to miss
you never smell the grass
anymore anyway
its just another task to hire
out when you manage a house
a place you used to live
before it made more
profit to farm out
for a nickel
for a dime for
a dollar
for what the poor bugger
who cleans your can
sops up in a day
when the subway
says overtime

I cant live in a dirty world
I have been there
believe me
but to visit is not to paint
a place
where dirt is part of the
not a germaphobe
just dont like my poop
in the face in anyway

a prison for your mind

Monday, November 2, 2015

two choices

Smiling Buddha, Angkor Wat

No matter where you are or what you're doing,

you have only two choices in life,

to be happy or not to be happy.

Which one do you choose?

There is no way to happiness,

happiness is the way.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

On Socialism

Socialism is a system which makes the corporate unity of society responsible for all its economic processes, or all those affecting life and essential living. If anything important is sold, the Government has sold it; if anything important is given, the Government has given it; if anything important is even tolerated, the Government is responsible for tolerating it. This is the very reverse of anarchy; it is an extreme enthusiasm for authority. It is in many ways worthy of the moral dignity of the mind; it is a collective acceptance of very complete responsibility… A Socialist Government is one which in its nature does not tolerate any true and real opposition. For there the Government provides everything; and it is absurd to ask a Government to provide an opposition.

You cannot go to the Sultan and say reproachfully, “You have made no arrangements for your brother dethroning you and seizing the Caliphate.” You cannot go to a medieval king and say, “Kindly lend me two thousand spears and one thousand bowmen, as I wish to raise a rebellion against you.” Still less can you reproach a Government which professes to set up everything, because it has not set up anything to pull down all it has set up. Opposition and rebellion depend on property and liberty… The critic of the State can only exist where a religious sense of right protects his claims to his own bow and spear; or at least, to his own pen or his own printing press. It is absurd to suppose that he could borrow the royal pen to advocate regicide or use the Government printing presses to expose the corruption of the Government. Yet it is the whole point of Socialism, the whole case for Socialism, that unless all printing presses are Government printing presses, printers may be oppressed.

Everything is staked on the State’s justice; it is putting all the eggs in one basket. Many of them will be rotten eggs; but even then you will not be allowed to use them at political elections.

G.K. Chesterton

H. G. Wells - Things to Come 1936

Thursday, October 29, 2015

All of my life I never heard a trance song better than this

The Beauty of Black Holes

Singularity comes to everyman
who enters your orbit
which for those with
2020 vision
is about 7 meters
Most men can work
the problem and find the exhaust
me I fell right into
your heart
with no chance of
not being
star crossed

Black holes of beauty
breaking men's hearts
Black holes of beauty
something men
do not understand
a phenomena
that tears us apart

When beauty absorbs everything
there is no sunlight
just phenomenal eyes
the last thing you see
before you transition
from human
into the unexplored physics
of love
in a black hole

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

UFO News

Mr Robot

Mainstream subversive culture
made because we are not awake
its hard to believe its on TV
somehow the Man
made a big mistake.

Eight hours of good amusement

with two hours of pure joy
that is Mr Robot
season one

To say anything more

would spoil the fun