Life is like
smashing atoms...
"Shit happens"
I dream of a Star Trek world. This think tank will focus on creative actions designed to initiate a global paradigm shift towards a world where racism, poverty and war will be a thing of the past.
Not all gift cards are redeemed,
which can be for a multitude of reasons.
Common reasons may include loss of the card,
time decay (expiration and fees),
personal uninterest in the store
that the card is accepted, complex
rules of redemption, and the attempt
of the recipient to save money for the giver.
It has been estimated that perhaps
10% of cards are not redeemed,
amounting to a gain for retailers
of about $8 billion in the US in 2006.
Gift cards may seem attractive but
they are just another marketing device
designed to drain you of your cash,
you are giving your money away
for free when you choose gift cards.
$$$$!!!! 8 Billion !!!!$$$$
Those who control the present...
control the past...
And those who control the past...
control the future.
...Niccolò Machiavelli...
Dallas Texas, November 22, 1963
It is not the "government"
that has you bound...
it is the $ingle-minded
corporate "entities" that control it
You are not content with
polluting your planet
Now you have made your
outer space a junk yard too
Within the vast debris field
there are tens of millions of
small fragments and an estimated
19,000 at 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) or heavier
The Kessler Syndrome will soon render
space exploration, and even the use of
satellites, infeasible for many generations
What's new pussycat? Woah, Woah
What's new pussycat? Woah, Woah
Pussycat, Pussycat
I've got flowers
And lots of hours
To spend with you.
So go and powder your cute little pussycat nose!
Pussycat, Pussycat
I love you
Yes, I do!
You and your pussycat nose!
What's new pussycat? Woah, Woah
What's new pussycat? Woah, Woah
Pussycat, Pussycat
You're so thrilling
And I'm so willing
To care for you.
So go and make up your cute little pussycat face!
Pussycat, Pussycat
I love you
Yes, I do!
You and your pussycat face!
What's new pussycat? Woah, Woah
What's new pussycat? Woah, Woah
Pussycat, Pussycat
You're delicious
And if my wishes
Can all come true
I'll soon be kissing your sweet little pussycat lips!
Pussycat, Pussycat
I love you
Yes, I do!
You and your pussycat lips!
You and your pussycat eyes!
You and your pussycat nose!
...Tom Jones...
(video clip)
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of
every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest
thereof thou shalt surely die.The Temptation of Adam and
Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Sistine Chapel
The Universe is a big place...
...the mathematical possibility that other
intelligent space faring life forms exist is
...I think we are not alone.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Military expenditure in market exchange rate dollar terms.
------World Total------------------1,158.0--------------2.41
1----United States-------------------985.7-------------12.99
2----United Kingdom-----------------59.2---------------2.49
9----Saudi Arabia--------------------29.0---------------8.32
11---South Korea--------------------21.9---------------2.47
Mr. Natural sez,
use the right tool for the job.
When asked,
what is the meaning of life?
he responded,
"it don't mean shit."
R. Crumb