Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saying Nothing At All

Watching Face The Nation, this morning, Bob Schieffer interviews Rahm Emanuel, the USA's upcoming Chief of Staff. Bob made a very interesting statement at the close of this morning's program. I wish I could quote him, verbatim, but... being exact is for the sake of argument, yes? Often, it is the essence that is important to remember... and the thought that Bob imparted, this morning, was this: ... 'sometimes saying nothing at all is the best way to communicate'... I couldn't agree more. We have to know when to speak and when to be silent to keep the proper energy moving. It's, sometimes, a hard pill to swallow, but it works. I've been practicing for years, but have failed to perfect it... but... I'm getting much better.


Oilsforfun said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHH saying nothing is a powerful verb
Your mind is saying something?
Your emotions are still?
while saying nothing what are you saying?
Are you?

Oberon said...


Shimmerrings said...

... ditto...