Monday, March 6, 2017

The Russkei ate my homework

The Russkies are coming 
the Russkies are coming
do you know why
its called a successful
and no one in 
all the other 
palaces wants 
to pay that price

Russia is mostly a threat
to itself
given the demographics
and low birth rate
the Russkies
only want to
stabilise their
own motherland
not make babies
in the colonies

The military industrial complex
always needs justification
and the Russians
have always refused
assimilation until
Yeltsin just get drunk
and said what
the fuck

Putin is picking up the pieces
of national self esteem
and working to channel 
all the corruption
to Russian friends
not the authors
of the shock treatment

Former KGB has he done
things worse than former
George Herbert Walker Bush?

The men in black are
always preparing the battlefield
for future conflict
and they are running 
out of credible enemies
so its time for the Russskies
once more because this 
is the final time
never again
will the system
lay credibility
to make
K street
the smartgravitisguy
women or alien hybrid

Obama and Hilary will never
be prosecuted the secrets 
are too deep
but to compare whats
happening now with 
Watergate is water boarding

Watergate allegedly 
was a CIA pincher
for Nixon's balls
to keep him
from investigating
Kennedy's demise
where he was set up
by Pepsi to be
in Dallas

Bob Wood wad a
CIA asset
made the case
and everyone
loved it 

In the Obama legacy
vs the Russians
the fingerprints
are much much much
much more clear
Someone was tapping
Trump all through the later
stages of the campaign
and like his mind
they came up 
empty but
what a stain
what a revelation
that its totally true
politics in not
bean ball
some of that is true
and the rest just
lies used to 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Golden Age Frontiers

SnowMexicant Daily Diary Jewish Cemetary Desecration Editon

Image result for images of let them eat cake

I was once so very young

and prone to just do anything

and while I never did

toppling headstones

might have been a kick

but I never did

because it would be

so wrong

I knew dead people

and have they not already

suffered enough


As the ooze starts to leak

from the primordial swamp

that Trump is filling up

lets realise

we all should agree

on certain salient


like gravity

use it as a starting point

and work backwards

to the point where

reality distortion

is possible

because so

far we cant build

castles in the sky

but we can appreciate

that every human

so far is going to die

and they had fathers

and mothers daughters

and sons

brothers and sisters

and friends

who laughed so hard

liquids sprouted from the nasal


Humanity is an enterprise that

has no embarrassment

no shame

because anything that

has been done

will be done

by anyone

that's a fact

you cant fake

news that

Now like children

we continue to grow up

as a society and are getting

very close to propriety

now that the majority

knows that we are

all the same under the sun

and its only the man

that want to play

games filed with illusions

and prestidigitation

that prove forever

they are number


So brothers and sisters

of every stripe and sexual

religious and cultural orientation

lets embrace each other

with love and defeat the man

who tells us always

its a voice from above

we must listen too

while we on the ground

grind it out every day

to make those that can

hear Gods voice


when really if you

translate all the messages

using math

the truth

is all they are


is let them

eat cake

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Parliament of Rooks

When rooks gather
It is called a parliament.
In a circle collected
With one at the centre,
Arcane and sinister
They listen in judgment
Then either leave
Or kill the one.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Energy is the dicatator

The ten commandments 
are in situ commendable
for how can we live as
species if our number one
goal was killing everyone
who was not under our control

Its 2017 and everyone knows
natural law was a bust
that God did not speak
to one single individual
from every religion
and exclude the rest
from this most important

New laws for a new
time and our 
sheriff is a pyscist
who understand the
laws of thermodynamics
this is Gods thumbprint
on the security measure
made to prevent
crazy people 
from living

Transaction costs
they consume most 
of the energy from
any transformation
be it solid to liquid
or liquid to gas
there is energy
everywhere never
consumed just
changing like
David Bowie
killing Kieth Moon
and keeping 
Kieth Richards
alive forever

We need a new Opec
a world ruled
by thermodynamic logic
not oily politicians
I do not trust one
human one vote
because I have know
many dogs
that make better
decisions than
never forget
about the elephants

Surrender to science
and have orgasms
on demand
because that
is science
its Pavlov's
not radioactive
hiding in Fukashimas
olive Sky's
and burned out 
and massive
die off
that cant
be controlled

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

the mind surrenders the mind that is still...

the whole universe surrenders...

lao tzu.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

very simple

"My religion 

is very simple.

My religion is kindness."

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

the end is near !

"The more you know, 

the crazier you look."

Friday, February 10, 2017