Thursday, December 31, 2015

Isn't It A Pity?

"Isn't it a pity

Now, isn't it a shame

How we break each other's hearts

And cause each other pain

How we take each other's love

Without thinking anymore

Forgetting to give back

Isn't it a pity

Some things take so long

But how do I explain

When not too many people

Can see we're all the same

And because of all their tears

Their eyes can't hope to see

The beauty that surrounds them

Isn't it a pity"

Sunday, December 27, 2015

"Michelle Obama is a man" says Joan Rivers

Bert Jansch - Folk Legends 1

Bert Jansch
3 November 1943 – 5 October 2011

Highly rated guitar player. Jimmy Page massively influenced by his style.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The world does not matter

Thus is the evil that is facebook
we need to be ourselves in private
because exposed we are
totally human
there is no chance for people
in the human calculas
if everything is on facebook

Christmas the ultimate created celibration going back to 300AD

Happy Christmas everyone. Peace on earth and goodwill to all men, to bad those that profit from Christmas never read their own message.

Rubbing Shoulders and Finding the ONE

Rubbing shoulders with Presidents
oil barons Saudi scum lords
and neo wealthy Chinese
I always remember
it was your shoulder
that was the best
I would not trade you
for a bullet proof vest
in Falliuji
cira 2003
looking into the
eyes of the beautiful human 19 year old
Marine who was
about to shoot me
cause she loved his country
just like me
and we both had a mission
but the bullet proves
they was right

Cases decides would
have been greater
if he/she was in oness own
back yard

Worlds far apart
changed their orbit
the day we met
the future became
clear and the time tunnel
swirled and spit us
out creating a new era
where love truly transcends
time and for forever
means something
when the talk concerns
me and you
translated simply
take the Taj Mahal
or in a deathly case
the pyramids
no monument to love
could exceed your grace

As the world dies
our love stays alive
and baby love is all that
might be left behind
of this human experience
if I am not a God today
I will be one tommorw
going to make miracles
to save my baby
to keep all the dingos

No matter what I assure
no dingo will ever
eat my baby

Saturday, December 19, 2015



hang on

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Life is like Lego

Life is like Lego we just have to collect the right
and assembly them carefully
but the biggest problem is
we don't know how to
deal with the ones we have
let alone obtain the special part
that make a life masterpiece
of perfect harmony

The partner brick is the one
the one magic assembly
that every predistitator
needs to create
an illusion of mastery
over life because
we can think that
way if we are powerful
our models may be torn apart
in the future and reallocated
for some other lovers
part, but today all that matters is
that the modules fit perfectly

I made a Lego submarine and drowned
an ant in the rain barrel
and I was Jacques Cousteau
and Blackbeard
and someone named AL

I carried in my backpack 
through life all those bits and pieces
tearing apart and reforming
things beyond belief
and still when it came 
to love I found the 
directions for completion
were totally from
from God or someplace else
but I never had a choice in
the matter my brain
became a tunnel of love
with two trains hitting 
head on and dissolving
with no casualties
into one 
soul mate
two beating hearts
but one frequency

Yeah Lego Lady
minifig of beauty
you assemble me
totally under your
loving every second
you put me together

When our plastic parts
melt under the sun
of an earth with 
too much CO2
I will join you 
gladly in the trash bin
because really truly
forever you 
complete me[LEGO.JPG]

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Iva Toguri D'Aquino (A.K.A) TOKYO ROSE

Get your Kicks now before the planet totally catches on fire

The Paris accord is climate truthyness. A Chamberlain accord with the internal enemy of the planet, humans. Ironically just when science can give humans immortality, the failure to embrace scientific thought will condemn the planet to death.