Thursday, August 30, 2012

the bell

May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the cosmos

Even in the darkest spots living beings are able to hear it clearly

So that all suffering in them ceases,

understanding comes to their heart

And they transcend the path of sorrow and death.

The universal dharma door is already open

The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly

The miracle happens

A beautiful child appears in the heart of the lotus flower

One single drop of this compassionate water is enough to bring back

the refreshing spring to our mountains and rivers.

Listening to the bell I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve

My mind calm, my body relaxed

A smile is born on my lips

Following the sound of the bell,

my breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness

In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.

1 comment:

Bill Robertson said...

Beautiful man ..I'm lifting it