Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
the switch
sheeple quiz

This quiz might make you testy but it also make help you get your bearings in our increasingly turbulent world. If you are not familiar with Mike Adams and his, do yourself a favor and check it out. Adams gives out top-flight information on current events as well as health issues. But, right now, take his test and gauge how deep in the herd you might be.
Here's the quiz. Choose "A" or "B" as the answer for each question, then check your score below.
The Sheeple Quiz
#1) The purpose of the mainstream media is to:
A) Keep you informed.
B) Feed you misinformation while keeping you distracted from the real issues our world is facing.
#2) Social Security is:
A) A financial safety net that makes sure people have a retirement income.
B) A government-run Ponzi scheme that requires more and more people to keep paying in just to stay afloat and will ultimately collapse into total bankruptcy.
#3) The fluoride dripped into municipal water supplies is:
A) A naturally-occurring mineral.
B) An industrial chemical waste byproduct.
#4) When you donate money to find the cure for cancer, that money goes:
A) To fund research programs that assess actual cancer cures for the purpose of freely sharing them with the public.
B) To fund mammogram campaigns that actually irradiate women's breasts, causing the very cancers that earn huge profits for the cancer treatment industry.
#5) The national debt is:
A) Under control and will be paid off in a few years.
B) Out of control and will spiral into a runaway debt collapse.
#6) GMOs will:
A) Feed the world and prevent starvation.
B) Threaten the future of life on our planet through genetic contamination and widespread crop failures.
#7) The FDA protects:
A) The people from dangerous medicines.
B) The financial interests of the drug companies.
#8) The EPA's real agenda is to:
A) Protect the environment.
B) Protect the financial interests of the chemical companies whose toxic products destroy the environment.
#9) The Federal Reserve functions to:
A) Stabilize the economy and keep America strong.
B) Loot the economy and control America's economy for the interests of the few.
#10) The purpose of TSA checkpoints at airports is to:
A) Keep air passengers safe and secure.
B) Indoctrinate Americans into surrendering to police state invasions of their privacy.
#11) The practical function of the U.S. Supreme Court is to:
A) Protect the constitutional rights of the citizens.
B) Legitimize federal tyranny over the People by ignoring the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
#12) Vaccines are based on:
A) Gold standard science that conclusively proves their safety and effectiveness.
B) Quackery and fraud combined with a persistent medical mythology that utterly lacks a factual basis.
#13) Herbs and superfoods:
A) Are medically useless and cannot treat, prevent or cure any disease.
B) Contain powerful plant-based medicines that can help reverse and prevent disease.
#14) In Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq, America:
A) Led a humanitarian effort to save innocent people from tyranny.
B) Waged an illegal imperialist war to occupy foreign nations and control their oil.
#15) The U.S. Bill of Rights
A) Grants you rights and freedoms.
B) Merely acknowledges the rights and freedoms you already possess.
Score your Sheeple Quiz
To score your Sheeple Quiz, simply count the number of times you answered "A" to the questions above.
If you answered "A" 10 times or more...
You are a total news-watching, gullible fairytale swallowing Sheeple! Be sure to keep taking those medications and watching more network news. Don't bother thinking for yourself because you seem to be incapable of accomplishing that.
If you answered "A" fewer than 10 times...
You are sadly Sheeple-minded but there is hope for your rescue. Learn more about the world around you and train yourself to think critically so you can depart from the herd mentality.
If you answered "A" fewer than 5 times...
You are an unusually intelligent free-minded thinker who questions the world around you and doesn't buy into the usual propaganda. You still got suckered on a few items, so there's more yet to learn. But you're on the right track!
If you answered "A" exactly zero times...
You are the complete opposite of a Sheeple. You're independent minded, well informed and probably a regular reader of Stay on track and question events in the world around you. Eat more superfoods to maintain your healthy immune system and cognitive function. Avoid the toxic chemicals in foods, medicines and lawn care products. Keep reading the alternative press and voice your intelligent views to others willing to listen. (But don't waste your time on those who aren't.)
Learn more:
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
"DON'T DIG HERE" | Musicians United for Safe Energy
Musicians United for Safe Energy
On August 7th, thousands gathered at Shoreline Amphitheater for a day of music, inspiration, education and activism. Between the seven hours of stage performances, the audience saw a collection of videos about the issues, and ways to become engaged in the cause. For everyone who couldn't be there, we're happy to present these videos online.
August 19, 2011 - by Barry Walters, Rolling Stone Magazine
Tom Morello, Jason Mraz join all-star benefit in wake of Japan disaster
"I'm so happy to be here, my dimples are locked," a beaming Bonnie Raitt said during her set at the August 7th all-star concert benefiting MUSE (Musicians United for Safe Energy), the activist group Raitt, Jackson Browne, Graham Nash and John Hall created in 1979 to promote alternatives to nuclear power..."
In August 2007, musicians Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne and Graham Nash, along with longtime energy activists and colleagues, Harvey Wasserman and Tom Campbell, helped organize as an on-going grassroots campaign and website working to defeat up to $50 billion in proposed loan guarantees for building new atomic reactors. Had these guarantees gone through, there would be virtually no chance of stopping the construction of dozens of new atomic reactors all over the United States.
Garnering support of scores of other artists/musicians and aligning with scientists and environmental groups, in just one month was able to gather over 120,000 signatures on a petition presented to Congress. In a stunning victory shared with grassroots non-profit safe energy organizations, the proposed loan guarantees were pulled from the 2007 Energy Bill.
But the fight isn't over. Today the nuclear power industry is desperately trying to build new reactors in the United States, and to prolong the operation of the 104 currently licensed to operate here. And since the nuclear industry can't get private financing, they continue to go after state and federal funding for new plants. It is our commitment to stop that from happening. Going forward, is committed to preventing the construction of new nuclear reactors and helping to pave the way for an energy economy based on renewables, efficiency and conservation. Toward that goal:
∑ The website serves as an information hub providing up-to-the minute news on the most important nuclear power industry battles taking place across the country. We work closely with other groups monitoring energy issues and will let you know where key battles are shaping up and how you can help stop further funding for the nuclear power industry. It is also a resource providing background and references to learn more about nukes and alternative energy technologies.
∑ works with the environmental / scientific communities to keep musicians, artists and others educated about nuclear and safe energy issues, as well as advising people how they can best impact energy legislation - using their voices and resources to support positive new green proposals and fight against boondoggles like the nuke loan guarantees.
Together we can make a difference!
The answer to global warming and so many of our economic problems is with renewables, energy efficiency and conservation. Help us again move beyond the fifty-year failure of atomic energy into a bright, prosperous green-powered future.
No Nukes!
Your contacts for are:
Harvey Wasserman, Senior Advisor and Website Editor:
Mary Skerrett, Program Director and Outreach Coordinator:
whats up: "DON'T DIG HERE" | Musicians United for Safe Energy | Nukes, Earthquakes & Hurricanes
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011

And Stan Romanek can prove it.
Romanek's gripping tale-augmented by video footage, photographs, and physical evidence-is the world's most documented extraterrestrial contact case.
In print for the first time, Romanek relives his personal experiences, from his first sighting of a UFO to terrifying alien abductions. Romanek tells how he captured an extraterrestrial on film-the famous "alien in the window" video footage featured on Larry King Live. Messages includes photos, witness statements, lab reports, and other evidence supporting the validity of Romanek's fascinating story.
But what's most shocking are the strange messages these unearthly visitors communicate to Romanek-authentic equations relating to space travel and planetary diagrams pinpointing what could be an auspicious date for the human race.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
seven sins of nuclear power
The Truth About Nuclear Power: Japanese Nuclear Engineer Calls for Abolition 核の真実−−日本の核技術者、廃絶を訴える :: JapanFocus
The seven sins of nuclear power
"(In closing,) - I would like to quote the “seven social sins” that Mahatma Gandhi warned against, and which are inscribed on his tombstone. The first is “Politics without Principle.” To those who gathered here today, I would like you to take these words deeply to heart. Gandhi’s other sins, such as “Wealth without Work,” “Pleasure without Conscience,” “Knowledge without Character,” “Commerce without Morality,” all apply to electric power companies, including TEPCO. And with “Science without Humanity,” I would challenge academia and its all-out involvement with the nation’s nuclear power policy, and that includes myself. The last one is “Worship without Sacrifice.” To those who have faith, please take these words to heart, too. Thank you very much."
Koide Hiroaki began his career as a nuclear engineer forty years ago drawn to the promise of nuclear power. Quickly, however, he recognized the flaws in Japan’s nuclear power program and emerged as among the best informed of Japan’s nuclear power critic. His cogent public critique of the nuclear village earned him an honourable form of purgatory as a permanent assistant professor at Kyoto University. Koide would pay a price in career terms, continuing his painstaking research on radio nuclide measurement at Kyoto University’s Research Reactor Institute (KURRI) in the shadows. Until 3.11.
Since the earthquake tsunami and nuclear meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi, he has emerged as a powerful voice and a central figure in charting Japan’s future energy course in the wake of disaster: in scores of well attended public lectures, in daily media consultations and interviews, in his widely read posts and in three books that have helped to redefine public consciousness and official debate...
whats up: Truth About Nuclear Power | Lethal Levels of Radiation
August 1, 2011
Nuclear Crisis in Japan
NIRS: Tepco reported today the highest radiation levels yet measured at Fukushima Daiichi—1,000 Rems/hour (10 Sieverts/hour)—a lethal dose. The measurements were taken at the base of the ventilation stack for Units 1 and 2 (the stack that did not work during the accident). The actual levels may have been more than measured, since the monitoring equipment could not measure more than 10 Sieverts/hour. Workers sent to the area to confirm the measurements, which were first picked up by a gamma measuring camera, received doses of about 400 millirems in just a few minutes.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Leda and the Swan

Leda and the Swan
copy by Cesare Sesto after a
lost original by Leonardo da Vinci.
Leda and the Swan is a motif from Greek mythology in which Zeus came to Leda in the form of a swan. According to later Greek mythology, Leda bore Helen and Polydeuces, children of Zeus, while at the same time bearing Castor and Clytemnestra, children of her husband Tyndareus, the King of Sparta. In the W.B. Yeats version, it is subtly suggested that Clytemnestra, although being the daughter of Tyndareus, has somehow been traumatised by what the swan has done to her mother. As the story goes, Zeus took the form of a swan and raped or seduced Leda on the same night she slept with her husband King Tyndareus. In some versions, she laid two eggs from which the children hatched. In other versions, Helen is a daughter of Nemesis, the goddess who personified the disaster that awaited those suffering from the pride of Hubris.
Leonardo da Vinci began making studies in 1504 for a painting, apparently never executed, of Leda seated on the ground with her children. In 1508 he painted a different composition of the subject, with a nude standing Leda cuddling the Swan, with the two sets of infant twins, and their huge broken egg-shells. The original of this is lost, probably deliberately destroyed, and was last recorded in the French royal Château de Fontainebleau in 1625 by Cassiano dal Pozzo. (read more)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Consequences of Unfettered Greed
The apparent health or malaise of the financial markets has come to depend upon speculation. The wild activity that is reflected in the crazed up and down swings of the stock market is based on a simple and highly destructive paradigm – the goal of the individual speculator is to make lots of money solely through the manipulation of the flow of capital. Success in this regard is based on the idea of accumulating wealth not through productive endeavor but rather through the skillful playing of the markets.
Within this model, there is no concern for the financial well being of the community. Quite to the contrary, as we have seen, “ordinary” citizens have suffered greatly as a direct result of this cold and unforgiving logic based on the primacy of the individual. There is no morality in evidence within this bankrupt system; there is no self respect involved, and there is certainty no interest in the very future of this world of humans.
The end result of this kind of failed logic is a sad testimonial to the state of human progress. Greed, by its very nature, has produced this kind of volatility and an extraordinary amount of human suffering. It is exceedingly disturbing that the uncontrolled accumulation of inordinate wealth continues to be held up as the preferred way to do our nation’s business.
Saturn Devouring His Son

"Saturno devorando a su hijo."
Saturn Devouring His Son is the name given to a painting by Spanish artist Francisco Goya. It depicts the Greek myth of the Titan Cronus (in the title Romanised to Saturn), who, fearing that he would be overthrown by his children, ate each one upon their birth. The work is one of the 14 so called Black Paintings that Goya painted directly onto the walls of his house sometime between 1819 and 1823. It was transferred to canvas after Goya's death and has since been held in the Museo del Prado in Madrid. (read more)
Buddhist Peace Action | Socially Engaged Buddhism
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Socially engaged Buddhism is a dharma practice that flows from the understanding of the complete yet complicated interdependence of all life. It is the practice of the bodhisattva vow to save all beings. It is to know that the liberation of ourselves and the liberation of others are inseparable. It is to transform ourselves as we transform all our relationships and our larger society. It is work at times from the inside out and at times from the outside in, depending on the needs and conditions. It is is to see the world through the eye of the Dharma and to respond emphatically and actively with compassion.- Donald Rothberg and Hozan Alan Senauke, Turning Wheel Magazine/Summer-Fall - 2008
Wholehearted Connection
Buddhist Peace Fellowship is a community of primarily dharma practitioners established to support socially engaged efforts of visionaries of compassionate social justice and dharma-based organizations for social change.
Mutual Liberation
Buddhist Peace Fellowship is a leader in socially engaged Buddhism, cultivating peace through sharing with others decades of experience, providing donors who value peacemaking to other organizations, and educating the public with dharma-centered views of social justice. We are here to assist in implementing projects that work toward ending suffering in the world.
A Voice for Change
Buddhist Peace Fellowship makes an effort to speak without anger and opposition for those who have been silenced by war, poverty, environmental disaster, genocide, and youth whose lives have been impacted by violence.
Thich Nhat Hanh: What Is Engaged Buddhism?
see also - whats more: Ram Dass interviews Thicht Nhat Hanh (1995)
One of the best known and most respected Zen masters in the world today, poet, and peace and human rights activist, Thich Nhat Hanh has led an extraordinary life. Born in central Vietnam in 1926 he joined the monkshood at the age of sixteen. The Vietnam War confronted the monasteries with the question of whether to adhere to the contemplative life and remain meditating in the monasteries, or to help the villagers suffering under bombings and other devastation of the war. Nhat Hanh was one of those who chose to do both, helping to found the 'engaged Buddhism' movement. His life has since been dedicated to the work of inner transformation for the benefit of individuals and society.
• Buddhist Peace Fellowship
The Zen Peacemakers
A Force for Socially Engaged Buddhism
Inspiring | Teaching | Doing
"When you realize the wholeness and interdependence of life, you have to take care of everyone, and to do that, you have to work with every ingredient of life."
Zen Master Bernie Glassman, Founder
In 1967, Bernie began his Zen studies with Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi Roshi, Founder of the Zen Center of Los Angeles. He became a Zen teacher--Sensei Glassman--in 1976. In 1980 he founded his own Zen Community of New York in the Bronx, New York. He started the Greyston Bakery, at first staffed by Zen students, as a livelihood for the Community, and then made it a vehicle for social enterprise in Yonkers, 3 miles north (see below). In 1995 Bernie Glassman received inka, or the final seal of approval, from his teacher and became known as Roshi Bernie. During that year and in 1996 he served as Spiritual Head of the White Plum Lineage, comprising hundreds of Zen groups and centers in the US, Latin America and Europe, as well as the first President of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association of America. His Dharma Family includes dharma teachers, zen priests, zen preceptors, zen entrepreneurs, Christian clergy, Rabbis, Sufi Sheiks and multi-faith peacemakers.
The mission of the Zen Peacemakers is to alleviate suffering by:
• developing holistic social service projects that help individuals, families
and communities;
• promoting and supporting Socially Engaged Buddhism throughout the West; and
• inspiring and training a new generation in this way of service as Zen practice.
About Zen Peacemakers blog
Discussions on articles from Bearing Witness, the free monthly online newsletter of Western Socially Engaged Buddhism
Commentary on Socially Engaged Buddhism
Writings of Zen Peacemakers founder Bernie Glassman, including previously unreleased material
Up-to-date news from the Zen Peacemakers Mother House in Montague, MA including:
Montague Farm Zen House
Zen House Residence Program
Montague Farm Zendo and Shared Stewardship Circle
First major Symposium for Western Socially Engaged Buddhism
• The Zen Peacemakers
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Paul Dirac

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, OM, FRS (8 August 1902 – 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to the early development of both quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. He held the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and spent the last fourteen years of his life at Florida State University.
Among other discoveries, he formulated the Dirac equation, which describes the behaviour of fermions, and predicted the existence of antimatter.
Dirac shared the Nobel Prize in physics for 1933 with Erwin Schrödinger, "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory."
Dirac is widely regarded as one of the world's greatest physicists. He was one of the founders of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics.
His early contributions include the modern operator calculus for quantum mechanics, which he called transformation theory, and an early version of the path integral. He formulated a many-body formalism for quantum mechanics which allowed each particle to have its own proper time.
His relativistic wave equation for the electron was the first successful attack on the problem of relativistic quantum mechanics. Dirac founded quantum field theory with his reinterpretation of the Dirac equation as a many-body equation, which predicted the existence of antimatter and matter–antimatter annihilation. He was the first to formulate quantum electrodynamics, although he could not calculate arbitrary quantities because the short distance limit requires renormalization. (read more)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A World Without Armies
A World Without Armies

From a series of workshops and a traveling exhibition featuring artwork from school children in Nepal, Poland, Germany, Italy, Costa Rica, the United States, and other countries.
What we must learn is how to deal with that conflict without resorting to violence. At this beginning of the twenty-first century, we are being called upon to face the needs of humanity, in all its tragic urgency. And we must, at the same time, face up to the requirements of the species: this century shall be peaceful or shall not be at all.
— Rodrigo Carazo, President of Costa Rica, 1978-1982
A World Without Armies - Imagine a world without war
"We will bring forth clear and positive messages on demilitarization based on rigorous studies, political experiences, and individual witness and testimony."
A Letter to Participants of the Global Alliance Conference
August 2009
Dear Colleagues of Peace,
Greetings from the U.S. chapter of A World Without Armies! We deeply appreciate your work for peace in the world and peace with the earth. Together with three other organizations, we co-sponsored the First Conference of Women for the Abolition of Armies in Central America by 2020, which was held at the Costa Rican Ministry of Culture and the Universidad de Cooperacion Internacional in San José in 2007. In order to achieve our common goal, our next step is to develop academic studies on the demilitarization potential of every nation. We need to understand the positive elements, challenges, and obstacles for reducing and abolishing military forces in each nation. We need to develop strategies and build concrete processes. It would be effective if people and organizations that are committed to do the work were all connected and collaborating domestically and internationally. We want to see a surge of a movement for demilitarization worldwide.
Your ideas, suggestions, and action reports on demilitarization would be valuable to all those who are concerned. We would like to learn from you, collaborate with you, and share our experience with you. Also, we would like to post some of the communications and photographs from you on our website, Please write to us and we will write to you.
With best wishes,
Kazuaki Tanahashi, Director (see below)
Edie Hartshorne, Co-director
Catherine Margerin, Representative to the Global Alliance Conference
• We organize and sponsor peace and reconciliation programs around the world.
• We fund scholars in political science, peace studies, and related fields who are undertaking research on the demilitarization potential of nations.
• We promote Courageous Conversations--friendly and non-polarized discussions that explore the need and steps for creating a world without war.
• We host the Costa Rica Initiative--a women’s initiative for A Central America Without Armies.
Gallery: Imagining Peace: International Children's Art Project
A series of workshops and a traveling exhibition featuring artwork from school children in Nepal, Poland, Germany, Italy, Costa Rica, the United States, and other countries.
Kazuaki Tanahashi
Kazuaki Tanahashi, Director of A World Without Armies, born and trained in Japan and active in the United States since 1977, has had solo exhibitions of his calligraphic paintings internationally. He has taught East Asian calligraphy at eight international conferences of calligraphy and lettering arts. Also a peace and environmental worker for decades, he is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
the fox is guarding the hen house

There can be no effective control of corporations while their political activity remains....Theodore Roosevelt, speech, August 31, 1910
There’s a side to regulation that most people don’t think about, and it has far-reaching effects if representatives of corporations are writing the rules. Once a regulation is passed saying, “you can emit no more than 10 ppm [parts per million] of mercury,” you can legally emit up to 10 ppm.
Before that rule was passed, any amount you emitted might subject you to potential lawsuits from nearby humans made ill by your emissions, by other states, or even by the federal government.
The regulatory rule essentially legalizes what a corporation is doing. In the best of worlds, this wouldn’t be a problem. But in practice it means that business interests are often directly involved in writing the regulations that they themselves will have to obey.
Regulations Can Legalize Activity That Causes Public Harm
During the Reagan administration, Robert Monks and Nell Minow worked with the Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief. Monks says, “We found that business representatives continually sought more rather than less regulation, particularly when [the new regulations] would limit their liability or protect them from competition.”
Monks and Minow became disenchanted with the process. In their 1991 book Power and Accountability, they say, “The ultimate commercial accomplishment is to achieve regulation under law that is purported to be comprehensive and preempting and is administered by an agency that is in fact captive to the industry.” In this way corporations find an actual government shield for their actions. For example:
• Tobacco companies point to the government-mandated warnings on their labels, saying that the labels relieve them of responsibility for tobacco-related deaths because they’re obeying government rules.
• Producers of toxic wastes can’t be sued or attacked if they are releasing their toxins within guidelines defined by a government agency.
• Telemarketing companies push for laws and regulations that define their practice, thus legalizing it.
• Manufacturers of genetically modified products can bring them to market without labeling, so long as the products are made within the guide- lines of the regulations. (read more)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Zond 3

Zond 3 was a member of the Soviet Zond program sharing designation Zond. Zond 3 completed a successful Lunar flyby, taking a number of good quality photographs for its time. The spacecraft was equipped with an f/106 mm camera and TV system that provided automatic inflight film processing. On July 20, 1965 lunar flyby occurred approximately 33 hours after launch at a closest approach of 9200 km. 23 photographs and 3 ultraviolet spectra of very good quality were taken of the lunar farside from distances of 11,570 to 9960 km over a period of 68 minutes. The photos covered 19,000,000 km² of the lunar surface. (read more)

Sunday, August 14, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Genjo Koan
"As all things are buddha-dharma, there is delusion and realization, practice, and birth and death, and there are buddhas and sentient beings.
As the myriad things are without an abiding self, there is no delusion, no realization, no buddha, no sentient being, no birth and death.
The buddha way is, basically, leaping clear of the many and the one; thus there are birth and death, delusion and realization, sentient beings and buddhas.
Yet in attachment blossoms fall, and in aversion weeds spread."
• whats more: Genjo Koan
"The depth of the drop is the height of the moon"
Genjo Koan is perhaps the best known section of Eihei Dogen’s masterwork, Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye).
• Dōgen Zenji (also Dōgen Kigen 道元希玄, or Eihei Dōgen 永平道元, or Koso Joyo Daishi) (19 January 1200 – 22 September 1253) was a Japanese Zen Buddhist teacher born in Kyōto, and the founder of the Sōtō school of Zen in Japan after travelling to China and training under the Chinese Caodong lineage there. Dōgen is known for his extensive writing including the Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma or Shōbōgenzō, a collection of ninety-five fascicles concerning Buddhist practice and enlightenment.
links / see also
• whats more: Genjo Koan
• whats more: The Ino's Blog: Study Hall - Shobogenzo
"(lit. 'Treasury of the True Dharma Eye') The term Shōbōgenzō has three main usages in Buddhism: (1) It can refer to the essence of the Buddha's realization and teaching, that is, to the Buddha Dharma itself, as viewed from the perspective of Mahayana Buddhism, (2) it is the title of a koan collection with commentaries by Dahui Zonggao, and (3) it is used in the title of two works by Dogen Kigen..."
• Dogen Zengi at Sotoshu
• Shōbōgenzō (@Wikipedia)
• Shobogenzo links (@"Hey Bro! Can You Spare Some Change?") (top of right column)
• whats more: buddha art
• whats more: diamond sutra art
• whats more: dharma wheel art
• whats more: ...about Zen & Buddhism
• whats more: The Ino's Blog: Counting To Nine | Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hunter S. Thompson
by Ralph Steadman
Hunter Stockton Thompson (July 18, 1937 – February 20, 2005) was an American journalist and author who wrote Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1971) and Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 (1973).
He is credited as the creator of Gonzo journalism, a style of reporting where reporters involve themselves in the action to such a degree that they become central figures of their stories. He is known also for his unrepentant lifelong use of alcohol, LSD, mescaline, and cocaine (among other substances); his love of firearms; his inveterate hatred of Richard Nixon; and his iconoclastic contempt for authoritarianism. While suffering a bout of health problems, he committed suicide in 2005, at the age of 67. (read more)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Atomic Cover-Up: The Hidden Story Behind the U.S. Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Atomic Cover-Up: The Hidden Story Behind the U.S. Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Democracy Now!
August 9, 2011
"As radiation readings in Japan reach their highest levels since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdowns, we look at the beginning of the atomic age. Today is the 66th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Nagasaki, which killed some 75,000 people and left another 75,000 seriously wounded. It came just three days after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, killing around 80,000 people and injuring some 70,000. By official Japanese estimates, nearly 300,000 people died from the bombings, including those who lost their lives in the ensuing months and years from related injuries and illnesses. Other researchers estimate a much higher death toll. We play an account of the 1945 atomic bombing of Nagasaki by the pilots who flew the B-29 bomber that dropped that bomb, and feature an interview with the son of Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist George Weller, who was the first reporter to enter Nagasaki. He later summarized his experience with military censors who ordered his story killed, saying, 'They won.' Our guest is Greg Mitchell, co-author of 'Hiroshima in America: A Half Century of Denial,' with Robert Jay Lifton. His latest book is 'Atomic Cover-Up: Two U.S. Soldiers, Hiroshima & Nagasaki and The Greatest Movie Never Made.' [includes rush transcript]"
• more at whats up: Atomic Cover-Up: The Hidden Story Behind the U.S. Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
today's meditation

I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
I have only love in my heart.
Love never fails.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
military spending
The United States
spends more money on the military
than the rest of the world combined.
Why is it that military "entitlements"
always seem to escape the chopping block
in these times of extreme debt crisis?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Notes on Human Freedom
All the pandering, all the gesticulating, all the discordant voices, all the feeble pronouncements of pretend optimism has gotten me thinking about freedom. That is the commodity we as Americans are supposed to be so proud of having. We may eventually be living in the detritus of our own making, but we are repeatedly told that we have our freedom to be thankful for. This is what I call one of the big lies we are constantly fed. The claim is that we are guaranteed our freedom as an essential feature of our political system. I believe this to be patent nonsense. Our brains are being filled with the empty contents of the modern age. We are given marvelous electronic devices to entertain us and essentially distract us. The communal discourse is filtered, contrived and controlled. The vast majority of the population is comprised of individuals who are essentially wage slaves constantly afraid of losing their ever-diminishing access to bread, shelter, meaningful education and good health. We are now told that they we expect to never retire from our jobs, if there are jobs, for retirement may mean instant destitution.
The kind of freedom that is available is of little value especially when one’s preoccupation is with survival. True freedom, in fact, cannot be granted or for that matter taken away. True freedom lies within the life of the mind. I have the capacity anytime I choose to rise above the fray and free myself from the ludicrous. Nothing can take this away – not abject poverty, not disease, not government fiat, not personal adversity. Let the voices from all corners of the political spectrum drone on with their tiresome and repetitive messages trying to tell me whom to hate and what to fear. The entire substance of our culture may very well collapse from the ineluctable force of gravity as it devours its structure from within. I have no control over such an historic destiny. Humans have the remarkable capacity to undo themselves and be totally surprised as to how it happened. Societies, cultures, civilizations come and go like individuals. All choices have consequences. Even the most well structured and benevolent decision can lead to disaster. Making choices in which the outcomes are known to be ruinous is a particularly well-developed trait as far as humanity is concerned.
In essence, true human freedom comes when we take the responsibility to free our minds of the constraints placed upon us from without. Only then will we be able to undo the yolk of greed and relentless acquisition that has been imposed on the collective imagination.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
exterminate all rational thought

Naked Lunch is considered Burroughs' seminal work, and one of the landmark publications in the history of American literature. Extremely controversial in both its subject matter and its use of obscene language (something Burroughs recognized and intended), the book was banned in Boston and Los Angeles in the United States, and several European publishers were harassed. It was one of the most recent American books over which an obscenity trial was held. The book was banned in Boston in 1962 due to obscenity (notably child murder and acts of pedophilia), but that decision was reversed in 1966 by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The Appeals Court found the book did not violate obscenity statutes, as it was found to have some social value. The hearing included testimony in support of the work by Allen Ginsberg and Norman Mailer.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah is a novel by writer and pilot Richard Bach. First published in 1977, the story questions the reader's view of reality, proposing that what we call reality is merely an illusion we create for learning and enjoyment. Illusions was the author's followup to 1970's Jonathan Livingston Seagull.