Thursday, March 3, 2011


Man has killed his brothers...

since the beginning of time...

man profits from war...

man has fished out the oceans...

all the big fish in the oceans are gone...

man ate them...

man is polluting the air...

man is dimming the sun...

man cuts down all the trees...

man poisons his rivers...

man uses the ocean as his toilet...

man shits where he eats...

man sprays poisons on his food...

man lies, cheats and steals...

man rapes, maims and traumatizes...

man is greedy and selfish...

man is weak and flawed and ignorant...

man enslaves himself into economic bondage...

man enriches himself on the backs of others...

man should let the women run the world...

man would benefit from her mother nature...

man is a beast.

1 comment:

Mother Sharon Damnable said...'s sad but true that men have bought us to this !

But yes, on International Women's day, wouldn't it be so much better if women ran things ?

Instead of a few socio pathic men !