Monday, January 17, 2011


Russell Pearce

I have a theory. People who rate themselves as highly ‘consistent and uncompromising’ on issues are slower to adapt to the unexpected and less likely to learn from their mistakes. To put it bluntly, “I think inflexibility leads to arrested development” (take for example John Boehner’s “Hell, no!” anti-Obama strategy, or Senator Russell Pearce’s claim that all opposing views are “treasonous”). I talked to Dr. Thompson about my theory. Although he generally thinks theories are a dime a dozen, he knows I’ve been entertaining this one for a while now. Out of consideration, he says it merits looking into and suggests some ‘assessment tools’ I could use to measure ‘willingness to yield’ on issues. I didn’t think it would be hard getting people to admit to having an uncompromising nature and I have tests that measure how swiftly people handle unexpected events in a narrative. Now I’m interested in getting started and seeing what the literature turns up. Perhaps it’s already been done. I mean, you’d think it’d be a factor in Alzheimer’s or something. If nothing turns up, the good doctor says he’ll sign a research proposal and, who knows ..there might even be research money available. I’m not counting on it though. But in the political atmosphere we’re in .. there’s bound to be some interest in the subject.


brad4d said...

in "the social network" Mark Zuckerberg showed how his symptoms of restricted empathy manifested as wealth to the degree of his pathology...corporate compliance make the slaves of that system TOO BIG TO FEEL!!!

Bill Robertson said...

I don't believe John Boehner cries out of patriotism ..but out of pathos

Mother Sharon Damnable said...

.......for me "consistent and uncompromising" speak of lack of empathy (psychotic)

"willingness to yield" sounds like fun :>)

Einstein said something about repeating the same process again and again and expecting a different outcome.....however I feel professing to expect a different outcome !

I agree with your theory, poor bastard slaves themselves really, of their own inflexibility....

Bill Robertson said...

fighting on principle is one thing ..too much fighting for hypothetical or obsolete principles borders on delusional I believe. There’s the written law then there’s the spirit of the law then there’s common-sense reason, which often gets lost.

Mother Sharon Damnable said...

..then there's Anarchy :>)

Which is ALL common sense reason....

Bill Robertson said...

Very well said ..!