Monday, January 10, 2011

monsanto is evil

The Monsanto Company is a U.S.-based multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as "Roundup". Monsanto is also the leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed; it provides the technology in 90% of the world's genetically engineered seeds. It is headquartered in Creve Coeur, Missouri.

Agracetus, owned by Monsanto, exclusively produces Roundup Ready soybean seed for the commercial market. In 2005, it finalized purchase of Seminis Inc, making it the world's largest conventional seed company.

Monsanto's development and marketing of genetically engineered seed and bovine growth hormone, as well as its aggressive litigation, political lobbying practices, seed commercialization practices and "strong-arming" of the seed industry have made the company controversial around the world and a primary target of the alter-globalization movement and environmental activists. As a result of its business strategies and licensing agreements, Monsanto came under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department in 2009.

In June 2007, Monsanto acquired Delta & Pine Land Company, a company that had patented a seed technology nicknamed Terminators. This technology, which was never known to have been used commercially, produces plants that have sterile seeds so they do not flower or grow fruit after the initial planting. This prevents the spread of those seeds into the wild, however it also requires customers to repurchase seed for every planting in which they use Terminator seed varieties. Farmers who do not use a terminator seed could also be affected by his neighboring farmer that does through natural pollination. In recent years, widespread opposition from environmental organizations and farmer associations has grown, mainly out of the concerns that hypothetical seeds using this technology could increase farmers' dependency on seed suppliers.

Despite the fact that in 1999, Monsanto pledged not to commercialize Terminator technology, Delta Vice President, Harry Collins, declared at the time in a press interview in the Agra/Industrial Biotechnology Legal Letter, "We’ve continued right on with work on the Technology Protection System (TPS or Terminator). We never really slowed down. We’re on target, moving ahead to commercialize it. We never really backed off."
(read more) (millions against monsanto) (food inc.)


David Wilson said...


Mother Sharon Damnable said...

This didn't just happen overnight tho did it?

And let's face it, you Americans went along with this long enough! Revelling in cheap food with no idea of how it is farmed, what disgusting methods have been used to produce food. No eye on the regulations that were being drawn up, broken and thrown away.

yOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THE FOOD YOU ARE EATING AT THE MOMENT IS GM ! As it doesn't have to be labelled. There is a corn developed by Monsanta that renders hamsters sterile in 3 generations, what's it doing to your kids guys?

We, in England support our farmers and would never resort to the disgusting food production practices used in the states.

You spent years nurturing NAZIs and telling the rest of the world how "Free" and how "Brave" you are, we left you the hell alone because you were just "Over sexed, Over paid and over here!" during the second world war, and lets face it we had a whole country to build up again, because we didn't arse about until we had no choice(Hitler declared war on YOU!) We tried to protect our allies Poland.

lets not go into the shameful lend lease deal whereby we had to spend years paying back money to Americans for crap boats and weapons.

The Nazis must have loved you tho', even more susceptible to the "master race" ideology than the Germans, and with the same almost total lack of irony.

So yeah, you have grown monsters in your own back yard, monsters that now feel able to "hurt" France, according to wikkileaks for rejecting there poisonous crap, a monster that is a real threat to the future of India, oh yeah and your own good selves.

Yeah Monsanto is evil. TSA is Evil, CIA is Evil,Bush is Evil, America is evil! We ALL know, We've been telling you for years!

What are you going to do about it?