Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another language

A survey of the literature on language suggests that the process of learning another language is no different than learning the first. If the focus of instruction is on communicative intent, rather than phonological repetition, then learning a foreign language recapitulates the stages that children follow when learning their native language. Contrary to popular belief, adults have an advantage over children when learning a second language. It’s just not apparent because repetition drills are so dissimilar to the language environment of early childhood. I think language instruction should include beaucoup more exposure and social interaction.

Presented at seminar in language learning


Eduardo Cantoral said...

I went to school at UCSB. Interesting posts.

Bill Robertson said...

Thank you ..!

You must have enjoyed going to school at UCSB.

I finished my graduate studies at UC San Francisco and came to Santa Barbara on a grant to work on computer systems for developmental disorders.

Eduardo Cantoral said...

Maybe you know, Gus Gurley?

Bill Robertson said...

no, but now I know of him.

thanks ..