Monday, January 18, 2010

Heinrich Himmler

Remember, when listening to this, that the Nazi party was voted into power.

A vote is a precious thing. Use it wisely.


Mai said...

Thanks for posting this. I have no idea how many actually died in the Holocaust and won't hazard a guess.

But I have known several survivors and to deny it ever happened is ignorant insanity at its best/worst/more reprehensible. I guess this video proves that the majority of voters can be wrong; as with you, I think of those too busy to vote or who had no opinion or who just didn't care.

Also, I now know the meaning of what Eric Cartman was chanting on South Park (The Passion of the Jew episode.) I always knew that was one of the more thought-provoking episodes. This adds to it.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

The choices may not always be as we want but better to vote for the 'mainstream' because if we don't the right extreme will slip in.