Friday, January 2, 2009

"The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one's own."
Willa Cather

Do we truly know one another or each other?
I am apt to respond: probably not, based on history and experience. All we can hope for is a tenuous temporary connection based upon sex and looks or a passing comment, maybe a joke. Then its off to our own experience and a reshuffling of fate. Re-deal and let the cards fall as they may.

Try again, hopefully!


ChipotleChick said...

The heart of another, the mind of one, the soul of you. All are hidden, intangible, unreachable, but more prominent and more influential than the most touchable object.

we can all relate on one level, but amongst the infinite number of levels available to a single individual that one level simply cannot compare, so i would say no. We don't really know one another. Humans are complex. The emotions, desires, needs, motives, thoughts, decisions, and poetries of one heart can not be reduced to a nut shell. It's just too much.

So ya! Me likey that quote. That's basically what i want to say. That's my comment in a nutshell. Too bad we can't nutshell the human soul. O well. Tough Toenails. I'm gonna stop commenting now.

Have an amazing, beautiful, cool, dramatic, enlightening, fantastic, great, happy, intoxicating, jocose, kissable, loving, magnificent, new, ostentatious, pleasing, queenly, random, spectacular, terrific, unstoppable, very, wonderful, x-tremely (what reallly starts with X besides xylophone?) year-long, Zany, 2009!!!!

hm. that took a while. You better appreciate it all you profound rebellious members of the ThinkTank!

Shimmerrings said...

Whoa... excellant artwork!

I don't think we ever really know one either... too many filters, based on conditioned response to other humans.

I think we could know one another, though... and isn't what you all are gathered here for? There can't be a way to help humanity, in the long run, if those gathered together, in the name of humanity, don't put aside preconceived/conditioned notions... receiving one another with open hearts, faith, and the belief that Love can happen... if we only try.

Awesome comment ChipotleChick...

Shimmerrings said...

That's awesome photography, I see now!... and art, at that!

Unknown said...

Being the philosopher I am, I can't just accept that we can never know each...I believe we can...

Oilsforfun said...

When I look at you I know me a bit better