Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Why are a million young girls being sold into sexual slavery every year?
Why do immigrants want to come here?
Why aren't their own countries as well off?
Why are 18,000 innocent children dying each and every day from starvation?
Why is our water full of poisons and phamaceuticals?
Why is plastic the bane of our age?
Why do they cut fins off of sharks and throw them back?
Why are young girls subjected to genital mutilation?
Why do they fly airplanes into buildings?
Why are all the ice caps and glaciers melting?
Why do they stone girls who've been raped by their brothers?
Why are all the rainforests being destroyed?
Why is one religion the "real" one and another is not?
Why are Jews and Arabs fighting when they are brothers?
Why are priests molesting children?
Why are corporations being allowed to buy our government?
Why is my penis a pornographic thing?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's called acquiescence