Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Words can hurt

You're stupid.
You're a bitch.
I don't need you.
Fuckin' retard.
You're fat.
I hate you.
Go fuck yourself.
Go to hell.
You motherfucker.
Eat shit.
Shut the fuck up.


Oilsforfun said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH very contemporaneos!!!
Fuck yourself

Shimmerrings said...

... oooohhh... I hate the "C" word, most of all!... grrrrr... and for those who use the word... f*#! 'em... I'm really guilty of using the "f" word... sometimes nothing seems to express the thought quite as precisely... but, I wish I didn't have that word in my vocabulary. I grew up sorta street wise, so it became a part of my speech... and... never seemed to quite lose the expression...

Oilsforfun said...

lol hahahahah

Russell CJ Duffy said...

I know where Simmerings is coming from with regard to Cunt. It is so crude when misused BUT, I went to see The Vagina Monlogues (twice) with my wife and that suugests, rightly so in my opinion, that the word is a male abuse for what is, again in my opinion, the most beautiful, fragrant and delicious of female parts.
Don't let men rule your lives.
Cunts are gorgeous!

Shimmerrings said...

Well, I hear ya, but I still hate the word... and I don't like the "P" word, either... I think that we should find new words to describe that "most beautiful, fragrant, and delicious of female parts" (winks at CJ)... something totally unassociated with abuse and disrespect... that would be like using the "N" word... it's ok for blacks to use it, when referring to one another, but not ok for whites to use it, when referring to black folk?

Russell CJ Duffy said...

You know what?
I think we have a plan here.
I would no more use nigger to a black man than I would the C word in front of a woman. Hell, I am meant to be an aging punk, still full of venom and spleen, whatt am I going to do about my street cred image now if I sound like the clergy???
Agreed then, a world without bad words to inflict hurt.

Oberon said...

.....a world where "things" are not used for "bad" all you have to do is define "bad"...I have continuing difficulty with that one.

....nothing is either good or bad.....only thinking makes it so.....nietzsche.

Shimmerrings said...

Agreed, it's the intent... some folks might be offended just to read some of the words on this list... like, virgin ears can't tolerate such sounds... or "clean" minds can't tolerate reading them... we have to detach ourselves from the realities that are out there, and not take everything so personal... toughen up a bit... on the other hand, I believe that people, in general, should attempt, when possible, not to offend others... like, being aware that what we say just might offend someone.

I have difficulty with understanding "what is bad" too... well, there is my upbringing... and then, there is reality... and when you get into some strains of thought, you begin to feel that nothing is wrong... that things are unfolding as they should... for the lessons, interactions, etc., that are neccessary for our human and individual growth... on the other hand, that sometimes seems like a cop-out for responsible living.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Another way to look it at it might be that we should 'allow' for those words to fall into the public usage as, over time, they, much like damn and bloody, will not be frowned on? Also, the fashion for bad language will fade as all fashions do.

Waddya think?

Mother Sharon Damnable said...

Stop with the Cunt!

Why should the word for women's genitalia be regarded as the worst word??


There was a street in London called Gropecunt Lane, changed by the victorians to Grape Alley...

Just another of those words used to attempt to degrade women, like whore, damnable woman, virago etc etc...we should just own them..

Russell CJ Duffy said...

You are so damn sexy when you get mad!

Shimmerrings said...

I don't believe that any group of people should ever own any word that is used to debase them. That does not clean up the original ill intent of the word.

Shimmerrings said...

We are, each, only one of many in a great big sea... do what one wants/needs, for oneself, for sure, so long as it harms no other... heck, what people choose to say to one another, lovingly, or erotically, in the privacy of their bedroom, is another story, altogether.