Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Politics is about, or should be, policy. I like Obama. He seems 'real': of the people somehow and very charismatic but you need more than charisma to lead America away from its need for greed. Obama is sadly lacking any policies and that worries the hell out of me.
The other fellow, short man with white hair, what's his name? McKain? Another republican with a moral standing. More Christian men misinterpretting god's (G) logic. As though you could shackle something so wonderous to something so trivial as mans primitive logic.
Gods help us all. God help America.


Oberon said...

.....have faith and believe in the wonder.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Sorry if that sounded anti-American. I am not. I owe too much to the USA to have any negative feelings but I sometimes think it has gone too far with its desire for wealth, sort of taken up where the British Empire left off but even more so.

Shimmerrings said...

I love Obama... I think there is hope there... and I have faith...

Oberon said...

.....american policies are being driven by the military-industrial complex eisenhower warned us about......corporate influence steers this ship of state....but i have faith that we have started the journey of change with our votes today.....a world of change will come when we realize the truth.....we are all slaves to the armament-energy-banking-pharmo-terrorists.

Shimmerrings said...

Eisenhower did warn us about his... maybe this will state of awakening will continue...

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Congratulations to Obama. Let us hope it is not just another, of many, false dawn.