Sunday, November 16, 2008

On The Journey

What a beautiful piece on the journey. It reminds me of a recent conversation I had with a friend about past, present and future.

We spend so much of our time planning and grasping at the future. We spend so much time reveling and regretting the past. We forget this moment. I love how the graphic art shows the present in the mind of the main focus of the piece. We are here, in the now, and we know we can change the future, but we must start in the present and work our way forward, if done correctly and slowly, to be sure of accuracy, we have the future in our hands. Let us not allow it to slip through like water.


Bart Treuren said...

exactly... the past is gone and we can't do anything about it except learn the lessons taught, however painful they might be at moments...
the future is an illusion, which exists only in our minds and wishes and subject to change at any instant...

as you say, take the now and put it to as much good use as possible...

ancient clown said...


This is why I like and live the phrase: "Be the change you want to see."
Accept everything...keep nothing, and I also recommend folks put on a Smile before any other article of clothing and not only will they always be beautiful, but they are now in a better position to spread SMILES.(As they are also contagious)
There are 2 things about a SMILE that are so far beyond our abilities to control it makes them priceless.
1. You never now when somebody is falling in LOVE with your smile.
2. You never know when your SMILE might be saving someone's life.

your humble servant,
ancient clown

Oilsforfun said...

My life can be reduced to one single MOMENT. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?