Thursday, November 6, 2008

Letter to America

Dear Bastard Offspring,

I know, I know, I haven't written to you in an age and the age of man moves so damn swiftly doesn't it? They say that time flies like a New York minute when you are having fun.

I just wanted to say, to let you know, that I love you. I love all of my offspring. Your sibling brothers and sister and mixed blood cousins. But I also love you.

Canuck, dare I say it, is even bigger than you but has never attained or made his mark in our global society quite the way you have, but then again who has?

Oz? Ha! What can you say about dear old Oz? Nothing bruises that boys ego and besides he does what he does and doesn't give a damn what any of us think, just stick another steak on the barbie!

Kiwi? Ah, so beautiful and, to be honest my dear, more like me in looks than any of my rugged boys.

Yes, I am very proud of all my offspring.

But you my son, with your muscle and your might, with your industrious mind and the enormous wealth that you have accrued, it is you that worries me. Just a tad.

I watch you with such pride as you swagger about the globe like a comic book hero in your gaudy red, white and blue, fixing this and righting that. Sometimes your heart is too big and, as much as you try, even you cannot fix all of the global families woes.

There is another side of you though that frightens me and like any good parent or friend, I feel it is my honour bound duty to let you know.

Sometimes you behave like a school yard bully.

You come across someone who doesn't do things the way you do and, without consulting any of us or going through the proper channels you go ahead and let that passionate heart of yours rule your head. You raise your big ham of a fist and smack it firmly on Johnny Foreigners face. You kick his arse from here to hell and back.

Son, violence is sometimes necessary when defending yourself or those you love but breaking into someone’s house, smashing and burning their furniture, breaking the arms and legs of their children is not an act of defense but that of a vandal.

Of a hoodlum.

I really do think enough is enough don't you?

You have left your footprint on the surface of the moon. A testament to your everlasting and greatest achievement. Do not leave your boot print on the face of Iraq.

Being the biggest and the best means that your mistakes can be proportionately as large. We all make mistakes and we all have to own up to them. I have. Remember the poor old Boers?
As I said, we all are guilty of making mistakes but we all have to know when to stop and when to put things right before they get worse.

Only you can decide.

Your loving parent



Shimmerrings said...

Enough is enough... turn the page. A new day is dawning, and we won't see it if we are continually rolling in the manure that George Bush, and many before him, left behind. Let's sweep the slate clean, while never forgetting what we must not repeat, what we must undo, and start anew!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

I agree and this is not blaming the USA entirely as we, as your friends should have had the courage to say, 'Guys, we are mates but this is wrong. We cannot help you with this. If someone comes with bombs to your shores we will stand shoulder to shoulder with you but we will not go into Iraq'.
I don NOT think we should forget nor sweep aside Iraq anymore than Europe should sweep aside and forget the Great War or the Second World War. The Great War was a vile act of stupidity committed by my country and my fellow Europeans. Only by remembering can we make good.

Shimmerrings said...

I agree, CJ, we should NOT forget, ever... for it is only through our history that we learn and "grow on"... I do believe, however, that now is a good time to lay down cynicism and sarcasm, while we attempt to embrace the only hope we see before us... a new dawning, with a new visionary at hand. We would want to help carry that vision, not hinder it with a negative ripple effect. Regarding wars, my own fears are that even if we end Iraq, what is in store regarding Pakistan and Afghanistan? It's a long road home, when we've lost our way, this human species.

I remember right after 911, there was much salting of wounds, as we tried to come together, in dealing with our emotions. I can understand wanting to throw salt... and salt might cleanse a wound, in the long run... but it hurts like hell. Maybe there is no gentler way, but where does it fare on a bargaining table?

What can we expect from humans?

Only what we can envision and hope for.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

I had hoped that this was a gentle rebuke from a guilty parent as it were. One who is historically as guilty as its offspring.
No cynicism and sarcasm was used here, or at least I don't think so. Irony perhaps and a bit of tongue in cheek humour but no sarcasm.
Yes, it would be wonderful to believe that the US of A's new dawn will rise for us all but I think it will take more than a black president to do that. Iran, Israel, Afghanistan, The Congo the wars go on and on and we (USA AND UK) will keep making those weapons and selling them.
We have to keep provoking, hopefully without bile and with art and peaceful protest those in power.
As I said before, I WANT Obama to be that man. I hope that he is. If I were fortunate enough to have been born in New York and not London then I certainly would have voted for him.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

PS. Tony Blair came in as the new wave of politics and then took us to war with you guys. We all believed that finally we had a leader (why does mankind keep needing leaders? Are we not capable of taking responsibility for ourselves?)who would guide us with care and love and honesty. He did his best but there were bigger concerns to weigh up. Industry. Commerce. Money.

Mother Sharon Damnable said...

The west's agreement to destabilise the Middle East has been continuing for centuries, the crusades were a thousand years ago.

The involvement in Afganistan has more to do with the "War on Drugs" and control of the opium crop than anything else.

Exactly C.J. why does mankind keep needing leaders? how much more interesting it would be if people truly began to think, believe and act for themselves.

Perhaps even a kinder, gentler world .......

Shimmerrings said...

You see, all the focus on his color is what alarmed me as we watched the returns and heard the announcement. We didn't vote for him because of his color, we voted for him because of his intelligence level, his ability to think and reason clearly, his (hopefully) steadfastness and strength, his convictions, so on and so on.

Once the announcement was made, the victory suddenly became one of color, for those who were of color. However, one could not really say anything negative about their joy, because it was a long-awaited-well-deserved change of events, for which even I, a white person, could not help but feel elation over, for all those of color, who were "feeling it".

It is really a marker in time... a sign of the times, if you will... that change is about... and now, for some who could never see or feel it, before, it suddenly becomes a reality. You see, everyone's Journey is not the same as my own. Their experiences are different... their psyche is different... it was a day of awakening for many, from the slumber of oppression.

Does this solve all the problems? Heck no! It's a start. The way I see it, his color was just the added bonus, the double whammy. A healing point for many... a reprise from the slavery that inhabited our lands, not so very many years ago.

We still have a long way to go.

We didn't vote him in because of his color... we voted him in, in spite of his color... thumbing our nose at the slave masters who had bought and sold once free men.

... and then there is the Universal consciousness... and psyche... which we all add to... individually, and as groups, nations, religious sects... etc,

Let's hope this adds a more positive force to the batch of energy twirling in the sky, that reaches down and embraces us, whether we want it to or not.

P.S... well, it was kind cute, your letter ;)

Oberon said...

.....c.j.....right, right, you're bloody well right.

.....great post.

Shimmerrings said...

I know that Obama's father was from Kenya, and that he still has many relatives there... you missed the point.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

I personally think his colour should be celebrated. I love black skin, mostly on females I have to confess, but his being black should not be overlooked. For a black American it is one hell of an acheivement to get the presidency. About bloody time too. As being family hail from London, Ireland and perhaps Italy. If you were to DNA test me, or anyone of London descent, 95% of us have either black or brown DNA.
Obama and I might be related!
Good luck to the fella. I hope he can change the world if only by degrees.

Oilsforfun said...

If i have a gun to defend myself of others i'll be shooting soon.
If I have a gun I already shot in my mind
If I have a gun I am equal to the one that has a gun
If I have a gun it is because I am afraid to be killed but am not afraid to kill
if i have a gun I am fearful of power
if I have "power" i do not want others to have it. I am the good guy always,the other ones the bad guys
if i have a gunit is to use it...but....only if you use it first...
if i have a gun

Oilsforfun said...

He has already changed until he became the next usa president!
Let's see what others will pressure him with.
They have already started....
good luck Mr. OB-AMA

Shimmerrings said...

What American isn't a Heinz 57. I'm English, Irish, Dutch and Native American. My husband (deceased) was part black. I used to be married to an Hispanic, my children are 1/2 Hispanic.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Brits to hon, although many wouldn't admit to it!

Native American Indian?

hubba hubba.

Beautiful people and so wise.