What can we do?
What should we do?
What will we do?
Our primary goal to alleviate Starvation, we must look and learn why starvation? Why do we live in a world where mothers loose child after child to starvation? Yet at the other end of the scale other children’s lives are being fore shortened by obesity that means they will die before their parents.
What is it that in a beautiful, bountiful and lush world makes food an item that some simply cannot afford?
That would be capitalism then, a system that encourages populations to grow cash crops for export that have nothing to do with the needs of the local populace.
We are seeing all too clearly in this global recession where profits have been privatised for years and now we find losses and mismanagement are to be and have been socialized.
Capitalism is not working it is a harsh system that will always have many many losers while the fat cats get richer and think up more stupid rules for us to follow.
We must look at this, here in the UK we managed a mixed economy until Thatcher’s games made money the be all and end all, we still have our national health service, our social security that is a safety net for us all, but the true sharing and looking out for our neighbours has long gone.
One thing I believe we must do is stop making money the only value, kindness, truth and dare I say it? Love! Have more lasting and intrinsic value but are debased by a system that will only recognise money as having any worth at all.
There are many prophecies to help us, not least the prophecy of the Aquarian Age,
“It is prophesied that when one-third of the people of earth can each lay one brick in the temple at Avalon with perfect love and perfect trust, then the Lord of this World will come to dwell within. It is prophesied that God, who has thus far never been seen by humankind, shall at last become visible to the pure in heart, and the world shall increase in vibration until it glows like a new star in the heavens. Let us remember that in this month, and in this age, it is our task to KNOW that we may pour it forth in love and therefore achieve the goal of wisdom - Perfection."~Father Eli, Grand Master, Druidic Craft of the Wise ~ The American Rite (1913-1983)
One brick, our bodies, all that we truly own, one brick, with perfect love and perfect trust, and only a third of us!
The vibrational levels are being raised all the time, people like me are working hard to open the gateways, to keep them open and to raise psychic awareness and consciousness awareness any way we can, we pass on all our gifts with love, we do not judge, we share!
The Internet is a wonderful tool for this, we can gain knowledge, learn our skills, Remote Viewing makes an excellent gateway for astral travel, and as with any exercise, we improve strength in our other psychic muscles while working out.
I hardly ever speak to children or babies now, I think, and they invariably hear me, Indigo and Crystal people are all around us, we old souls have failed, we tried to keep the sweeter gentler souls back as we struggled to make the world more acceptable for their charms and beauty, Capitalism and so called Democracy have made the world harsher and unkinder than ever.
However our sweet gentle kindred will wait no longer that have a right to be here as much as we, they are blazing through and as they have been kept so long in other realms they are blessed with psychic and magical abilities that will help us all.
However they are increasingly being targeted by the system, fed with Ritalin and other drugs that will incapacitate their psychic gifts, diagnosed with ADHD and other disorders, because they don’t fit in, won’t fit in and can see through all the lies.
We must protect all the children.
We must become truly independent, thinking, magical creatures, operating on the mundane, spiritual, ethical and magical levels at all times, become well-rounded individuals. Then when we are we must share and bestow out gifts, whether money, magic, kindness or some times by sharing a smile we can save someone’s dreams.
Help me to open the doors, guide others to awareness and their own magical power, we do not need to judge, debate or find some one worthy or not, the pure in heart will know, understand then progress. Those who are not pure in heart will simply not understand until they too are pure in heart and will thus limit themselves.
Meditation, Crystal healing, remote viewing, astral travel, study, occult, writing, poetry, painting, art are all aids to healing, finding and learning our powers…
That, my dearest Oberon is how we Damnables are moving the line forward, and we have been very grateful for your arms to hold and help us through.
What should we do?
What will we do?
Our primary goal to alleviate Starvation, we must look and learn why starvation? Why do we live in a world where mothers loose child after child to starvation? Yet at the other end of the scale other children’s lives are being fore shortened by obesity that means they will die before their parents.
What is it that in a beautiful, bountiful and lush world makes food an item that some simply cannot afford?
That would be capitalism then, a system that encourages populations to grow cash crops for export that have nothing to do with the needs of the local populace.
We are seeing all too clearly in this global recession where profits have been privatised for years and now we find losses and mismanagement are to be and have been socialized.
Capitalism is not working it is a harsh system that will always have many many losers while the fat cats get richer and think up more stupid rules for us to follow.
We must look at this, here in the UK we managed a mixed economy until Thatcher’s games made money the be all and end all, we still have our national health service, our social security that is a safety net for us all, but the true sharing and looking out for our neighbours has long gone.
One thing I believe we must do is stop making money the only value, kindness, truth and dare I say it? Love! Have more lasting and intrinsic value but are debased by a system that will only recognise money as having any worth at all.
There are many prophecies to help us, not least the prophecy of the Aquarian Age,
“It is prophesied that when one-third of the people of earth can each lay one brick in the temple at Avalon with perfect love and perfect trust, then the Lord of this World will come to dwell within. It is prophesied that God, who has thus far never been seen by humankind, shall at last become visible to the pure in heart, and the world shall increase in vibration until it glows like a new star in the heavens. Let us remember that in this month, and in this age, it is our task to KNOW that we may pour it forth in love and therefore achieve the goal of wisdom - Perfection."~Father Eli, Grand Master, Druidic Craft of the Wise ~ The American Rite (1913-1983)
One brick, our bodies, all that we truly own, one brick, with perfect love and perfect trust, and only a third of us!
The vibrational levels are being raised all the time, people like me are working hard to open the gateways, to keep them open and to raise psychic awareness and consciousness awareness any way we can, we pass on all our gifts with love, we do not judge, we share!
The Internet is a wonderful tool for this, we can gain knowledge, learn our skills, Remote Viewing makes an excellent gateway for astral travel, and as with any exercise, we improve strength in our other psychic muscles while working out.
I hardly ever speak to children or babies now, I think, and they invariably hear me, Indigo and Crystal people are all around us, we old souls have failed, we tried to keep the sweeter gentler souls back as we struggled to make the world more acceptable for their charms and beauty, Capitalism and so called Democracy have made the world harsher and unkinder than ever.
However our sweet gentle kindred will wait no longer that have a right to be here as much as we, they are blazing through and as they have been kept so long in other realms they are blessed with psychic and magical abilities that will help us all.
However they are increasingly being targeted by the system, fed with Ritalin and other drugs that will incapacitate their psychic gifts, diagnosed with ADHD and other disorders, because they don’t fit in, won’t fit in and can see through all the lies.
We must protect all the children.
We must become truly independent, thinking, magical creatures, operating on the mundane, spiritual, ethical and magical levels at all times, become well-rounded individuals. Then when we are we must share and bestow out gifts, whether money, magic, kindness or some times by sharing a smile we can save someone’s dreams.
Help me to open the doors, guide others to awareness and their own magical power, we do not need to judge, debate or find some one worthy or not, the pure in heart will know, understand then progress. Those who are not pure in heart will simply not understand until they too are pure in heart and will thus limit themselves.
Meditation, Crystal healing, remote viewing, astral travel, study, occult, writing, poetry, painting, art are all aids to healing, finding and learning our powers…
That, my dearest Oberon is how we Damnables are moving the line forward, and we have been very grateful for your arms to hold and help us through.
Tell me I'm wrong... deride my false hope....call me crazy...
Just one comment man!
This silence is killing me!
.....sharon is my mothers' name.....amber is my daughters' name.....damnable is my name...lol.....i think we're related.
Ok Uncle Oberon that's cool with me!
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