Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Light that fuse

I'm gonna do something.......I don't know what yet but.......I'm gonna do something.

I think the first thing I'm gonna do is.......VOTE!

I'm tired of old white guys running this country......maybe we should give somebody else a chance.


Shimmerrings said...

I'm definitely behind you on that one! I'm so impressed with Obama's intelligence, his ability to analyze and make level decisions, based on pertinent information and accurate data, and not bent on doing something, for unjust reasons, just to prove something... we can't still be fighting the Vietnam war today, now can we. Yes, let us VOTE!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Not for me to comment on but I certainly, as a Brit would be concerned about either running my country although I like what I hear about Obama but he seems woefully short on policy. I always vote 'cos if I didn't some right wing halfwit might sneak in.

the loading dock said...

Thank you Oberon, for creating this community of power, action, poetry, and positive change! Here's to your greatness. Much love to all of you!

brad4d said...

He evaluates much more than judges with opinions... Can you tell both of my parents were social workers?