Tuesday, January 5, 2016


An ex-friend and I had a debate. I said compassion is required if we need to build a better world. He said he disagreed, that sometimes you have to take action rather than passively stand by doing nothing. He supported violent protest marches suggesting that sometimes the ends justify the means. I disagreed.
Thinking I was he declared he wasn't a pacifist. Now it seems he has changed his mind and has said he is a pacifist surely proving my point that compassion is required if we are to build a better world.

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Size is meaningless. Like time it is a man made concept. When a human falls onto rock from a height he breaks his bones yet matter, microscopically small, flies through matter we cannot, it passes through what appears to be solid rock. Light travels faster than sound. A big noise is often just that - a big noise. Hindu culture speaks of Maya where nothing is real certainly not life. Donald Trump proves the fact reality exists only when we think it does and the louder the noise the more limited the intellect.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Star Trek World

I dream of a Star Trek world. 

This think tank will focus on creative actions 

designed to initiate a global paradigm shift 

towards a world where racism, poverty and war 

will be a thing of the past.

George Harrison

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Isn't It A Pity?

"Isn't it a pity

Now, isn't it a shame

How we break each other's hearts

And cause each other pain

How we take each other's love

Without thinking anymore

Forgetting to give back

Isn't it a pity

Some things take so long

But how do I explain

When not too many people

Can see we're all the same

And because of all their tears

Their eyes can't hope to see

The beauty that surrounds them

Isn't it a pity"

Sunday, December 27, 2015

"Michelle Obama is a man" says Joan Rivers

Bert Jansch - Folk Legends 1

Bert Jansch
3 November 1943 – 5 October 2011

Highly rated guitar player. Jimmy Page massively influenced by his style.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The world does not matter

Thus is the evil that is facebook
we need to be ourselves in private
because exposed we are
totally human
there is no chance for people
in the human calculas
if everything is on facebook

Christmas the ultimate created celibration going back to 300AD

Happy Christmas everyone. Peace on earth and goodwill to all men, to bad those that profit from Christmas never read their own message.

Rubbing Shoulders and Finding the ONE

Rubbing shoulders with Presidents
oil barons Saudi scum lords
and neo wealthy Chinese
I always remember
it was your shoulder
that was the best
I would not trade you
for a bullet proof vest
in Falliuji
cira 2003
looking into the
eyes of the beautiful human 19 year old
Marine who was
about to shoot me
cause she loved his country
just like me
and we both had a mission
but the bullet proves
they was right

Cases decides would
have been greater
if he/she was in oness own
back yard

Worlds far apart
changed their orbit
the day we met
the future became
clear and the time tunnel
swirled and spit us
out creating a new era
where love truly transcends
time and for forever
means something
when the talk concerns
me and you
translated simply
take the Taj Mahal
or in a deathly case
the pyramids
no monument to love
could exceed your grace

As the world dies
our love stays alive
and baby love is all that
might be left behind
of this human experience
if I am not a God today
I will be one tommorw
going to make miracles
to save my baby
to keep all the dingos

No matter what I assure
no dingo will ever
eat my baby

Saturday, December 19, 2015