Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Merry Christmas You Mule Fuckers from the back of the pack Steve

Image result for images of mules at christmas
I gotta say
I am always
looking on the 
bright side
Monty python
but this year
is all foggy
because of the mule
he has moved the needle
to  a place we cant
self inject
its like a place
from an acid
dream with 
a demon
and tattoos
that come
alive and the dolphin
people are slaughtered
to keep the oxygen

God dammit
we need Jesus
so bad but
he only wants
the best Rolex
and that is not
giving us enough
time to survive

Merry Christmas you
bastards like me
and all the people
who make up history
we are walking along
when an SUV 
plows us all down
and the cops say
as a matter of a fact
when mass and interia
meet you got
blood in the street.

So love to love you
But love you long
is off the table
Love is dead
in DicK Cheneys

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The company is worried about the future

Image result for images of man in the high castle
Impact of words and visions
on a society is what every
author hopes for
Philip K Dick
has had so many
kicks at the can
with no movement

Perhaps the Amazon
adaption of Man in the High
Castle will resonate
through society like
Gulliver s travel did
centuries ago
and the masters of the
Universe will realize
they have lost the
human narrative
in maximum extraction of wealth
from every circumstance

I know two things
we are animals and will
always follow a strong leader
even if he is going over a cliff
The Chinese have a civilization
and system the west can not match
and in the past they have used
castration to keep purity

If you fear the CIA
its should be for being
incompetent and greedy
not for threatening
every male penis
with a scalpel

Paradise or Oblivion

Real Anarchy in the UK and benifts for the real world

Image result for anarchy in the uk images

For the English speaking peoples Mother England
has been a constant source of radical thought
on Thursday it will be political.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Image result for images of andrew scheer


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The secret art of inviting happiness

The secret art of inviting happiness,

The miraculous medicine for all diseases.

At least for today:

Do not be angry,

Do not worry,

Be grateful,

Work with diligence,

Be kind to people.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

all the difference in the world

An old man was going for a walk on the beach, when he noticed a little boy feeding a thin, shaggy looking dog with bits of bread.

He went up to the boy and asked him why he was sharing his bread with the dogs.

The little boy answered, "Because they have nothing. No home, no family, and if I don’t feed them they will die."

“But there are homeless dogs everywhere," the old man replied. “So your efforts don’t really make a difference”

The little boy looked at the dog and stroked him. “But for him, for this little dog, it makes all the difference in the world.”