Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our Collective Sickness

The American brand of capitalism is, in my judgment, the source of our collective malaise. The profit motive has become the essential driving force of our culture; it informs almost all aspects of our cultural life and does not seem to recognize or accept any ethical boundaries. It appears that those who live in the rarefied atmosphere of wealth and power feel that they are somehow exempted from the fundamental concepts of ethics and social responsibility that are essential for a society to be truly harmonious. There are many examples that adequately demonstrate this point -
• The financial debacle that has driven so many individuals and small businesses to ruination was powered primarily by the greed and unprincipled and arrogant behavior of the manipulators of capital. In spite of the horrendous damage that their behavior has visited on the financial well-being of the nation, the prime movers of this debacle have remained essentially unscathed. The corrupt Congress helped facilitate this catastrophe in many subtle and not so subtle ways.
• The abuse of the public trust perpetrated Corporate America as exemplified by Enron – the energy company that shamelessly boasted about the extent to which they screwed over California rate payers.
• The CEOs of major corporations who fashion golden parachutes for themselves while simultaneously disregarding the conditions of the very workers who are responsible for the actual productivity of their organizations. This includes the reprehensible behavior of the CEOs of the for-profit health insurance companies who put in place business practices whose primary function is to purposefully deny as much coverage as possible to their clients who fall seriously ill. The purpose of this draconian way of doing business is to ensure good returns to their stockholders and riches beyond the imagination to those in charge (estimates are that William W McGuire of United Health Group received 1.7 billion dollars worth of compensation, a value that represents one dollar out of every 700 dollars spent on health insurance in the entire nation).
• The many substantial corporations that have taken advantage of loop holes in the Federal Tax Law that result in avoiding entirely the payment of income taxes. There is apparently a complete lack of any sense of personal and social responsibility.
• The tobacco companies who continue to produce addictive products that are known to kill those who use them. It is estimated that approximately forty thousand people die each year from pulmonary diseases caused by tobacco. It seems that life is apparently not that sacred after all, especially when juxtaposed against the prospect of making huge profits.
• The military-industrial complex that in many ways coerces the nation into choosing armed conflict as the essential means to achieve political ends.
• The many corporations whose practices have burdened the planet with an array of dangerous chemical compounds, including, of course, greenhouse gases without any regard for the resulting damage to the public health and the global environment.
• The extent to which corporate money has corrupted local, state and federal governments and significantly eroded the public trust.

Commerce permeates nearly every aspect of modern living, and the will to profit inundates us all. In the long term, this worldview will bring the peoples of this nation and, presumably, the world to grief, for it is unsustainable.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What Do You Know?

My mommy always said

there were no monsters...

no real ones...

but there are

Fascism Lite


Powerful and Continuing


as a Unifying Cause





are Intertwined







Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Rose

The Rosette Nebula

NGC 2237 is a "long stem rose"

a stellar nursery 5000 light years away

with a central core of young hot stars

Examined Life

"You just have to be able to drill in very hard wood ... and keep on thinking beyond the point at which thinking begins to hurt"
Werner Heisenberg

“Deep, persistent problems are never solved by accident; they are solved only by people who are obsessed with them and set out to solve them directly”
Lee Smolin

"Newly acquired insights are at first only half understood by the one who begets them, and appear as complete nonsense to all others... Any new idea which does not appear very strange at the outset, does not have a chance of being a vital discovery"
Niels Bohr

"Only the descent into the hell of self-knowledge can pave the way to godliness" Immanuel Kant

"Nobody can have the consolations of religion or philosophy unless he has first experienced their desolations" Huxley

Friday, August 7, 2009

Kindergarteners with Guns

Give a classroom

of kindergarten children a bag full of guns

then perhaps you'll see

what you earthlings really look like

Population Of Sheep

"Naturally, the common people don't want war, but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."

Hermann Goering, Hitler's Reich-Marshall at the Nuremberg Trials after WWII

we want to get lost into the mountains of uncertainty

we sail into the mountains of uncertainty

off to that far off deserted, silent valley

off to Shimshal, off to Simshaal

into the oceans of uncertainty

far from this irrational world full of crazy men

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fool the I

Ironic paradox that
the politicians that
sold-out most
to the private sector
have RE:PUBLIC in
their self description

What are you doing?

The universe is going on...

what are you doing?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009




Brigadier Samson Simon Sharaf (Retired)

The recent incidents in Gojra are a grim reminder of how existing half laws can be manipulated for personal and political ends. Besides loss of life, property or the reputation of the country, it also reflects an opportunist political system in which strange bedfellows can be espoused for political expediency and where rule of law can be applied selectively. Worse, it exposes false claims of the provincial and federal governments over constant surveillance of banned militant outfits in Punjab.

The entire trail from Jhang to Gojra, Mian Channu and Shantinagar is littered with similar incidents of religiously fanned hatred spearheaded by banned militant outfits. Time and again such incidents take place with impunity and remarkable alacrity. It is to question why the local administration is caught sleeping and why no preventive measures manifest themselves in pre emptive actions.

There is no doubt that the working relationship between the Federal Government and PMLN Government is dysfunctional. It took the Government of Punjab three days to move into a belated action despite warnings given by Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti, the Federal Minister of Minorities Affairs. The provincial government dismissed the factual reporting of the federal minister for over two days and moved reluctantly after all the damage had been done and Faisalabad-Karachi Railway traffic blocked for two days. The Chief Minister has repeatedly postponed his visit to the city citing security reasons. Meanwhile the frustrations continue to grow resulting in resignations of one federal and one provincial minister.

Reportedly, around 18th of July, intelligence agencies had issued a warning to the Government of Punjab of likely incidents of terrorism in which some enclaves of minority Pakistanis could be targeted. Rather than take this information seriously, the provincial government deemed it fit to act as it did, allowing free access to militant outfits for arson and murder. Perhaps they were too engrossed in the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling sparing no moments for the welfare of its citizens.

The entire incident belying the fragility of our system began at a wedding party in Korrian, a Christian village 6 Kms from Gojra on 29 July. A local guest was escorted out of the celebrations for being drunk. He took revenge by leveraging the Blasphemy slogan in cahoots with some local clerics and sleepers of the banned outfits. The Federal Minister Mr. Bhatti moved into action but all his cautions fell on deaf and defiant ears in Lahore.

The Christian enclave in Gojra is located close to Awan Town named after a local property tycoon Mr. Qadeer Awan. Qadeer also runs and controls many local businesses like CNG and Petrol Pumps. He is reputed to be a very influential PMLN member and financier of the party and sleeper militants. He is known to hold the neighbouring Christian enclave in contempt with a long record of confrontation. He saw the incident at Korrian as an opportunity to settle issues and extract advantage. He is the prime suspect in the FIR, registered after 48 hours of delay. Christians allege that he with his team of sons and relatives master minded the entire operation including movement of militants from Jhang and surrounding areas.

These militants moved on public transport with automatic weapons, explosives and incendiaries with complete impunity despite many Police Check Posts en route. Rather than risk confronting heavily armed militants, the baton wielding local police chose to by stand. A nearby sizable Christian Village Chak 424 was put on hold through an expected militant attack. This was done through messages by militants, clerics and local administration. The village was never attacked but the warnings served to block reinforcements to the besieged people of Gojra. The militants were seen taking orders on cell phones as also pass on information. If all calls on cell phones from the area were to be checked during the arson, it would reveal a long trail of connections leading to militant leaders, politicians and handlers residing outside Pakistan.

But there is a positive side too. Neighbouring Muslim communities gave shelter to men, women and children, escorted them out of the area on their own transport and provided food. Some Pakistani NGOs have also established camps and MQM relief has arrived in trucks from as far away as Sindh. Pathetically, the only missing group is the Government of Punjab.

Standing next to seven caskets on the railway crossing at Gojra, I was questioning myself why seven females were burnt alive with incendiaries and why innocent people shot in the head at point blank. As I write this, two more men have succumbed to burn injuries in the local hospital. The Punjab Government made no efforts to evacuate them to a Burn Hospital in Lahore. I ask myself, did they deserve this treatment. Do Pakistani Christians who put the opportunist Unionist of Punjab to shame by aligning with Jinnah deserve this?

Local Christians allege that PMLN Government is reluctant to act because it fears losing its vote bank in the area. The incident has become a political battle ground between PMLN and PPP in which justice, rule of law and criminal accountability would ultimately be eclipsed. I remain in awe of the political system to move beyond its petty politics.

In an environment where the legal community is charged and Supreme Court taking landmark decisions, it is incumbent to take a look at half laws that provide a pretext for mob justice. The Supreme Court needs to re evaluate Section 295 C of the Pakistan Penal Code and direct the Parliament to frame it in a manner, wherein it cannot be exploited or manipulated.

Brigadier Samson Simon Sharaf is a retired officer of Pakistan Army and a political economist.
E mail:

And What Of Man?

And what of man...

will he ever learn to fly?

Young Men Killed in Action in Vain

Dr Hamid Hussain is my very dear friend.

He has stood by me and helped me morally and materially and I am under heavy debt of all that he did for me.

He is a sensitive man and keeps on sending me his articles and these obituaries.

My only question is that these young men have been killed because Pakistans hopeless generals and politicians decided to fight USA's war against USSR from 1954.

Why did the clown Zia decided to fight the proxy US and Saudi Afghan war for lust of US Dollars ?

Why was this region militarised.

I dont question US policy because USA is paying hard cash to Pakistans highly corrupt politicians to fight this so called war.

As I see Pakistan is the South Vietnam now and will become a big strategic liability for the world when the Islamic Extremists become more more and more powerful.Or is that the real US strategic aim to then denuclearise Pakistan.

As I see the whole US strategy is flawed.In Afghanistan and Pakistan.It is creating more problems than solving.

God knows what will become of Pakistan.The choice is between Somalia and Yugoslavia.

A country led by crooks and swindlers of the worst order surely deserves this fate ?

I will request Dr Hamid Hussain to address this question of mine.

Agha Amin

Captain Omer Zeb Afzal

Captain Omerzeb was from 111th PMA Long Course. He was commissioned in 9 Azad Kashmir Regiment (AK).

He was deployed in Lower Dir on May 11, 2009 as part of the military operation named ‘Rah-e-Rast’ against militants.

He called his fiancée at midnight of May 20-21 and wished her a very happy birthday. In six different languages he sang to her birthday song. She said to him, “I wish you were here on my birthday. I wish I could have celebrated my birthday with you.” And he replied, “Do you want me to come over? Should I come over to Rawalpindi in the morning and we celebrate your birthday together?” She said, yes, please, please do.” Few hours later, he was killed in a blast on May 21, 2009 at the age of 24. That day was the birthday of his fiancée.

He did come over as he promised but on the shoulders of soldiers and his coffin draped in Pakistani flag. He left this world on the same day that his beloved fiancée came to this world twenty three years earlier. His fiancée kept screaming, “You guys are lying to me. He is not dead. He cannot leave me. He promised to celebrate 93 birthdays with me. This was our first. He can’t leave me on our first birthday together; he promised me 93 birthdays together.”


If I should cease to bring a Rose

Upon a festal day,

‘Twill be because beyond the Rose

I have been called away….

If I should cease to take the names

My buds commemorate,

‘Twill be because death’s finger

Claps my murmuring lip.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

Rest in peace Omerzeb. Our thoughts & prayers with his family and loved ones.



(Thanks to a family member for providing this heartbreaking story of a young lad)


Captain Waqas Zameer

Captain Waqas Zameer was serving with 15 Frontier Force (FF) in Swat. He was stationed at Kanju camp with his Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs). He was due for home leave but was asked to lead a search operation against militants. Waqas was commanding three APCs and infantry troops from 6th Azad Kashmir (AK) Regiment. His convoy was ambushed and in a gun battle which lasted several hours, many soldiers were injured. After evacuating injured soldiers, Waqas ordered disengagement. In the meantime, another soldier was hit. Waqas jumped out of his APC, put injured soldier on his shoulders to get him inside APC when he was shot in the chest. He later died at the age of 24. He brought 15 of his injured soldiers back to safety but in the process gave the ultimate sacrifice.

When I Must Leave You

When I must leave you

For a little while;

Please do not grieve

And shed wild tears

And hug your sorrow

To you through the years.

But start out bravely

With a gallant smile;

And for my sake,

And in my name.

Live on and do

All things the same

Feed not your loneliness

On empty days.

But fill each waking hour

In useful ways.

Reach out your hand

In comfort and in cheer

And I in turn will comfort you

And hold you near;

And never, never

Be afraid to die,

For I’m waiting

For you in the sky.

Helen Steiner Rice

Click the link below for four and half minute summary of a 24 year life full of vigor of this young lad.

Rest in peace Waqas. Army & PIFFERS are proud of you. Our thoughts & prayers with the family and loved ones.




Lieutenant Muhammad Asim

Lieutenant Asim was from Mardan district of N.W.F.P. He passed out from Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) in the summer of 2006 from 27th Graduate Course. He was commissioned in 36th Azad Kashmir (AK) Regiment. His battalion was stationed in Shangla, Swat in Operation al-Mizan. Asim’s vehicle hit an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). After one week in coma, Asim died in Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Abbottabad on August 31, 2008.

Following link summarizes his short life from PMA to his final journey.

Loving Memories by Unknown

Your gentle face and smile

With sadness we recall,

You had a kindly word for each

And died beloved by all.

The voice is mute and stilled the heart

That loved us well and true,

Ah, bitter was the trial to part

From so good as you.

You are not forgotten loved one

Nor will you ever be

As long as life and memory last

We will remember thee.

We miss you now, our hearts are sore,

As time goes by we miss you more,

Your loving smile, your gentle face,

No one can fill your vacant place.

Rest in peace Asim. Our thoughts and prayers with Asim’s family and loved ones.



Captain Junaid Khan 1983-2009

Captain Junaid Khan of Special Services Group (SSG) laid down his life for his country in Swat Operation. He along with three others was on a reconnaissance mission to collect information about extremists operating in Khwazakhela area of Swat. They were captured by militants and later brutally killed. The other three who fought and died together with Junaid included Captain Najam Riaz, Naik Shahid Rasool and Lance Naik Shakeel (all from SSG). Junaid died on his birthday at the age of 26. Professor Ayaz Khan buried his only son and his life changed for ever.

‘In peace, sons bury fathers but war violates the order of nature, and fathers bury sons’. Heroditus, Greek Historian

May God bless Junaid. Our thoughts and prayers with his family.



Captain Qamar Abbas (May 30, 1981-May 12, 2009)

Captain Qamar Abbas was commissioned in 40 Field Artillery. He was also Hafiz-e-Quran (memorized Quran by heart). Soldiers usually die on frontlines far away from their homes sometimes in strange and alien lands. Captain Qamar Abbas was born in Swat and he died in Swat fighting against extremists two weeks short of his 28th birthday.

Home, Sweet Home

Alas, I didn’t know that I’ll be coming back

Back to hamlets, villages and alleys where I was born

To fight the demons who have stolen the smiles from the faces of my compatriots.

Rest in peace Qamar. Our thoughts and prayers with the family & friends.



Major Zia-ul-Haq

Major Zia-ul-Haq passed out from 95th PMA Long Course and joined 16 Baloch Regiment of Pakistan army. He was killed in action in recent operations. He passed out on May 14, 1995 and died in the same month in 2009.

Major Zia’s father died when Zia was only 18 month old. His widow mother raised him and after three decades the journey of her life came to a tragic cross road again. Major Zia’s son is six year old and daughter two and half year old. The old eyes of Zia’s mother are now looking at her daughter-in-law who has to travel on the same road lonely raising the next generation. Zia’s children have to grow up without father reliving the life of their dad.


Few have sacrificed their life

To redeem the honor;

And to pay for the sins of others.

Indeed a heavy price;

The interest is paid by even the children of those gone with the wind.

Zia; Rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers with the family.



Havaldar Qamar Ilyas & Sepoy Siddiq Akbar

Havaldar Qamar Ilyas was serving with elite Anti-Terrorist Squad and killed in action. He was from Sargodha and was married only ten days before his death. A young girl only had ten short happy days together with this young lad before he departed on a long journey.

Sepoy Siddiq Akbar was native of a small village of Babairai near Mardan. He was killed in action on May 06, 2009. He was married one year ago. One frame in his room shows two pictures; himself in uniform and his young bride in her chador. Memories of one short year will now be with this young bride for years to come.

These two wives of soldiers are from different ethnic backgrounds and live hundreds of miles away from each other but their pain is same. Tears rolling down their beautiful faces silently will be known to very few of their countrymen and life around them will go as normal but they will never again be normal.

Soldier’s Wife

I’ll light a candle in my window

Though I know you have gone too far;

And not coming back.

But I’ll keep that candle burning

Until we meet again in heavens.

Goodbye my beloved;

You know you are my true love.

Rest in peace Qamar & Siddiq Akbar. Our thoughts and prayers with the family and loved ones of Havaldar Qamar Ilyas & Sepoy Siddiq Akbar.



Captain Bilal Zafar Abbasi (1983-2009) – Lineages of Valor

Captain Bilal was from 108th Pakistan Military Academy ( PMA) Long course. He excelled during training and held coveted position of Battalion Junior Under Officer in the academy. He was commissioned in 42 Baloch (nick named al-Havi). Later, he joined elite Special Services Group (SSG). He was part of a SSG operation code named ‘Janbaz’ to clear heights occupied by militants in Peochar valley. SSG company led by Major Sardar was given the task of clearing Swat-Peochar road. Bilal’s team was assigned the task of clearing ‘Ghazano Sar’ top. Bilal was hit by a rocket launcher and killed in action on May 17, 2009 . The height is now named after him and called ‘Bilal Top’.

Bilal sent a text message from his cellular phone the night before his death to his colleague Captain Raheel which read, “in the roars of bullets, in the thunder of bombs, there are few who just do not stop….. knowing that they are surrounded by death….. knowing that they could leave their parents and family alone….. But they just keep on moving… because in their hearts and following through their veins known as ….. HONOUR, DEVOTION, LOVE WITH MOTHERLAND, DEATH BEFORE DISGRACE, PAKISTAN ARMY ZINDABAD”.

Bilal was from a family with long history of service in armed forces dating back a century. Bilal’s great grand father Subedar Lal Khan served in First World War and won George Cross. His grand father Tajjamal Hussain retired as Colonel and his father Zafar Tajjamal Abbasi was Captain in Pakistan army. Bilal’s maternal grandfather was Major Majeed. Bilal’s brother Captain Zawar Zafar Abbasi is also serving with SSG.

My Boy Jack (1916)

Have you news of my boy Jack?'
Not this tide.
'When d'you think that he'll come back?'
Not with this wind blowing, and this tide.

'Has any one else had word of him?'
Not this tide.
For what is sunk will hardly swim,
Not with this wind blowing, and this tide.

'Oh, dear, what comfort can I find?'
None this tide;
Nor any tide,
Except he did not shame his kind -
Not even with that wind blowing, and that tide.

Then hold your head up all the more,

This tide,
and every tide;
Because he was the son you bore,
And gave to that wind blowing and that tide!

Rudyard Kipling, 1916

Rest in peace Bilal. Our thoughts & prayers with Bilal’s family and loved ones.



(Captain Bilal’s family information is from Hilal, June 2009)

Captain Meraj Muhammad Khan (1985-2009)

Captain Meraj was from the village of Garo Shah of Mardan. He got his early education from cadet college Razmak. He joined 112th Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Long Course and passed out with the sword of honor. He was the first Razmian to win the sword of honor. After passing out from the academy, he was commissioned in 12th Cavalry (this is an old cavalry regiment which was formed with the amalgamation of two elite irregular cavalry regiments; 2nd Punjab Irregular Cavalry raised by Lieutenant Samuel Brown and 5th Punjab Irregular Cavalry raised by Captain Robert Fitzpatrick. 2nd became 22nd and 5th became 25th and 12th Cavalry emerged from amalgamation of 22nd and 25th. It was part of Frontier Force band of brothers. In 1937, 12th Cavalry became permanent training regiment of 2nd Indian Cavalry Group and taken out of order of battle. Pakistan brought 12th Cavalry back to the order of battle.

Meraj was a rising star of the Armored Corps but he volunteered for the paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC) N.W.F.P. He was part of the Special Operations Group (SOG) of FC. This is an elite unit which serves as a Rapid Reaction Force of FC. Meraj participated in many operations of SOG in Ambela Pass, Daggar and Sultanwas.

On June 04, 2009, a security convoy of police and FC was hit by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in Rustam near Mardan injuring many. SOG of FC led by Major Asad rushed to the spot and chased the militants. In the ensuing gun battle, policemen, FC personnel and army officers fought together and died together. Meraj was killed in this encounter. Others who sacrificed their lives in this encounter included Naik Ameer Hakim Chitrali, Havaldar Imran Ali Wazir and Sepoy Mehboob and Sepoy Nasrullah of FC, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Fareed Hussain Bangash, Station House Officer (SHO) Sherullah Khan , Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Hanan Khan and two police constables; Laiq Shah & Nazir Khan.

Meraj was engaged on December 06, 2008 and was due to get married in October 2009. Meraj qualified for a special operations course in U.S. and was scheduled to leave on June 12. However, just a week before he embarked on a much longer journey. In a befitting manner, five brave men of FC who died together were given final goodbye together when their flag draped coffins were lined up for funeral prayers. All were from different areas of Pukhtunkhwa (Naik Ameer from Chitral, Havaldar Imran from Waziristan and Meraj from Mardan) and in an ironic twist their lives were cut short by their own who have been possessed by the devil. However, death has brought all these men honor. FC and nation should be proud of these men and if peace comes to the haunted lands of Pushtuns and Pakistan it will be due to the blood of these men who gave up everything to secure their homeland.

Born in Mardan; died in Mardan protecting his own folk. Rest in peace Meraj along with your comrades. Our thoughts & prayers with the family.

‘We challenged Death. He threw with weighted dice.

We laughed and paid the forfeit, glad to play-

Being recompensed beyond our sacrifice

With that nor Death nor Time can take away.’

Robert Ernest Vernede



What do you think?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Us and Them

"Patriotism" is another word for nationalism,

"nationalism" is another word for racism...

...there is no "us and them"...

...there is only "us"...









...all racist terms...

...there is only one race...

...the human race...

(not counting the aliens)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rod Serling

There is a sixth dimension,

beyond that which is known to man.

It is a dimension as vast as space

and as timeless as infinity.

It is the middle ground between light and shadow,

and it lies between the pit of man's fears

and the sunlight of his knowledge.

This is the dimension of imagination.

It is an area that might be called The Twilight Zone.

The Extraordinary Beard of Swaran Singh.

You must be wondering if this person Mai ever writes about nonSikh stuff. Yes, she does, occasionally, but not today.

Today she has just finished eating a 7-Layer Burrito (beans, rice, tomato, lettuce, cheese and guacamole all rolled up in a flour tortilla) drenched a Fire Sauce and drinking a liter of half-frozen water.

I am sitting here near Seattle on the hottest day ever recorded here. 104F, 340C. Not all that hot in Amritsar or Las Vegas, but deadly hot to these weak Seattlites. I'm OK, with a fan and a spray bottle of water.

So, for a summer break...

I just came across this Youtube video and want to share it with you.

First, a still from the video:

The Beard of Swaran Singh
Then the caption from the video:
Mar. 11 - A Canadian man who has grown a beard that measures over seven feet long is all set to be endorsed in the record books.

Swaran Singh, a music teacher from Canada who is visiting his native Punjab, is the pride of all the Sikhs for sporting a beard that measures over 7 feet long.

He expects it to be endorsed in the Guinness Book of World Records.

As a devout Sikh, Singh wanted to inspire the young members of his community to retain the hair and not crop it.

(SOUNDBITE) (Punjabi) SWARAN SINGH: "God blessed every man with beard, but I have received special blessing from Him. I have done nothing special except caring it (beard). I have never applied any special hair oil on my beard and of course, I haven't done this for the sake of Guinness record."

And, at last, the video itself:

Happy summer to all (in the Northern Hemisphere). Happy winter to you in the hemisphere of Oz.

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Combinations in Restraint of Trade

The Real Face of American Politics Reveals Itself Once Again

Once again, we can readily see through the evolution of the so-called Health Care Reform Legislation the forces that actually drive American Politics. The Lobbyists who dutifully represent the Health Care Insurance Industry and the wealthy are, once again, reaping the rewards for the largesse that they readily bestow upon legislators who vote on their behalf.

It is quite amazing how rapidly increased taxation on the very wealthy as a partial solution to financing health care reform was dropped from the agenda. It seems that this class that holds a vastly disproportionate share of the nation’s wealth does not have any obligation to actually contribute financially to a solution that would be an immeasurable benefit to all Americans. When it comes to reducing the tax burden of those who can easily afford higher taxes, however, the Congress has demonstrated on many occasions just how prepared they are to do so.

It is equally astonishing how quickly the inclusion of a public option as an integral part of the proposed health care reform legislation was also eliminated from consideration.

It does not require a remarkable stretch of the imagination to understand how these policy reversals occur. This represents the same old story. Our society and culture has devolved into one in which the primary concern for all human endeavor can be distilled into one powerful concept- profit. We seem to be more than willing to allow millions of men, women and children to continue to suffer needlessly on account of the fact the health insurance industry is not in the slightest way interested in the public health or the public good. It is a thriving industry built upon a failed and destitute public health system.

This is an outrageous situation and is, essentially, morally reprehensible. In my mind the Congress is primarily responsible. The American people also share the responsibility for being so easily swayed by fallacious arguments and not standing up for what they absolutely require.

America's Health Care Ranking

The American people pay twice as much per person for medical care than the rest of the world combined. America ranks 37th out of 191 countries in health care.

The World Health Organization has carried out the first ever analysis of the world's health systems. Using five performance indicators to measure health systems in 191 member states, it finds that France provides the best overall health care followed among major countries by Italy, Spain, Oman, Austria and Japan.

The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18 th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy.

The impact of failures in health systems is most severe on the poor everywhere, who are driven deeper into poverty by lack of financial protection against ill- health, the report says.

"The poor are treated with less respect, given less choice of service providers and offered lower- quality amenities," says Dr Brundtland. "In trying to buy health from their own pockets, they pay and become poorer."

While private health expenses in industrial countries now average only some 25 percent because of universal health coverage (except in the United States, where it is 56%), in India, families typically pay 80 percent of their health care costs as "out-of- pocket" expenses when they receive health care.

Colombia achieved top rank because someone with a low income might pay the equivalent of one dollar per year for health care, while a high- income individual pays 7.6 dollars.

In North America, Canada rates as the country with the fairest mechanism for health system finance – ranked at 17-19, while the United States is at 54-55. Cuba is the highest among Latin American and Caribbean nations at 23-25.

Health care, like education, is an investment in our future and should be a "not for profit" venture. Unfortunately in America, the health care industry is controlled by the pharmaceutical, insurance and medical products industries who enjoy a virtual monopoly on all pricing for the benefit of "maximum profit". It's no wonder they have launched a massive "disinformation campaign" and are lobbying (read "bribery") so hard to kill health care reform.

(read more)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Max Headroom

The Madonna with Saint Giovannino

Survival of the Gold Promise

Since the creation of the Gold Promise,
there have been many waves.
Waves that have attempted to wash away,
erase the promise that we've written in the sand.
But the Gold Promise isn't made of sand.
It's as indestructible as we are.
it will be followed till death.
[or rather it will follow till death]
Hopefully it'll succeed either to leave a legacy,
or fail to fade away,
and become a legacy itself.
Humanity knows how vulnerable they are.
How big the mountains,
how deep the oceans,
how far the sun
and how close the opportunity of death.
But don't give up,
I alone, can't do this thing.
Even though we're so small,
the universe so big,
we were made for it.
[or rather it was made for us]
Fate can look grim,
but it can't be that bad
for its only the product of imagination.
Fate doesn't exist
...all that exists is what exists now.
So don't give up,
we still got a ways to go...
And that ways to go,
it can only be accomplished in the now.
Don't give up,
For the Sake of Humanity
and for the achievement of the Gold Promise.
Remember the present
and these rewards of life,
and this universe,
and these dreams...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Nephilim

Genesis Chapter 6, verses 1 through 4 mentions Nephilim:

Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

They are mentioned again in Numbers chapter 13, verses 32-33, in a description of the inhabitants of Hebron:

So they gave out to the sons of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, "The land through which we have gone, in spying it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great size. There also we saw the Nephilim and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight."

The Battle of Los Angeles

The Battle of Los Angeles is the name given by contemporary news agencies to a sighting of one or more unidentified flying objects which took place from late February 24 to early February 25, 1942 in which eyewitness reports of an unknown object or objects over Los Angeles, California, triggered a massive anti-aircraft artillery barrage. The Los Angeles incident occurred less than three months after America's entry into World War II as a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Initially the target of the aerial barrage was thought to be an attacking force from Japan, but it was later suggested to be imaginary and a case of "war nerves", a lost weather balloon, a blimp, a Japanese fire balloon or psychological warfare technique, staged for the benefit of coastal industrial sites, or even an extraterrestrial craft. The true nature of the object or objects allegedly remains "unknown".

The incident was front-page news along the U.S. Pacific coast, and earned some mass media coverage throughout the nation. One Los Angeles Herald Express writer who observed some of the incident insisted that several anti-aircraft shells had struck one of the objects, and he was stunned that the object had not been downed. Reporter Bill Henry of the Los Angeles Times wrote , "I was far enough away to see an object without being able to identify it...I would be willing to bet what shekels I have that there were a number of direct hits scored on the object."

(read more)


I don't know about you but

I don't trust insurance companies to

support my best interests to begin with.

I certainly don't trust insurance companies

to provide for my health care needs in a "non-profit" way.

You know what H.M.O. stands for don't you?


