Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Sum of World History



No McDonalds without the force of McDonnell Douglas (F-15 fighters).

You kill the Red Indians and that is civilization, while the other is holocaust.

One Million Iraqis killed were flies and cockroaches, while 3,000 killed in 9/11 were martyrs.

You use WMDs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki but all who oppose you cannot have WMDs. Its OK if Israel has WMDs to kill the sub human Arabs but North Korea is a terrorist and Hillary Clinton who should have been sitting on Walmart's board of directors now talks about diplomacy! Funny lady!

Everything that is noble, good and altruistic is the west and everything that is bad are all those who oppose the west.

Illegal migrants legalized with force. You call it civilization :---

In 1994 Iraq complied with all of the U.N. demands including dismantling of WMD but the USA kept the sanctions leading to deaths of thousands so that oil prices stay high and benefit lackeys like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. You call this diplomacy?!

BCCI Bank, later accused of money laundering and drugs, was a major donor to the Tory Party of Britain.

Khodorovsky, the biggest swindler and crook of Russia, generously donates to neo-conservative think tanks in the USA and active members of Khodorovskys foundations are Henry Kissinger and Lord Rothschild.

Height of western civilization :---

Killing and maiming with a B-52 is civilized, while killing with an AK-47 is a terrorist attack.

As they say, "war is the terrorism of the rich and terrorism is the war of the poor."

You call this the civilized west. It stinks.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Captains of Industry

The human spirit will thrive with co-operation; Far more than with competition. So why is our society based upon competition and not co-operation?

The current economic system is based upon the masses competing with each-other for limited resources for one reason; to keep them enslaved to the system. In addition to bondage our rulers choose to keep us, in the majority, impoverished slaves. The reality is the masses have had to work harder and have had less than the few at the top since the days of the pyramids.

Economics is simply the latest word for a pyramid shaped slavery control system. Pyramid schemes and structures favor the few and control, enslave and rip off the masses. They have been using the same structure for thousands of years.

Why do you think there is a pyramid on our money with the top cut off. Money is the control system and it states their formula right in plain view for all to see.

It shows the elite at the top, and the masses at the bottom. The slave masters and the slaves.

Everything is free

Let me get this straight.......

we do all the work.......

we buy all the products.......

and they get the lions share of the profit?

That's why we need labor unions.

Make the people rich......

that will save the economy.......really.

Golden Themed Heart Sleeve

For Elan.

An unexpected kindness,
This unseen intuition.
Ever present smile says
Don’t be so serious

Accepting and relaxed
Forgiveness –themed philosophy
Speaks volumes of compassion
Rejecting slants of lethargy.

Chosen insightful naïveté
Bears friendly fruits
Contagious happiness
Healing scarred wounds

No need to explain himself
To those who do not ask
A wasted life is one
Who’s impact does not last.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Terrorism is the war of the poor,

and war is the terrorism of the rich

...Sir Peter Ustinov...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dr. Edgar Mitchell-Apollo 14

Dr. Edgar Dean Mitchell, D.Sc. (born September 17, 1930) is an American pilot, engineer, and astronaut. As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, he spent nine hours working on the lunar surface in the Fra Mauro Highlands region, making him the sixth man to walk on the Moon.

Mitchell was born in Hereford, Texas. He was active in the Boy Scouts of America where he achieved its second highest rank, Life Scout. He was also a member of Demolay International and has been inducted into its Hall of Fame.

Mitchell earned a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial management from Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1952. The following year he joined the US Navy where he trained as a pilot and flew off the aircraft carriers USS Bon Homme Richard and USS Ticonderoga. He later qualified as a research pilot and taught at the Navy's research pilot school. While on active duty in the Navy, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and a Doctor of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He currently resides in suburban West Palm Beach, FL.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell is a Boy Scout, Texan, scientist, Apollo astronaut, and an American hero........this is not a man who lies.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walter Cronkite

"This is Walter Cronkite

And that's the way it is

July 17, 2009"

Thursday, July 16, 2009

One Giant Leap For Mankind

It's the 40th anniversary

of Apollo 11 blasting off for the moon

It's about time you knew the truth

Be a rebel

At a time of universal deceit

telling the truth is a revolutionary act

...George Orwell...

poetic health plea

Do you feel that you are spending time you don't have to be healthy?
I am confronted with limits in ways designed to feel indebted.
What supports my existence is the need to question better, especially myself.

Dominance over impulsive thoughts projects a point of interest to share, like conversation needs participation appreciation.
Even the brain has two hemispheres to balance since it is prime example of a distribution process between concepts and real effects.
Concern can become distracted with discouragement of a judicial system, which tends to bisect into good or bad.
The process of creating immediacy is evaluation as supportive dialog which can process the vow of "for better or for worse" over a long time in the name of eternity.

Could our relationship to our country feel more supportive than marriage?
The sacrifice paradox is understood by paying respect to equality concepts.
Service Trust is the care-giving value to give credit for attention.

I'd like to believe that choice in public investment is the best way to option away private manipulative buy out that must stop expecting bail-out. The equality of attention must now be a social security assurance which can take the figures "in the red" and create the debt-less greenbacks for a new foundation of healthy attitude.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fahrenheit 451

Where they burn books

they will also burn people

...Heinrich Heine...

Sgt. Karl Wolf

Truth is a Pathless Land

"I maintain that truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path. If you first understand that, then you will see how impossible it is to organize a belief. A belief is purely an individual matter, and you cannot and must not organize it. If you do, it becomes dead, crystallized; it becomes a creed, a sect, a religion, to be imposed on others " Jiddu Krishnamurti

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Unfinished Species

We are a disastrously unfinished species. We are hardwired with tendencies that do not serve us well in the twenty-first century. The human species can be extremely aggressive, xenophobic, petty, acquisitive, obsessive and often delusional. These are attributes that may have served early humans well in the primeval competition for survival. But that is in the past. We have supposedly tamed nature to the point at which our unabated intervention in the flow of natural processes is now endangering our own collective survival. We have proclaimed ourselves to be free, yet vast numbers of individuals are tied to the yolk of a failed vision in regards to human commerce and political infrastructure. We believe ourselves to be released from the restraints imposed by superstition, yet the motivation for living remains tethered to a profound subservience to a superhuman superhero in the guise of what is referred to as God. We pride ourselves in the advancements made in science, our understanding of the workings of the natural world, yet we are clueless about our own inner workings.

Without a deep understanding of our own essential natures, we will never be freed from the disastrous future that will necessarily come from our own collective and profound ignorance. There is an immense beauty and simplicity that underlies our conscious life and that is accessible through the inner workings of the intellect. Living without an appreciation for the life of the mind, is an incomplete life at best. This reality lies, in my mind, at the very heart of education. In essence, understanding how to think and how to utilize the vast resources of the intellect, how to discipline and corral the barrage of emotions, impulses and affectations that undermine our well being both individually and as a group can provide release from the savage wheel of human history upon which we seemed to be impaled.



is another word for waste!

Think re-usable!

A Sea of Plastic

Just for worldwide consumption of bottled water in 2004 alone it took roughly 87.4 million barrels of oil. You can imagine that with statistics for 2008, we have a figure in the hundreds of millions of barrels of oil being used just to produce bottled water. Don't buy water in plastic bottles, water is free!

America and the world’s addiction to plastic doesn’t end there. Plastic bags take oil, just like plastic bottles to produce. Currently the U.S. consumes 100 billion plastic shopping bags in a year and worldwide consumption is estimated to be from 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags a year. That is roughly 1 million plastic bags a minute being consumed and less than 1% is recycled. If we legalize hemp we could make bags from a profitable and sustainable source and avoid wasting all that oil and energy making "trash that lasts forever."

I guess it's okay to pollute our waters now because, "we can $ell them clean water in a pla$tic bottle." Clean water is a right, not a commodity to be exploited. I bet next they will try to $ell us air and fire and dirt.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

California Marijuana Tax

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano will announce legislation on Monday to legalize marijuana and earn perhaps $1 billion annually by taxing it.

Quintin Mecke, Ammiano's press secretary, confirmed to SF Weekly that the assemblyman's 10 a.m. Monday press conference regarding "new legislation related to the state's fiscal crisis" will broach the subject of reaping untold -- and much-needed -- wealth from the state's No. 1 cash crop.

Mecke said Ammiano's proposed bill "would remove all penalties in California law on cultivation, transportation, sale, purchase, possession, or use of marijuana, natural THC, or paraphernalia for persons over the age of 21."

The bill would additionally prohibit state and local law officials from enforcing federal marijuana laws. As for Step Two -- profit -- Ammiano's bill calls for "establishing a fee on the sale of marijuana at a rate of $50 per ounce." Mecke said that would bring in roughly $1 billion for the state, according to estimates made by marijuana advocacy organizations.


You're damned if you do

and you're damned if you don't

you have to be crazy

to live in an insane world

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Some Life

From July 6th to July 10th I was at something my church calls Kids Kamp.
Last year I didn't know what to expect, but it was a great escape from a troubled mind.
This year though it was no escape, what it was, was a wonderful experience.
So today I say "for the sake of the kids",
and "for the sake of my love and the love of others":
We can't give up.
Things can change.
People do grow up,
and others can.

Life is about the maintenance of life.
There's gotta be a balance.
And you gotta know what your doing.
Good luck, cause we all need some of mine sometimes.

I wish I could say more, by I truly can't.
This experience, can it be put into words?

Friday, July 10, 2009


SiCKO is a 2007 documentary film by American film maker Michael Moore. The film investigates the American health care system, focusing on its health insurance and pharmaceutical industry. The film compares the for-profit, non-universal U.S. system with the non-profit universal health care systems of Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Cuba.

Sicko opened to positive reviews, but also generated criticism and controversy. Some policy specialists have praised the film while others have criticized the film for its positive portrayal of the publicly funded health systems of Canada, the United Kingdom and Cuba, and for its negative portrayal of the health care system in the United States.

In his first television interview since leaving the health insurance industry, Wendell Potter tells
Bill Moyers why he left his successful career as the head of Public Relations for CIGNA, one of the nation's largest insurers, and decided to speak out against the industry. "I didn't intend to [speak out], until it became really clear to me that the industry is resorting to the same tactics they've used over the years.

My Precious

Life is short

Life is hard

Life is precious

excluded duties

I am disabled by all
the time it takes to maintain
the healthy balance of sanity.
To exercise as many physical therapy
prescriptions that it take to progress.
I prescribe less mandatory work mandatory.
It is the industrious imbalance that created
commercialism of domination qualities.

Maintenance depart-mental-izes.
Discouragement is from the critical side
so supportive reflex is natural balance

The use of desire can be healthy respect for
education appreciation as better attitudes evolve
healthy indulgence can (and should ) mean
(individual or shared) experiencing encouragement.

Personal value is an entitlement of individual rights
but the difficulty of defining equality
is institutionalized with certifications.

Time spent being healthy could become credit
that doesn't enforce indebted tensions.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


In the 1950's the average sperm count was 120 million per milliliter. The average sperm count today has been halved to an average of around 60 million per milliliter in the Western world, a decrease of 1-2% per year.

My guess is that all the poisons, chemicals and female hormone mimicking compounds we've introduced into our environment and food have begun to concentrate in our bodies and are slowly trying to turn boys into girls. Male infertility will be the method of our self-annihilation. We are killing ourselves and the planet with our waste.


I wiretapped my subconscious
so I might know what
I could be thinking...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009






Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Zippo

"Disposable" lighters are only one of the many items being made of plastic. "Trash that lasts forever" is the only phrase that can describe "disposable" plastic items. This "disposable" plastic finds its way into the ocean and collects in rotating ocean currents like the North Pacific Gyre, an area of concentrated plastic trash the size of Texas. The plastic to food ratio in this area is 6:1.

As you can see, this bird ingested several plastic "disposable" lighters along with other various plastic bottle tops and miscellaneous "disposable" plastic items. This bird died because it mistook our "disposable" plastic trash for food. Only 3.5 % of worldwide "disposable" plastic is recycled.

Zippo lighters are reliable and re-usable, a quality American made item not made of plastic. Buy a Zippo and stop using plastic "disposable" lighters and avoid buying "disposable" plastic products and packaging. It may even stop a bullet and save your life. "Disposable" plastic is the bane of our age.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Dark Side of The Agro-Industrial Complex

suffering govt.

This national deficit may be perfectly timed to prove government is reflexively opposing the social best interest.
I will try to suggest that the deficit created for taxpayers is actually owed to us.
The governmental responsibility is relative to economic balance.
Aggressive tendencies are too expensive and are being overly represented in military spending and corporate favors.
The energy that flows through our currency has become so powerful it has burned out our infrastructure and delivery systems.
The industrious motives of the corporate Federal Reserve conglomeration needs the healthy balance of National Service Departments to keep our values diverse enough to remain democratic.
The socialistic request for bail-out proves the mutation of getting too big to maintain itself is an obsolete domination behavior.
Branches of economy could be created to represent victims of industrious disregard for better intentions to represent integrity.
The whole purpose of government is as an example of self-supportive resource management.
The authority to create credit from the debt has been attempted by presidents before when private money dissolved trust by buying into toxic power exploitation.
"Power to the people" (democracy) can only come from a national credit for participation in supportive behavior.
Most of the jobs today seem to be for discouragement and thus need downsizing.
Healthy behavior allows for proportional emergency compensation as an indicator of care full education.
Government only half cares for this social imbalance of prerequisites and conventions.
I would like to offer observations of concern.
People of indulgent needs that create (production) needs for others to pay for are committing crimes of entertainment like watching their victims suffer for improvement.

The Government could declare Federal Reserve currency creates illegally unequal cultural values unless balanced with a U.S.Note for the Health support that could create a service branch of economy inclusively networking medical and educational departments.
The multi-branching of government is in public interest that yields more appreciation (when needed) if viewed as self-supported.