Friday, March 6, 2009

I suggest...

...a suggestion is like a hyperlink
with adaptive access properties
(for response abilities..)
BUT a COMMAND limits function.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


wiseguy says...

Be Patient...
Don't be greedy...
Relax and go Nuts!!!

Collage by C.L.DeMedeiros

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Animal Farm


Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Birth of Venus

Sandro Botticelli 1482–1486

Did You Know?

more or less?

People take the point
to set themselves apart, but
yearn to give their part
to compounding points...
for unity?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Support a Charity

Even though this is not my usual way of helping out people, I still support the organization Charity: Water.
So if you have some free time, go right ahead and help someone out.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Which Honour Does Obama Talk About

Which Honour Does Obama Talk About

Agha Amin

At Camp Lejeuene in the Carolinas President Obama while talking to US soldiers talked about honour.

One may ask a simple question " which honour is Obama talking about " or " where is the honour" ?

You attack a country with no air force and air defence with overwhelming forces. So there is hardly any danger to your soldiers which is well proven by your extremely low casualties! So where is the honour without the dignity of danger for which the soldiers profession is honourable?

You waste US tax payers trillions US Dollars to fight a war with no objective so where is your sanity. Was the Iraq war fought so that some private US companies can make money in construction and reconstruction contracts?

You did not go for Iraqs oil as you say. If so why you wasted trillions in Iraq? If USA had gone for the Oil in Iraq we could say , " OK there is an objective".

What USA did in Iraq neither has honour nor sanity nor logic. Its beyond logic.

And no US military or civilian leader dissented! A fine indicator of lack of intellectual honesty!

You attack a pen of chickens with overwhelming superiority so it's not correct to talk about honour!

What is the lesson that Bush and USA have taught the world. If a small country like Iraq does not have WMDs it will attacked with that strange kind of honour that Obama talks about and destroyed.

And then you have totally shameless bulky Arab kings of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Gulf, Egypt etc who buy billions of munitions for killing and controlling their own people! What a disgrace!

So there is logic in North Korea and Pakistan and even India having nukes!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Little Deer Frida Kahlo 1946...

Be brave


is a cowardly escape

from the problems of peace

...Thomas Mann...

must see


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This is not a star

If you have a good telescope.....

you can see things.....

things people don't want you to see.


When participation in a credit system is losing
sustainability, stopping is the natural reflex!
Human awareness will create criticism reflexively.
Responsibility grows from design experience,
prioritizing for better or worse.

Accepting or forcing that respect is (in) question.
Styles of reflex structuring leads to foundation values.
The value of capital became dominant by many other
entitlements as great as the country {(wants to be) in agreement.}

The response of support is the equity to appreciate victims rights.
Geico tells you that is the money you could save, but...
It is really what they charge each customer to tell you that.
The system has become un-respectable.

Big Brother in the Tower

Camera's on the corner,
camera's on the street.
Camera's on the houses,
camera's when you eat.
Camera's in the shops,
Camera's in the park
Camera's at football,
Even in the dark.
Camera's that watch you
In what ever thing you do.
Camera's that watch me,
Camera's watching you.

This is the age of enlightment,
A black man is in power
But watching over us
Big Brothers in the tower.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Teach your children

Teach your children well

(Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young)


Injustice anywhere.....

is a threat to justice everywhere.

.....Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

for your consideration ...

it is not going to be easy ...

... almost forgot this Bahai's in Iran.

Mug Shots

Rosa Parks

George Carlin

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

It's not funny

paper prison blocks

MONEY is the parasite
that changed the kind of credit
(ASSURANCE) to which we are entitled.
Health (& care) will provide assets as
attention to supportive evaluation contrasts the
debt created by defending judgments (discouragement.)

Given the education dream has been sold
as proper debt, take credit for service
and information that has been short-changed
because there was no product to sell.
Reparation is to conceive a value that
encourages what we distribute informs &
taxation and other offensive penalty charges,
for propping up money as a containment.
Who committed you to money worship service?
..heal your $in$...


Our eyes are opening, as all is very unclear, there are lies, damn lies and things we may never know the truth about but what we can see, what is becoming clearer and clearer is that there is a plan, a thirst for power and you and I are not part of it! There is clearly a conspiracy that has been going on, possibly since the beginning of time, we may have been genetically engineered we are certainly being manipulated through propaganda and thought control.

We have looked and can see who are in the higher echelons of power, who has a vested interested in promoting thought control of the masses. Several families are implicated, these families are obsessed with blood lines and some, notably the Bushes’ and the Windsor’s’ are inbred to the point of idiocy, why they have inflicted this inbreeding on their own families is open to conjecture. I for one am glad that my genes come from entirely different stock!

The picture as is unfolding is hideous, huge, corrupt and nasty, it is hard to comprehend the true crimes against humanity that have been committed here, people have suffered and died, and still are, even we westerners have been lied to, stolen from, murdered, our souls, our spark of divine light has been corrupted and we have been taught to believe we are unworthy, our minds have been confused muddled and taught lies and propaganda as if it was the truth.

So let’s take a step back and holding our shock and horror down look at this as if we were not the victims of a dangerous and dirty game, lets look as if we ourselves are aliens, gods, divine beings from another place, there has been underhandedness and trickery on a scale that is hard to imagine from a sane and lucid perspective so let’s take a step back from the emotion and look coldly and clearly.

Who are the real slaves here? Who have been deprived of their humanity by a breeding programme that they have only occasionally tried to inflict upon us? Who are ruled by a psychopathic master? They have it all these families, all the money all the power, we are fooled into believing that oligarchy is democracy, drugged by the opiates of hope and by TV screens that as Orwell predicted tell us what to feel and when to feel it. But we can free our minds by an effort of will, of understanding.

We are thinking, feeling human beings, and they have weaknesses, they are scared themselves, and they have no imagination that has been bred out of them, did George W Bush have any choice himself whether to be president or not? Once he was president did he have any choice about what to say, how to act? Does he have empathy for his fellow man? Is he enslaved by a system that tries to enslave humanity?

They are clearly then not the masters of their own destiny, they have weaknesses, and one of them was clearly spoken while Bush was president

“Bush does not like black people”

Why not? Are black people harder to manipulate, more likely to form their own opinions? Is that why black people in the US have been targeted time and again by the powers that be? Maybe they have more soul, keep a tighter hold of their own divinity and can see through a lie more clearly that white people.

There are other clues as well to their weaknesses, they don’t like to be mocked to be the but of jokes, they clearly thrive on hate pain and division, and don’t thrive on laughter and joy and fun, even children are not allowed to create merry hell any more, but are drugged with Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs, we Brits are a lot less reverent than other nations may believe, we take hardly anything seriously, when Diana died there were jokes the next day in the pub, when Londoners were murdered in the tube there were jokes about that too.

Can it be that humour, real humour, laughing out loud, fun and joy of life can also cut through their mind control? I’m not sure but I think so, the energy from joy is much different from the energy from pain. These are proud and arrogant individuals, could they cope with being mocked, laughed at, and jeered at? At least it will make us feel better to have a laugh!

They have other weaknesses to, weaknesses that through their own secrecy have grown to monstrous proportions, that’s what we have to focus on, look at. be aware of. They fall apart under the cameras too; last week in the UK is became illegal to take a picture of a policeman! I feel sure there is a weakness there, maybe the camera will show them for what they really are, show them in a way that our human eyes would never let us believe.

Keep looking, keep listening, the battle hasn’t even begun yet, but when it does we need to know their weaknesses, need to see through the lies and propaganda, need to be armed with love, humour and joy………….

Inner Core

The heart is the strength and fall of mankind.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pope Sidious

paradox power the new leader starts building his legacy
of encouragement and innovation..
...the last contrast finds his legacy to be
harsh imbalance and discouraging inadequacies..

Friday, February 20, 2009

wait a minute boys ...

wait a minute boys ... this one's not dead !
so they took 'im to the infirmary
(Bob dylan, Hurricane)

things are not often as they seem?
things are not always as they seem?

a frenchman, Jaques Ellul, talks sense to me about Anarchy & Christianity, what they mean, how the Bible has been subverted to serve the interests Sharon (thought it was Oberon at first, fooled by those myriad dots :-) is talking about below ... not as much of a nutbar as Ivan Illich maybe, who just happened to be saying similar things, viz.

corruption of the best becomes the worst

from first principles then - God simply does not fit the subject/object 'model' of thinking, you can't think about God that way

well, it was an eye-opener for me at least :-)

be well.

Non Violent non-cooperation

Non Violent non-cooperation……….we are tiny drops in the ocean but together we are the oceans……….

So what is it these bastards want? These elite, these reptilians? It can’t be money because they fucking invented the filthy lucre and let’s face it they have it all already, they enslave us through their monetary system, but that’s not enough, it’s not their goal it’s not their aim.

They have taken a very long time, worked craftily and carefully for maybe thousands of years, they have removed us from our divinity with their religions, religions that are all the same! Mithras bears such an uncanny resemblance to Jesus who bears a very strong resemblance to Horus, these religions have another resemblance the congregation must not approach the divine directly but must do so through intervention from priests.

Possibly thought then we are being removed from our own divinity, denied our own powers, our spiritual awareness is stunted and thwarted we are encouraged to think of the divine as other, as outside ourselves and are grounded with only our five senses, we have more than five who knows how many more, in my every day work I am a psychic, I work on the premium phone lines, every body I speak to is an empath, is psychic, a healer EVERYBODY!

We are made up of energy, cosmic energy, basically that’s all we are, electrical impulses, I am an energy worker and I know how these energies can be directed, used for healing, understanding, psychic communication, our energies never die, they can’t they can leave our bodies and change but energy is infinite, changeable, focused or unfocused, mixing and blending with the cosmic whole or staying unique and individual just as we ourselves are.

Another possible thought then is that these powers that be; these fucking wankers that are controlling everyone are themselves after energy, our energy. Some energy they feed well from, some of it gives them a buzz, fear seems to be really potent for them, hate is an energy they cultivate again and again, sorrow will do at a push, grief will help them bubble, which may explain why we are kept in a state of fear, stress, pain and anguish. Even exposing their nasty games presents us with emotions that they can feed from. Remember emotion is simply energy, powerful directed energy when we watch our TV and see thousands die in the World Trade Centre.

These are my thoughts and I really want to be wrong, but why else constant war? Constant fear? constant division being promoted through humanity? Stupid reasons that make no sense given for why we must kill, why we must send our sons and daughters away to wars, how much fear is really being generated in Iraq, in Gaza, in Afghanistan? Take a moment can you feel that fear? That hate? That pain? Can you? I can, I am in a cold sweat, my stomach in knots, my eyes are full of tears and I know if I let them fall I will sob and sob.

We are being fooled and conned, held back, we know that now, eyes are being opened to awareness all over the world, yet we still feel small powerless unable and perhaps afraid to embrace our own powers, our own control, our own divinity, we have to stop being our own prison warders, we have to realise that we deny our own power at our peril. If they feed from our energy then we can change that, we need to be clear headed, not give in to despair or panic, we will have to be strong and there are difficult times ahead begin to feel your own energies, the energies around you, dare to be familiar with atmosphere, claim back your own divinity and know that you are a divine and powerful being.

Why have matters escalated over the past fifty years so much? They worked in secret for so long, so carefully, could it be arrogance that makes them break cover now or could it be their own fear? There own panic about what is happening with us, with the proles, the huddled masses, could it be that we as humans are evolving into a place we can fight them at their own game? We are evolving you know as a race, as humans, many of us are now born without wisdom teeth, acknowledged to be a natural evolution, how else are we evolving?
How else are we already evolved but in ignorance? Ask yourself these questions and dare to dream, because that’s all we have…….. our dreams.


Every day.............I die a little

(The Vibrators)


NONSENSE ...a complete absurd!!!
it's related to the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (more here)