Showing posts with label extinction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label extinction. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Monday, January 11, 2010

Whale Wars

"What are they doing mama?...

They are trying to save us darling one."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Chemical Edge

This little piggy went to market,

This little piggy stayed at home,

This little piggy had roast beef,

This little piggy had none...

And this little piggy is an example

of what chemical and toxic pollution

is doing to biological life forms,

meaning us, the cause of it all,

we are the little guinea piggies,

and we will be the ones that go...

"Wee wee wee" all the way home.

(read more)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Genocide and Mass Murder

However this happened, whoever did it, it's business as usual for the human race. The killing of thousands of innocent people on this particular day of infamy isn't anything out of the ordinary for you earth creatures. Isn't it just a repeat of what's been going on with this "Planet of the Apes" since the day you got here? The history of your pitifull existence is littered with innumerable examples of genocide and mass murder commited brother against brother in an endless theater of bloodletting. Starting with the Roman Empire, 50,000 spectators were entertained with gladiatorial games, executions and animal hunts. An estimated 500,000 people and over a million wild animals died in the Colosseum games. Let's go down the list: the Peloponnesian War, the genocides of Amalekites and Midianites, the destruction of Carthage, the Mongol horsemen of Genghis Khan, the un-ending religious wars, the eradication of as many as 100 million indigenous natives of the Americas, the complete extinction of the Tasmanian Aboriginal population, the War in the Vendée, The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, the Philippine-American War, the Herero and Namaqua Genocide in German South-West Africa, War of the Three Kingdoms, the complete destruction of the Zunghar people, the Armenian Genocide, the Assyrian Genocide, the Greek genocide, the Spanish civil war, the Nazi holocaust of the Jews, the American civil war, the genocide against the Don Cossacks, World War One, the Guatemalan civil war, the Srebrenica genocide, the Rwandan Genocide, the Bangladesh War of 1971, Béla Kun's ethnic cleansing against Turkish and Crimean Tatars and other minorities in 1921-22, World War Two, Lenin's Red Terror, Stalin's Great Purge, the Korean War, Mao's suppression of counterrevolutionaries, Pol Pot's Killing Fields, massacres at the partition of India, or the Hama, Tlatelolco massacres, and the mass killing of communists by Suharto's New Order, War and Genocide in East Timor, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Nanjing Massacre, the Katyn Forest Massacre of Polish citizens, the Bombing of Chongqing, the Blitz, the bombing of Dresden and Hamburg, Pearl Harbor, the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Vietnam War, the Ethiopian Red Terror, the Halabja poison gas attack, The Persian Gulf War, the genocide in Tibet, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, should I stop there or keep going? You earthlings have spent the past ten thousand years perfecting your killing skills. You are very good at it. I don't know how long you will last.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Holocaust Of The Americas

It is estimated, based on archaeological data and written records from European settlers, that from 8 to 112 million indigenous people lived in the Americas when the 1492 voyage of Christopher Columbus began a historical period of large-scale European interaction with the Americas.

While the population of Old World peoples in the Americas steadily grew in the centuries after Columbus, the population of the American indigenous peoples plummeted.

A controversial question relating to the population history of American indigenous peoples is whether or not the natives of the Americas were the victims of genocide. After the Nazi-perpetrated Holocaust during World War II, genocide was defined (in part) as a crime "committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such."

Historian David Stannard is of the opinion that the indigenous peoples of America (including Hawaii) were the victims of a "Euro-American genocidal war." While conceding that the majority of the indigenous peoples fell victim to the ravages of European disease, he estimates that almost 100 million died in what he calls the American Holocaust.

(read more)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Permanently Protect the Arctic Refuge!

Click here ~> Urge Congress to Permanently Protect the Arctic Refuge! - The Petition Site

North West Passage

The ice age is melting and the Arctic is turning into water. On some days temperatures can hover around 70 degrees fahrenheit ..turning ice shelves into tropical zones. For me, this conjures up images of smooth sailing, sunbathing on sandy beaches and swimming in emerald lagoons. But I’m a fucking dreamer who needs to see things the way they are. What this really means is greater opportunity for fortune-seekers looking for trade routes to China. What is now home to Eskimos, who still hunt whales and live in igloos about to become an international trade zone ..occupied by oil barons developers ..and casino operators. I have the feeling we are looking at the next wild frontier. Now I picture myself sailing through the North West Passage like it was California during the gold rush ..shooting polar bears instead of buffaloes.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


In the 1950's the average sperm count was 120 million per milliliter. The average sperm count today has been halved to an average of around 60 million per milliliter in the Western world, a decrease of 1-2% per year.

My guess is that all the poisons, chemicals and female hormone mimicking compounds we've introduced into our environment and food have begun to concentrate in our bodies and are slowly trying to turn boys into girls. Male infertility will be the method of our self-annihilation. We are killing ourselves and the planet with our waste.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Big Fish

There's a million fish in the sea...

where there once were billions...

90% of the big fish in the ocean

have been caught and consumed...

thanks to overfishing, bluefin tuna

have been driven to just 3% of its 1960

abundance.................a decline of 97%