Have a good look at Haiti. It is ground zero for poverty. I think I will have to agree with this article I found; that Haiti is so far gone it will need major intervention from the world body if anything is to succeed. In the meantime, there is something we might be able to do to alleviate the poverty and starvation. Send chickens! As I have written before, chickens are a sustainable source of eggs and meat, fertilizer and insect control, and cost very little to raise. Free range chickens nearly feed themselves. If we can introduce several flocks of chickens to selected groups or families in Haiti with instructions to establish breeding stations and in turn more breeding sites, the snowball effect could produce an explosion of chicken production! As it happens, I have a friend with connections already established in Haiti and we can use these connections in our endeavor. This is my goal, to introduce and sustain chicken production countrywide, for FREE! If you want to assist in this endeavor I'd be happy to have your help. Email me and let me know what you are willing to do to advance the "chicken project", and thanks for your help......Oberon.
Great idea but the problems are incredible. This DOESN'T mean it shouldn't be attempted. I've been traveling since the time of Papa Doc and was there several times last year. You are right -- it is ground zero -- It is right up there with Somalia and Ethiopia, and the situation is more than desperate.
I've raised chikens commercially and know what it takes and know what there is and isn't in Haiti.
You need a GOOD local partner to make it work. Let's take a trip together, you and a couple other supporters and investigate the possibilities. I speak passable Kreyol.
I agree - this is a fantastic idea and could really make a difference in the lives of the local people. I am on board to do whatever needs to be done to make this dream of relief a reality for the people who need it most.
ok - we have to enroll the people in haiti in the possibility of what would their life be like if they had a renewable food source- then have them take on the project! this is a terrific idea, but instead of spoon-feeding these peeps, if they create it, it will thrive because they will be the ones owning the power of their own greatness - we can surely plant the seed though! so, what do we have to do oberon?! :) it seems like there are a couple of us right here that are in with you - a great start!
......i'm thinking of joining hidroron on a trip to haiti....we'll have to find a good partner as he suggests.....and then get the project underway....anyone want to go to haiti with us?
what's needed? how much are we talking for the trip? maybe this can be brought together as a grant- new times call for the world coming together.
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