Showing posts with label ignorance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ignorance. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

monkeys with guns

"We are buried beneath the weight of information,

which is being confused with knowledge,

quantity is being confused with abundance

and wealth with happiness.

We are monkeys with money and guns."

Sunday, May 24, 2015

just look at us

"Just look at us. 

Everything is backwards, 

everything is upside down. 

Doctors destroy health, 

lawyers destroy justice, 

psychiatrists destroy minds, 

scientists destroy truth, 

major media destroys information, 

religions destroy spirituality 

and governments destroy freedom."

Michael Ellner

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

the poison planet earth

Far out in space there exists the goofiest planet in the entire universe...the square BIZARRO WORLD known as earth ! It is the home planet of the pathetic, stupid human creatures who are the bane of the galaxy. They kill each other at an ever increasing rate, they poison the air, the water and the land of their beautiful world with their pollution and trash, and they use the ocean as their toilet. They commit suicide without even knowing it. They do everything wrong, it is as if their brains are broken but if truth be told it is that they have eyes but cannot see. I do not know how long they will last.

Friday, December 12, 2014

no idea

What is the difference between

an "asshole" and a "REAL ASSHOLE" ?

The "asshole" knows he's an "asshole",

the "REAL ASSHOLE" has no idea !

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

original sin








Saturday, December 31, 2011

dawn of man

We haven't made much progress.

Friday, December 9, 2011


"The News That Didn’t Make the News"

In this volume, there are 500 pages of real news you can use, plus ample analysis that eradicates civil paralysis, and antidotes to our current Truth Emergency that will strengthen societal media literacy.

The mission of Project Censored is to teach students and the public about the role of a free press in a free society – and to tell the News That Didn’t Make the News and Why

Between 700 and 1000 stories are submitted to Project Censored each year from journalists, scholars, librarians, and concerned citizens around the world.

With the help of more than 200 Sonoma State University faculty, students, and community members, Project Censored reviews the story submissions for coverage, content, reliability of sources and national significance. The university community selects 25 stories to submit to the Project Censored panel of judges who then rank them in order of importance. Current or previous national judges include: Noam Chomsky, Susan Faludi, George Gerbner, Sut Jhally, Frances Moore Lappe, Michael Parenti, Herbert I. Schiller, Barbara Seaman, Erna Smith, Mike Wallace and Howard Zinn. All 25 stories are featured in the yearbook, Censored: The News That Didn’t Make the News.
see > Top 25 Of 2012 ("Censored 2012: Stories of 2010-2011")

and STORE: Censored 2012
The Sourcebook for the Media Revolution, The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2010-2011 by Mickey Huff and Project Censored.

Project Censored is administered through the SSU Sociology Department with financial support from the SSU Instructionally Related Activity Fund, School of Social Science, Media Freedom Foundation Inc. and donations from thousands of supporters around the country.

see also > Top 25 Archive
Independent News Sources
Featured Articles
Censored Notebook