Thursday, January 22, 2009

Global naa...Local

My first post here and thanks Oberon for the same. This picture represents an old, leafless, worn out tree and still standing strong. A Show of resistance and courage in face of odds. I was wondering what the world would look like if all the trees were alike; the show of strength and courage would then termed as barren and lifeless.

The whole talk of global warming seems slightly misplaced to me... the concept seems alien and little to do with me...its a global problem and why should I be bothered, its certainly not my responsibility because I have been told that its everybody's responsibility.

I would rather put it as local warming and a local problem. It’s when things come to shove does one realize that the stuff we thought would never affect us is in fact right at our doorstep and can change the whole complexion of the game.

So the idea is to localize this problem, talk about local issues and how it is affecting local lives and we may see a much more concerted effort to root out this menace before it gets too late...


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