Monday, March 3, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Hong Kong Lennon Wall
Washington, DC: ‘CCP must lie in order to cover up the terrible things that they’re doing in China, in Hong Kong, and around the world. To do this, they use narrative warfare to control what people see as the truth.’
One of the few social media channels to fearlessly cover China is the popular and respected China Uncensored YouTube channel (1.95 million subscribers). To ensure editorial independence, Chris Chappell co-owns America Uncovered LLC—along with co-producers Matt Gnaizda and Shelley Zhang. Together the team not only produces China Uncensored, but three other shows as well, the longer form podacst China Unscripted, America Uncovered and Gamers Unbeaten.
In this edition of “Indo-Pacific: Behind the Headlines” we speak with Chris Chappell, the New York-based creator and host of China Uncensored about their Hong Kong Lennon Wall.
Q: What’s the idea behind the Hong Kong Lennon Wall?
A: Five years ago, the China Uncensored team was in Hong Kong, covering one of the biggest protests in human history. I will never forget watching 2 million people march through the streets of Hong Kong. They were protesting the Chinese Communist Party’s trampling of Hong Kong’s freedoms and autonomy. I felt incredibly inspired by Hongkongers’ courage.
In 2020, the CCP took advantage of the Covid pandemic to impose a National Security Law on Hong Kong that essentially made protesting illegal. They instilled fear and silenced Hong Kong’s civil society. Today, many Hong Kong activists are imprisoned or in exile.
So to make sure people remember the Hong Kong protests, we created a digital version of one of the things Hongkongers did five years ago. They put up sticky notes on walls all across the city with political statements, and called each location a “Lennon Wall”—which has its roots in the anti-communist movements in Eastern Europe in the 1980s. Making a Lennon Wall is extremely illegal in Hong Kong now, though, so we created a digital version online.
This new Lennon Wall is not just for Hongkongers. It’s for everyone, anywhere in the world. My hope is that people who feel powerless against the CCP can feel empowered to do something, even if it’s small. Thousands of people doing something small adds up to something big. Go to and post your own message on the wall. And share it with your family and friends. Our initial goal was to get over 10,000 unique posts, but we hope to get many more.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
The Commies Are Coming
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Peter Kropotkin

"The chasm between the modern millionaire who squanders the produce of human labor in a gorgeous and vain luxury, and the pauper reduced to a miserable and insecure existence, is thus growing wider and wider, so as to break the very unity of society-the harmony of its life-and to endanger the progress of its further development.”
Peter Kropotkin, born to Russian royalty, is arguably one of the most notable Russian anarchists (Contending with Emma Goldman) ever to come out of the Motherland. Born to Prince Alexei Petrovich Kropotkin, who owned huge tracts of land and 1200 serfs, Peter was rarely allowed any interaction with his father and thus he was educated and raised by the nurses and servants. It was this, along with his dwelling in Moscow, that has sparked an interest in the peasantry which, as some may know, has formed the foundation of nearly every revoltution.
Kropotkin read simply on his own accord. He especially possessed a particular interest in French history and gave much attention to French encyclopaedists. It was probably his interest in French history that also contributed to his interest in Anarchism (keeping in mind the French Revolution and the Paris Commune). The years 1857-1861 beheld an affluent growth in the intellectual contingent during which Liberal-revolutionary literature had been purchased in Kropotkin's interest, which he felt sufficiently expressed his aspirations.
His views on Anarchism differ from some of his contemporaries (Then again, Anarchism is an elusive praxis; it's definition being subjective to the views of the subscriber). Whereas most Anarchists and even Anarcho-Syndicalists are opposed to Communist ideologies (That is, the authority that Communism instills, the consistent statism that Anarchists seeks to abolish and the ignorance and dismissal of the peasants and poor), Kropotkin embraced the more Socialistic apects: decentralization of workers, worker organization in the workplace, distribution of wealth, the abolition of the state, society owning means of production and so on.
Kropotkin was also the first to scientifically analyze Anarchism, which he did in his book, Mutual Aid. Kropotkin, also a geographer, was the first to find that mountains grow in the direction opposite of that which all previous scientists have noted. Kropotkin was highly intellectual and was a very notable scientist and political theorist, although that word possibly contradicts his belief concerning theory and action. He believes that, in moments of revolt, people who have not yet fully embraced the revolution are much more willing to follow someone who they have seen act than follow someone who quibbles and theorizes.
Suggested Reading:
Anarchism: A collection of Revolutionary Writings