Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Responding to Rogan/Huff interview

 The Path to GOD

MEANWHILE: What i'm sharing means everything to us today but has been ignored for decades. Not debunked or refuted by anyone...just ignored by all. Still searching for those with the intellect to understand it and the honestly to admit it's the Truth. 

These are the 3 R's i use and freely share: Recognize Re-Examine Realize 

"Those who would teach you to be a 'Believer' is a deceiver...Become one of the 'Faithful' and learn to 'Walk in the Way' (Luke 9:3 Matt 6:6) as the Lord instructed." -Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive) 

"Lie is at the center of believe because only the Truth shall set you free whether you believe it or not...Have Faith and 'Seek it'." -Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive)

"The 'Leap of Faith' is letting go of the Make Believe System in order to 'Seek the Truth' in all things." -Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive)

"Recognize the 'Sign of Jonah' means recognizing the Truth (Matt 12:41) and Repent. (Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive) 

I rebuke you because i love you. For decades i have walked among you by the Grace of GOD only to be censored and ignored. The TRUTH is...the 'Word of GOD' is Love but 'believe' is a word of the devil and religious corruption of the Spiritual Truth. That is the deception of the devil getting people to believe in religion instead of walking the Spiritual Path to GOD. These people being described as 'Believers' are not among the 'Faithful' of GOD. Of them Christ said; 'Fast to their lips but far from their hearts." 

They talk the talk (Believers) but don't 'Walk in the Way' (Faithful) as the Lord taught (Luke 9:3 Matt 6:6) They have never learned the key lessons Christ prepared for them by placing them on that journey. 

The difference between hearing and listening. 

The difference between looking and seeing. 

The difference between knowledge and wisdom. 

The difference between beliefs and faith.

"Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life while all others are the unrighteous and self-righteous racing down a 2-lane highway to the 'Lake of Fire'." -Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive)

"Christ put you on a Spiritual Path not a religious one. To 'Walk in Faith' not sit around believing. To become Wise and Understand through these Actions is the path to GOD." -Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive)

"Recognize the 'Sign of Jonah' (Matt 12:41) and Repent. Return to GOD & LAW and 'Walk in the Way' as the Lord instructed." -Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive)

I'm not ignoring scripture but simply reminding you ALL that Christ warned of changing even a single word. The TRUE teaching of Christ would read: "He that have Faith and is baptized shall be saved but he that does not shall be damned." The devil will tell you if you repeat a lie enough times it will be considered true but it will always be a lie in the eyes of GOD and only the Truth shall set you free. You don't have to change the entire teaching of Christ if you can corrupt a single word. know your enemy...Know thyself. 

Learn to 'walk in the Way' as Christ taught (Luke 9:3). There Jesus removed the beam in mine own eyes that i may help remove the splinter in yours.

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies. 

Recognize Re-examine Realize. 

Be 'Not Afraid'. I love you. 

Your humble servant, 

ancient clown 

aka. Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Friday, November 12, 2010


"they say time...

is the fire...

in which we burn"

Delmore Schwartz

Sunday, November 7, 2010


When you die...

you will go to heaven...

we all go to heaven...

there is no hell...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


What we are

is a Gift of God

What we become

is our Gift to God

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Audacity Of Hope

The title of The Audacity of Hope was
derived from a sermon delivered by
Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

Wright had attended a lecture by
Dr. Frederick G. Sampson in Richmond,
Virginia, in the late 1980s, on the
G.F. Watts painting Hope, which
inspired him to give a sermon in 1990
based on the subject of the painting.

"With her clothes in rags, her body
scarred and bruised and bleeding,
her harp all but destroyed and with
only one string left, she had the
audacity to make music and praise God ...
To take the one string you have left
and to have the audacity to hope ...
that's the real word God will have us hear
from this passage and from Watt's painting."

Friday, July 16, 2010


Easy peasy...lemon squeezy

the twin pillars of sunshine

are faith and patience

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It doesn't matter to me

what you believe... long as you give me the freedom

to believe what I want