Showing posts with label buddhism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buddhism. Show all posts
Monday, February 24, 2025
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Living A Life of Illusion 1
There are no seconds, no minutes, no hours or days of the week. There are no months of the year, no decades. it is not 2018. It is not 5778. It is not 4716. Day breaks, the sun rises, the sun sets then there is the night. The seasons do not fall into convenient groups. Natures time is not mechanical. Mechanical time is an illusion.
"If victory over nature has been achieved in this age, then thenature over which modern man reigns is a very different nature from that in which man lived before the science revolution. Indeed, the trick that man turned and that enabled the rise of modern science was nothing less than the transformation of nature and of man's perception of reality. The paramount change that took place in the mental life of man, beginning during roughly the 14th Century, was in man's perception of time and consequently of space."
"The mechanical clock dates from the 14th Century... The machine that mechanized time did more than regulate the activities of the day: it synchronized human reactions, not with the rising and setting sun but with the indicated movements of the clock's hands: so it brought exact measurement and temporal control into every activity, by setting an independent standard whereby the whole day could be laid out and subdivided.
"The measurement of space and time became an integral part of the system of control that Western man spread over the planet. Karl Marx was one of the first to understand the place of the clock as the archetypal model for all later machines: in a letter to Friedrich Engels in 1863 he observed that 'the clock is the first automatic machine applied to practical purposes; the whole theory of production and regular motion was developed through it'."
Jiddu Krishnamurti,
Living A Life of Illusion,
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Monday, January 8, 2018
The World in 2050.
Earth First,
Jiddu Krishnamurti,
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Mind is moving
Two monks were arguing about a flag.
One said, "The flag is moving." The other
said, "The wind is moving." The sixth
patriarch happened to be passing by. He
told them, "Not the wind, not the flag.
Mind is moving."
Mumon, "The Gateless Gate."
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Aliens, God, Tao and Everything part two

When examining a living human body you discover that a great deal of heat is emitted. All humankind's body temperature is 98.6F/37C. When the body dies it feels cold to the touch. In fact, it isn't. In reality, it drops to room temperature. The human body is made up of molecules, molecules that generate energy. The heat generated comes from digested food. It is the fuel which drives the human body. The ancient Chinese called this Chi. Chi is but a word yet whatever it is called that energy is what drives life. All life.
When we see images of extraterrestrials that we are led to believe are either living on or visiting planet Earth, you can be certain they are biologically like us. The same natural law would also apply to them. They too would have to comply with the laws of biology. For them to co-exist or just visiting they must have evolved from a planet very much like ours. To breathe our atmosphere they would need lungs, a heart that pumps blood, a liver, spleen and all the other organs that make what is effectively an advanced primate species.
Would they have to be a form of primates? I guess not. I suppose it is possible they may have evolved from another species of biped - maybe kangaroo's or lizards. Birds too are bipedal. One argument against this would be brain size. Birds and lizards, even kangaroo's, do not possess large brains. In this world, bipedal's rule. That shape offers great mobility. It enables us to hunt, fish, swim, run, walk etc; It makes perfect sense that the supreme species on Earth not only has the biggest brain but also a body that allows for great diversity of movement.
The aliens portrayed in the many images seen on the internet look remarkably like hominids. Same bipedal shape with arms, legs and an even larger head to fit an even larger brain. Maybe we homo sapiens didn't evolve here. Maybe we were brought here via an armada of spacecraft that arrived here having first located a planet best suited to support living creatures born on a water-based world, a world so like ours that ours is a virtual facsimile. This, of course, is not only speculation but also runs in the face of science. Now, you either believe in television, telephones, satellite dishes, computers, mobile phones, stereo players, videos, hearing aids, the control of diabetes, winning the battle against cancer, space labs, rockets to the moon, submarines, aeroplanes, hovercraft, heart surgery, WiFi, the cure for smallpox, in other words, science as it is has gifted us all these things and many more and even though science is merely a tool by which we understand ourselves and our place within the eternal, it still is a powerful friend when we need it . You cannot cherry pick. You either trust science, when it supports the life you lead or you don't.
If there are aliens constantly travelling from their homeworld to ours, and I am agnostic on that subject, then they have to be related to us. This is pure logic. The physical similarities between aliens and humans are strikingly remarkable given the so-called evidence supplied. However, we cannot proselytise the possibility that one species has mutated or even evolved from another without discounting DNA. Now Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule. It carries genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms, but also a great many viruses. There is a combination of acids, proteins and lipids mixed with some complicated carbohydrates that form the four major types of macromolecules that are vital for all known forms of life. This fact is empirical, unassailable. This suggests that aliens and humans, related for sure, have not originated from a single source unless that source is Earth for human life is linked via DNA to the planet Earth, Which can only mean that aliens are human or that somewhere in deepest space is a planet exactly, or very nearly exactly, the same as our mother world.
If this is the case then the reason for the visits cannot be aggressive. What would be the point? They want to enslave us? Why? For what purpose? It cannot be their desire to mate with us. Millions of years ago we humans could have reproduced with Chimpanzee's or what was the forerunner of the chimpanzee. We couldn't now. Is it being suggested that aliens like a bit of bestiality? That is exactly what a man having sex with a chimp would be. Or could it not be that the aliens, recognising our kinship, simply want to observe and to study a species so alike their own yet woefully less technological, far more primitive, to monitor the growth of humankind? This sounds far more likely.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Aliens, God, Tao and Everything

This from an old Zen saying...
“Heaven and earth and I are of the same root,
the ten-thousand things and I are of one substance.”
The ten thousand things is a reference to the universe, to all life, all existence as being of one creation. Historically, Monotheists would have disparaged such a claim suggesting God made everything but the word God is a man-made thing. Once you give something a name it no longer is the thing it was. God is a word as is deity. It is possible to know God without recognizing God the deity. Another word that could easily replace God is Tao. Again, Tao is but a word, another man-made word.
When you meditate or even when mindful, that which some call God is with you. The eternal and the external are fused as one. You and the nameless, that which is greater than you yet of which you are a part of, a child of the universe, breathe as one, become as one for that is how life is - one.
Life exists within and without us. It exists in a myriad of amazing forms yet, when you look deep into any organism, breaking it down to fundamentals, all existence is made up of the same stuff. Hydrogen, the most plentiful substance in the world, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen and many other elements. Earth and its lifeforms all contain these linked parts. If there was life on Mars many eons ago then that too would have comprised the same basic elements. If there is a planet or planets out there, and mathematics suggests the likelihood high, then whatever life lives on those planets, be they newly evolved or thousands of years older than ourselves, then they too are part of the ten thousand things.
Science is nothing more than a tool by which we understand ourselves, our planet, the galaxies where our planet and others spin. The connection once proclaimed by Eastern philosophies is now accepted by Western science, by science in general. All life is linked. Nothing that lives exists without those elements we know of. If there are Aliens visiting our homeworld then they too are part of the ten thousand things.
Humankind likes its labels. As a species, we think in linear terms, we apply convenient names and tags to everything. Life though isn't like that. Life is not linear but rather resembles a Rorschach - a great big splodge. Humankind separates sexual drives. They would have us believe in Heterosexuals, Homosexuals, Asexuals, and a variety of other sexuals. All there is are people with different tastes. Humankind breeds division. Racial, sexual, class, religious, political, national and of course, Extra-Terrestrial. Division is the cause of much hurt, much harm. Wars have been fought over territory, over borders. Borders, like time, are a man-made construct, they don't exist. Simply ask fish or birds or contagions or the tide that rides the humble oceans who lap at our shores.
This planet, this Earth, is not our planet. We are of this planet. This Earth is of the universe therefore so are we, so are Aliens.
The word Alien defines a being, not of this planet, not of this earth but from some far off other-world therefore not like 'us'. As we have learned all life is connected. Aliens are in reality nothing more than another variety of life brought into being by the same energy, the same Chi as the Chinese would suggest, the same force as were we. There are no aliens only other beings like us, like cetaceans, like millipedes, like crustaceans, like mammals, like grass.
“Heaven and earth and I are of the same root,
the ten-thousand things and I and Aliens are of one substance.”
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Monday, May 29, 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
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