Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Sorry, Monsanto. The Science Is on Our Side, Not Yours
Here are just a few examples of the latest reports, articles and books exposing the dangers of GMOs, Big Ag’s toxic chemicals and evidence of a decades-long cover-up to keep consumers in the dark...
> Sorry, Monsanto. The Science Is on Our Side, Not Yours
Monday, April 8, 2013
Kindergarten Fukushima Science Project Says it All: “Now tuna fish in California have cesium. YUK!” | #OccupyNuclear
[the report]..focused on the fact that this deadly radiation is now contained within the bodies of tuna and other edible fish in the great Pacific...
Kindergartener, Savanna Urry was busy presenting her drawings, a poster setup, and an exclusively iPad shot and edited video, that all featured the nuclear topic, and focused on a very plain and daunting fact: The fact that deadly, and highly carcinogenic plutonium and cesium isotopes were spewed, and continue to be spewed into the Pacific Ocean to this very day from the world’s first, full blown, (triple) nuclear core MELT-THROUGH (many magnitudes more destructive than a traditional nuclear MELTDOWN because it enters groundwater tables). The project additionally featured and focused on the fact that this deadly radiation is now contained within the bodies of tuna and other edible fish in the great Pacific and beyond.
more/video: Kindergarten Fukushima Science Project Says it All: “Now tuna fish in California have cesium. YUK!” | EnviroNews
anti-nuclear actions, events & links
Monday, August 27, 2012
Occupy the NRC Solidarity Action w/Coalition Against Nukes
for friends in the US -
CALL TODAY - Urge Your Rep to Attend the NUCLEAR BRIEFING
OCCUPY THE NRC SOLIDARITY ACTION - CALL DRIVE #3: TODAY MONDAY AUGUST 27- LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!! - See picture for #. Script below. Your voice + the voice of those you know = A VERY BIG IMPACT. Stand together!! CALL and SHARE TODAY!
9.20 #CANRallyDC Congressional Briefing
SOLIDARITY ACTION CALL DRIVE #3: TODAY MONDAY AUGUST 27- LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!! - See picture for #. Script below. Your voice + the voice of those you know = A VERY BIG IMPACT. Stand together!! CALL and SHARE TODAY!
**The switchboard will connect you with the correct office after you give your zip code.**
IF YOU HAVE CALLED BEFORE (if you have never called before scroll down for that script.)
Hello ___(Aide’s name)___,
My name is _________, I am a constituent of Rep ___________.
I called last Monday and I’m calling now to follow up to see if Congressman/Congresswoman ________________ is planning on attending the briefing on nuclear dangers scheduled for Sept 20th from 2 – 4 pm in the Cannon Building, Room 121. As a constituent, I would really appreciate it if he/she would attend. It is an extremely important issue. Is Congressman/Congresswoman _________________ attending?
(If he/she says yes, let us know. We want to publicly thank your Rep!)
Follow the script below or say what it is you want to say.
Hello ___(Aide’s name)___,
My name is ___, I am a constituent of Rep ___________.
I am calling because of my concerns over the dangers of nuclear power in our country. In Japan, the ongoing disaster includes three core meltdowns, hydrogen gas explosions, and the venting of radiation-contaminated steam. The Japanese nuclear industry had assured everyone that something like this could never happen. Our nuclear industry tells our citizens the same thing.
Japanese people, including children, are sick. Many families have moved out of the area or even left the country because they know the contamination in the water, air, soil, and food supply is harmful to them. The nuclear disaster also devastated the local economy.
Nuclear power clearly has the power to destroy lives and economies. Would we want the same thing for our children and our economy? It could happen if we don’t start paying close attention to this potentially dangerous industry with aging power plants.
A briefing on nuclear dangers in our country will be held on Capitol Hill, on Thurs, Sept. 20th, from 2 – 4 pm in the Cannon Building, Room 121. Rep Dennis Kucinich (ku-sin-itch) has sponsored the event and will attend. I would really appreciate if (name of Rep you are calling) ______________ or at least a senior staff member would join Rep. Kucinich (ku-sin-itch) at this important event. The information provided at this briefing will help (name of Rep) __________make decisions that protect the safety of (his/her) constituents.
DETAILS OF THE CALL DRIVE—EVERY MONDAY FROM AUG 13-SEPT 17, the last Monday before the Nuke Free Rally in Washington D.C.
Support the effort to end nuclear power in the US
It has come to our attention that we all have a unique opportunity to shift the thinking of Members of Congress about nuclear power. Currently the leaders in Washington are influenced in their thinking primarily by the lobbyists for the nuclear industry. With your help, this unbalanced view can be changed on Sept. 20, 2012.
On that day, there will be a briefing on Capitol Hill regarding the concerns about nuclear dangers. Rep Dennis Kucinich (ku-sin-itch) has sponsored the event and will attend. The success of this briefing depends on how many other Members of Congress--or at least senior staffers—attend. That’s where you come in.
As we all know, when it comes to grabbing the attention of the leaders of our country, numbers matter. If the members of our respective communities join together to stress the importance of this briefing, our representatives will be more likely to attend.
This joint effort across all our communities is part of the overall effort to break the stranglehold that special interest lobbyists have on Washington, D.C. We need to put power back in the hands of the people. Your voice will help ensure the success of this effort.
9.20-22 #CANRallyDC - Rally For A Nuclear Free Future < #OccupyNuclear #AntiNuclear #occupy #environment #occupywallst
The demonstrations against nuclear power that CAN is organizing in September are powerful and imperative. I want every person – mothers, fathers, children, grandmothers and grandfathers, to make a major effort to attend one or all of these gatherings as the time for the “peaceful” atom is over. We must end it now before it ends us. – Helen Caldicott
Converge with us in our nation’s capital
to show our legislators how democracy works!
Why should you join us?
Through the entire fuel cycle from the mining and milling of uranium to energy production, nuclear waste and nuclear weaponry contaminate the earth and all forms of life on it
for many generations.
for many generations.
It causes cancer, thyroid abnormalities, heart disease, miscarriage, birth defects and
genetic damage.
genetic damage.
Did you know…?
- 1/3 of Americans live within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor. 23 of them have the same flawed designs as those that melted down in Fukushima, Japan.
- There are regular and allowable releases of radiation from nuclear power reactors despite the fact that there is no “safe” dose of radiation, only “acceptable” thresholds that our government keeps raising arbitrarily.
- Nuclear bombs are made from fuel created from waste products in nuclear reactors. That’s why every nuclear reactor is a potential bomb factory and why the US is now threatening war with Iran because of its “peaceful” nuclear power.
- The U.S and other countries are illegally using nuclear weapons in the form of depleted uranium reprocessed from nuclear power plants in conflicts around the world harming our own troops and innocent civilians while disproportionately impacting the health of women, infants and children.
- There is nothing “peaceful” about nuclear energy, which creates tons of toxic nuclear waste that is radioactive for 240,000 years. The waste cannot be safely stored…yet private industry lobbies to keep making more of it, while taxpayer dollars continue to subsidize it.
- Uranium mining poisons miners and families while contaminating land, scarce water supplies and air downwind of mining.
- We are vulnerable to uninsured catastrophic meltdowns right here in our own backyards… yet our safety watchdog, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, has yet to mandate any changes from lessons learned!
We demand a nuclear free world without reactors or bombs!
Join Us in DC for 3 days of peaceful demonstrations
and events Sept. 20-22, 2012.Friday, June 29, 2012
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi: What is the Link? on Vimeo
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi: What is the Link? on VimeoCCTV's Margaret Harrington hosts Maggie and Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education. Arnie and Maggie discuss their recent travels to Italy to take part in and to view an opera on the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident, entitled "La cortina di fumo" ("the smoke curtain"). Arnie and Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Shirin Ebadi first participated in a symposium about the "Smoke Curtain" regarding the governmental smoke curtain that covers the truth about nuclear power accidents. Ms. Harrington and the Gundersens discuss the impact of the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima Daiichi disasters on the environment and people's health.
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi: What is the Link?
Fairewinds Energy Education
Sunday, May 6, 2012
whats up: Nuclear Power Crimes & #RE_TOOL NOW
whats up: RC's NUCLEAR BLOG
The OcNuke Daily (#OccupyNuclear) | on twitter: #OccupyNuclear
climate change,
crimes against humanity,
human rights,
Sunday, November 13, 2011
telling the truth about radiation
Japan Crowd Funding.mp4
A story telling the truth about radiation from Fukushima nuclear disaster. This video is to raise funds for our crowd funding campaign for 'In Transition 2'. If you want to see how Transition Initiatives are responding to the situation then please donate! The money will pay for a film maker to shoot a story about the importance of setting up local renewable energy companies.
Breaking the Information Monopoly | Nukespeak
How do we know whether to believe what government officials tell us about the danger of radiation after a nuclear accident like Fukushima? New technologies are making it possible for citizens to break the government’s information monopoly, so that citizens can double-check the “no danger” announcements that government officials tend to issue after nuclear accidents.
Nukespeak | Nuclear Language, Myths and Mindset
whats up nuclear blog
Saturday, October 22, 2011
lost horizon

Lost Horizon is a 1933 novel by English writer James Hilton. It is best remembered as the origin of Shangri-La, a fictional utopian lamasery high in the mountains of Tibet.
Hugh Conway, a veteran member of the British diplomatic service, finds inner peace, love, and a sense of purpose in Shangri-La, whose inhabitants enjoy unheard-of longevity. Among the book's themes is an allusion to the possibility of another cataclysmic world war brewing. It is said to have been inspired at least in part by accounts of travels in Tibetan borderlands, published in National Geographic by the explorer and botanist Joseph Rock.
The book explicitly notes having made war on the ground man would now fill the skies with death, and all precious things were in danger of being lost, like the lost histories of Rome ("Lost books of Livy"). It was hoped that overlooked by the violent, Shangri-la would preserve them and reveal them later to a receptive world exhausted by war. That was the real purpose of the lamasery; study, inner peace, and long life were a side benefit to living there.
Conway is a veteran of the trench warfare of WWI, with the emotional state frequently cited after that war—a sense of emotional exhaustion or accelerated emotional aging. This harmonizes with the existing residents of the lamasery and he is strongly attracted to life at Shangri-La. (read more) (world peace)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wake Up America!
You have the worst quality of life in the developed world – by a wide margin.
If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia, you’d be rioting in the streets calling for a better life. In fact, the average Australian or Singaporean taxi driver has a much better standard of living than the typical American white-collar worker.
I know this because I am an American, and I escaped from the prison you call home.
I have lived all around the world, in wealthy countries and poor ones, and there is only one country I would never consider living in again: The United States of America. The mere thought of it fills me with dread.
Consider this: you are the only people in the developed world without a single-payer health system. Everyone in Western Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand has a single-payer system. If they get sick, they can devote all their energies to getting well. If you get sick, you have to battle two things at once: your illness and the fear of financial ruin. Millions of Americans go bankrupt every year due to medical bills, and tens of thousands die each year because they have no insurance or insufficient insurance. And don’t believe for a second that rot about America having the world’s best medical care or the shortest waiting lists: I’ve been to hospitals in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Singapore, and Thailand, and every one was better than the “good” hospital I used to go to back home. The waits were shorter, the facilities more comfortable, and the doctors just as good.
This is ironic, because you need a good health system more than anyone else in the world. Why? Because your lifestyle is almost designed to make you sick.
Let’s start with your diet: Much of the beef you eat has been exposed to fecal matter in processing. Your chicken is contaminated with salmonella. Your stock animals and poultry are pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics. In most other countries, the government would act to protect consumers from this sort of thing; in the United States, the government is bought off by industry to prevent any effective regulations or inspections. In a few years, the majority of all the produce for sale in the United States will be from genetically modified crops, thanks to the cozy relationship between Monsanto Corporation and the United States government. Worse still, due to the vast quantities of high-fructose corn syrup Americans consume, fully one-third of children born in the United States today will be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes at some point in their more
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