Showing posts with label fukushima. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fukushima. Show all posts
Friday, August 11, 2017
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Fukushima’s Former Residents Return Home To Ghost Town | 3tags
In “Retracing Our Steps,” French photographers Carlos Ayesta and Guillaume Bression asked some of the 80,000 nuclear refugees forced to evacuate areas near Fukushima to return to the places they once knew, a process that took nearly four years of detective work and jumping through administrative hoops. What they found was a world that had become almost unrecognizable, but also stories that were deeply human, calling to mind Auden’s famous poem “Musée des Beaux Arts...”
more: Fukushima’s Former Residents Return Home To Ghost Town | 3tags
no nukes (ever) – – – whats up nuclear blog
Sunday, March 22, 2015
slogan in the Fukushima evacuation zone means Nuclear Energy for a Bright Future. It isn't!
ごん @kaijyuumamagon tweets:
#Futaba #Fukushima
slogan in the Fukushima evacuation zone means
Nuclear Energy for a Bright Future. It isn't!”
14 Mar 2015
#Futaba #Fukushima
slogan in the Fukushima evacuation zone means
Nuclear Energy for a Bright Future. It isn't!”
14 Mar 2015
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
▶ 311: Surviving Japan < WATCH FREE ON MARCH 11TH LIMITED TIME!!
▶ 311: Surviving Japan - YouTube
Inside story 2011 Japanese Tsunami and Fukushima Nuclear disaster by an American volunteer.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Nuclear Hotseat #129: US Sailors Vs. TEPCO Attorney Charles Bonner | Nuclear Hotseat
![]() |
Japanese citizens protest the newly-passed Secrecy Law |
INTERVIEW: Attorney Charles Bonner, one of the team representing sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan in their lawsuit against TEPCO for the health damages they sustained from Fukushima radiation during Operation Tomadachi, the humanitarian aid mission to Japan immediately after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Japanese government PR stunt feeds radioactive Fukushima rice to workers and executives in a Tokyo government office complex, while the farmer who grew it can only visit his fields, not live there because the area is still too contaminated for resettlement...
more / LISTEN > Nuclear Hotseat #129: US Sailors Vs. TEPCO Attorney Charles Bonner | Nuclear Hotseat
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Sunday, October 13, 2013
Kan, Jaczko, Gundersen, Bradford and Nader -- Nuclear Power Through the Fukukshima Perspective | Enformable
by Karl Grossman - - It started this June in California. Speaking about the problems at the troubled San Onofre nuclear plants through the perspective of the Fukushima nuclear complex catastrophe was a panel of Naoto Kan, prime minister of Japan when the disaster began; Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) at the time; Peter Bradford, an NRC member when the Three Mile Island accident happened; and nuclear engineer and former nuclear industry executive Arnie Gundersen.
This week the same panel of experts on nuclear technology—joined by long-time nuclear opponent Ralph Nader—was on the East Coast, in New York City and Boston, speaking about problems at the problem-riddled Indian Point nuclear plants near New York and the troubled Pilgrim plant near Boston, through the perspective on the Fukushima catastrophe.
Their presentations were powerful... more > Kan, Jaczko, Gundersen, Bradford and Nader -- Nuclear Power Through the Fukukshima Perspective | Enformable
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
Kindergarten Fukushima Science Project Says it All: “Now tuna fish in California have cesium. YUK!” | #OccupyNuclear
[the report]..focused on the fact that this deadly radiation is now contained within the bodies of tuna and other edible fish in the great Pacific...
Kindergartener, Savanna Urry was busy presenting her drawings, a poster setup, and an exclusively iPad shot and edited video, that all featured the nuclear topic, and focused on a very plain and daunting fact: The fact that deadly, and highly carcinogenic plutonium and cesium isotopes were spewed, and continue to be spewed into the Pacific Ocean to this very day from the world’s first, full blown, (triple) nuclear core MELT-THROUGH (many magnitudes more destructive than a traditional nuclear MELTDOWN because it enters groundwater tables). The project additionally featured and focused on the fact that this deadly radiation is now contained within the bodies of tuna and other edible fish in the great Pacific and beyond.
more/video: Kindergarten Fukushima Science Project Says it All: “Now tuna fish in California have cesium. YUK!” | EnviroNews
anti-nuclear actions, events & links
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Monday, September 3, 2012
1,324 Fukushima People Filed A Criminal Complaint Against TEPCO and the Government (Jun/11/2012)
On June 11, 2012, 1324 people from Fukushima Prefecture filed a criminal complaint against Tokyo Electric Power Co. Chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata and 32 others, accusing them of professional negligence resulting in death and injury, arguing they were responsible for causing the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant and the exposure of the plaintiffs to radiation.
In the written complaint filed with the Fukushima District Public Prosecutors Office, the complainants said the 33 neglected to take disaster countermeasures, despite the frequency of earthquakes in Japan and indications by experts of the possibility of tsunami. They also argued that the officials failed to release evacuation information appropriately, which led to residents' exposure to radiation.
The 33 include TEPCO Chairman Katsumata, former TEPCO President Masataka Shimizu, 13 other TEPCO officials, Nuclear Safety Commission Chief Haruki Madarame, and 3 Radiation Health Risk Management Advisors of the prefecture including Shunichi Yamashita, Vice President of Fukushima Medical University.
"By holding them accountable, we will carry out our responsibility to the next generation," says Ms. Ruiko Muto, leader of the complainant organization. "I hope our action will lead to reuniting our bonds disrupted by the disaster."
They plan to file the second complaint where people outside Fukushima Prefecture can join the complainant. The dedline for joining is the end of September 2012.
In the written complaint filed with the Fukushima District Public Prosecutors Office, the complainants said the 33 neglected to take disaster countermeasures, despite the frequency of earthquakes in Japan and indications by experts of the possibility of tsunami. They also argued that the officials failed to release evacuation information appropriately, which led to residents' exposure to radiation.
The 33 include TEPCO Chairman Katsumata, former TEPCO President Masataka Shimizu, 13 other TEPCO officials, Nuclear Safety Commission Chief Haruki Madarame, and 3 Radiation Health Risk Management Advisors of the prefecture including Shunichi Yamashita, Vice President of Fukushima Medical University.
"By holding them accountable, we will carry out our responsibility to the next generation," says Ms. Ruiko Muto, leader of the complainant organization. "I hope our action will lead to reuniting our bonds disrupted by the disaster."
They plan to file the second complaint where people outside Fukushima Prefecture can join the complainant. The dedline for joining is the end of September 2012.
1,324 Fukushima People Filed A Criminal Complaint Against TEPCO and the Government (Jun/11/2012) - YouTubeno nukes! blog: whats up ^
Friday, July 13, 2012
Fukushima A Human Error: A Must-Read Manga in English —
Dear everyone all over the world
We are the members of the citizens who want to stop the spread of radiation and toxic substance by “Burning” the contaminated debris(“Gareki”)from Tohoku earthquake.The 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster problems have not been solved yet, but the Japanese government proceeded to enforce the restart of Ooi nuclear power plant, which ignored the nuclear safety.(※1)
A large number of people protest this government’s decision “desperately”, but this voice never fell on deaf ears.On June 29, Friday night, over 10,000 demonstrators gathered outside Noda’s office on Friday night in last-ditch attempt to derail the restart.
Anti-nuclear campaigners accused the prime minister of rushing into a decision and ignoring lingering concerns over safety.
From the day, some of the major media started to concern this trend, but the government has totally ignored us.
The Japan gov’t controls the media. For example, The symbolic thing is the slogan of “Kizuna”(Bonding), but they use this “Kizuna” campaign as the big support for Tohoku area, and recommend the “Burning” of the debris all over Japan.They have even changed the law for this, explaining that burning the debris will be harmless, as the radiation and toxic substance is diluted.And Japanese mass media didn’t report about this.A lot of Japanese people have not realized about this risk.The polluted debris should not be burned anywhere, including Tohoku area.The local governments doesn’t convey the risk of burning the debris to the people precisely.
And they inspect to get the result of “Non-detection”, and keep telling the people that it is safe.Actually, burning the debris is not only harmful that also causes more work for the local gov’t in Tohoku.It doesn’t help Tohoku at all...
ガレキマンガEnglishmore: Fukushima A Human Error: A Must-Read Manga in English —
Friday, June 29, 2012
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi: What is the Link? on Vimeo
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi: What is the Link? on VimeoCCTV's Margaret Harrington hosts Maggie and Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education. Arnie and Maggie discuss their recent travels to Italy to take part in and to view an opera on the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident, entitled "La cortina di fumo" ("the smoke curtain"). Arnie and Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Shirin Ebadi first participated in a symposium about the "Smoke Curtain" regarding the governmental smoke curtain that covers the truth about nuclear power accidents. Ms. Harrington and the Gundersens discuss the impact of the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima Daiichi disasters on the environment and people's health.
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi: What is the Link?
Fairewinds Energy Education
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Celebrating nuclear shutdown in Japan! - historic day
TOKYO - Thousands of Japanese marched to celebrate the last of this nation's 50 nuclear reactors switching off Saturday, shaking banners shaped as giant fish that have become a potent anti-nuclear symbol.
Japan will be without electricity from nuclear power for the first time in four decades when one of three reactors at Tomari nuclear plant in the northern island of Hokkaido goes offline for routine maintenance checks.
After last year's March 11 quake and tsunami set off meltdowns at Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, no reactor stopped for checkups has restarted amid growing public worries about the safety of nuclear technology.
People gather at an anti-nuclear demonstration on the Children's Day national holiday, calling for a safer future for younger generations at a park in Tokyo on May 5, 2012. The last working reactor in Japan is to be switched off May 5, 2012, leaving the country without nuclear power just over a year after the world's worst atomic accident in a quarter of a century. AFP PHOTOS / KAZUHIRO NOGI
"Today is a historical day," shouted Masashi Ishikawa to a crowd gathered at a Tokyo park, some holding traditional "Koinobori" carp-shaped banners for Children's Day that have grown into a symbol of the anti-nuclear movement.
"There are so many nuclear plants, but not a single one will be up and running today, and that's because of our efforts," Ishikawa said...
> more: Japan Nuclear Power: Thousands Celebrate As Last Of Reactors Switch OfF | CP | By Yuri Kageyama, The Associated Press
see also
whats up: RC's NUCLEAR BLOG
Occupy Nuclear Daily (#OccupyNuclear)
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Three Lessons of Fukushima, One Year Later
As we approach on March 11 the one-year anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, it’s a good time to take heed of the lessons from that tragic event.
Lesson one: Governments lie.
Three Lessons of Fukushima, One Year Later | The Progressive
whats up: RC's NUCLEAR BLOG
Friday, February 24, 2012
Shadowlands - photographs & stories from Fukushima
Shadowlands - photographs & stories from Fukushima
Robert Knoth and Antoinette de Jong visited the Fukushima region with Greenpeace in the autumn of 2011 to bear witness to the effects wrought on the region by the nuclear fallout from the triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
The shadow of radiation now looms over the people, the animals, and the environment of this area of Japan. Well-kept agricultural land is now becoming wild, children's play areas and petrol stations are contaminated and abandoned, and nature is taking back roads. Each photo captures the eerie beauty of a region left in limbo as radioactive fallout permeates all aspects of life.
This video was produced to accompany the exhibition. The interactive exhibition can be found at
whats up: RC's NUCLEAR BLOG
Monday, February 6, 2012
Shining the Light on the Triple Meltdown at Fukushima | OCCUPY NUCLEAR
There were ample warnings that both TEPCO and Japan's regulators ignored steps that would have prevented this tragedy. Throughout the world, nuclear oversight has been compromised by the revolving door and cozy relationship between the nuclear industry and the so-called nuclear regulators who promote nuclear power rather than regulate.
Shining the Light on the Triple Meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi on Vimeo | Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo | Updates on Fukushima: | Fairewinds Associates, Inc
- - - NEW NUKES ALERT - - -
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has scheduled a vote for Feb. 9 on Southern Co.’s application for the first construction permit to build nuclear reactors in more than 30 years. The two Westinghouse nukes are already under construction at Plant Vogtle in Georgia.
Note this (meeting) is not to "make a final decision" on the Combined Operating License for the Vogtle units, but to affirm the decision of the earlier mandatory hearing that there are "no environmental or safety reasons not to approve the COL" - once the Commission affirms the hearing findings, the staff is authorized to issue the COL
Your tax dollars at work - The U.S. Energy Department in February 2010 conditionally approved an $8.3 billion loan guarantee to help the company build the two reactors. - this ok with you?
OCCUPY NUCLEAR, February 9, 2012 -
• NRC: Rockville, Maryland | other NRC Locations
• Southern Company: NW Atlanta, GA
• Vogtle Electric Generating Plant: Burke County, near Waynesboro, Georgia
• Westinghouse Nuclear: Cranberry Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania
more info, maps, etc > whats up: OCCUPY NUCLEAR - New Nukes | February 9
got nukes?
want to help? - find your closest nuke plant(s), look up the type and status of the reactor(s) and/or other facilites; and find out who the owners & operators are. then we can talk about some organizing and actions! - who is already working on the nuclear issue in your area? - what next? :)
follow links, comment below... | email rc :)
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whats up: Links
who is nuking in your back yard ???
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try a google map search, use the name of your state & see what comes up
note - the page "whats up: OCCUPY NUCLEAR" includes links and an extensive list of nuclear reactors in the US - way more than the "104 operational nukes" that you hear about
see also: FREEZE OUR FUKUSHIMAS - March Against Nuclear Madness!
Beyond Nuclear - Home
Become a co-petitioner to NRC and support the Beyond Nuclear call for the suspension of the 23 Fukushima-style reactors operating in the US.
whats up: RC's NUCLEAR BLOG
Thursday, January 5, 2012
whats up: Nukespeak is a classic! | Karl Grossman
Nukespeak is a classic!
Award-winning investigative journalist Karl Grossman interviews Nukespeak co-author Rory O’Connor on Grossman’s nationally-aired TV program, Enviro-Close-Up. Grossman has been a journalist for more than 40 years, and is a professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury. He is also the chief investigative reporter for WVVH-TV.
Grossman said he was happy to be talking about the 30th anniversary updated edition of Nukespeak: “Of the books written about nuclear technology through the years, Nukespeak is a classic. The new edition of Nukespeak has been updated — with four new chapters — and added to its title is: The Selling of Nuclear Technology from the Manhattan Project to Fukushima. It tells how nuclear promoters have been — and continue — using Orwellian language to try to hide the truth about the deadly dangers of nuclear technology.”
more > whats up: Nukespeak is a classic! | Karl Grossman
EnviroVideo presents Enviro Close-UP with Karl Grossman on
A EnviroVideo produces environmental and social justice programs for television - including interview and news shows, specials, and documentaries. The underlying premise of EnviroVideo is that there are critical environmental issues at hand that can best be communicated to large numbers of people through the media most favored for news and information - television and the Internet. And if there is broad public awareness, pressing environmental matters can be dealt with and action taken to truly resolve them.
atomic bomb,
Thursday, December 8, 2011
whats up: China Syndrome | No cold shutdown possible at Fukushima
there can and will be
no cold shutdown
of the Fukushima plant
Is there a China Syndrome at Fukushima?
December, 2011: Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear joins Thom Hartmann. The crisis at Fukushima continues. Over the weekend - the crippled Japanese nuclear plant spewed even more highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean - roughly 45,000 liters in all. According to a French nuclear research institute - since the Fukushima nuclear crisis began in March - the plant has leaked more radioactive material into the ocean than has ever happened before in the history of the planet. And he claims that after more than 8 months since an earthquake and tsunami triggered this crisis - it's inevitable that nuclear fuel has leaked into the groundwater - meaning the "China Syndrome" is officially upon us. He also warned that if underground water gets overheated - it could trigger a hydrovolcanic explosion. So what does all this mean? Time to ditch nuclear power - the most expensive and dangerous form of energy on Earth.
Beyond Nuclear - Home
Fukushima’s Cold Shutdown Condition | Nukespeak
“I just checked in to see what condition my condition is in.”
One of the truly scary but perversely enjoyable characteristics of nuclear developers is their penchant for making it up as they go along – and then creating new Nukespeak words and concepts to describe what they’re up to as they do.
The latest example concerns the situation at Japan’s still-dangerous Fukushima Daiichi plant and comes to us via the Nuclear Energy Institute and its “Ask an Expert” question-and-answer page:
Question: What is “cold shutdown?”
TEPCO understood this important nuance to achieving “cold shutdown” early on this year when it developed its initial recovery plans and developed a new term, “cold shutdown condition,” which applies to how they are bringing the reactors to stable condition.
more > whats up: China Syndrome | No cold shutdown possible at Fukushima | whats up (RC'S NUCLEAR BLOG)
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