Look at the United Kingdom of Great Britain, covered, very neatly under a blanket of snow, it’s white and crisp, children are having time off school and a new concept has come into the workplace, “Snow days” in the temperate climate that we enjoy in the UK have we ever before experience such a universal coving in snow? We are a long island, facing the Atlantic, our weather is variable up and down the country, Scotland very often does see snow, and the south coast, with unique micro climates very seldom enjoys the universal blanket that we have at the moment.
Perhaps, grounds for suspicion in these days of Chemical trails and HAARP weather changing technology, certainly it has been a long time since clear blue skies we seen over our green and pleasant land. However for the past five days I have seen no sky at all, a blanket of low lying white obscures any sight of the sky, I have not seen the sun or the moon for nearly a week, and I look, there is zero visibility, and yet planes still fly overhead to and from Heathrow airport. I miss both the sun and the moon; perhaps many others do without realising it. (read more...)