Showing posts with label neo-conservatism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neo-conservatism. Show all posts
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
9 11
Osama bin Landen set a trap from America. He wanted the United States to enter into conflict with the Muslim world. His words can still be heard from the recordings he made. By his acts and by his propaganda he laid the trap and America ran straight into it. Oddly, the acts of 9 11 were not those of the country who America waged war upon.
Although he claimed responsibility for the planes that flew into the towers it was merely a machination created so as to achieve his larger aims. Since beginning their bogus war against terrorism, largely attacking the likes of Iraq, Syria, and Lybia, the United States have spent a staggering 4 trillion dollars in the pursuit of destroying what is effectively an idea. As we all know, you cannot kill an idea. bin Laden's plan to bankrupt the world's mightiest nation appears to be working. The world's mightiest nation is now in danger of facing another depression.
Rogue intellectual Noam Chomsky, the scourge of American politics who latest book reveals the sordid history of a string of Presidents including the iconic JFK, along with the imperial acts that gave them global hegemony, disputes 9 11 as being a conspiracy. As does Julian Assange who's Wikileaks has been revealing more conspiracy theories than a barrel load of David Ike's. Assange's company have published a great deal of Hilary Clinton's woefully judged E-mails. The man, a left wing Libertarian (not to be confused with the 1972 American creation that is more Neo-Conservative than Libertarian) has, along with many others, been publishing the truth in line with the first amendment, about the flawed American system including both Republicans and Democrats. He dismisses any 9 11 conspiracies as, having scoured a multitude of official documents, misleading.
Probably the best conspiracy regarding 9 11, less fanciful than the current roster, comes from John Pilger who suggested the Bush administration may have had prior warning of the attacks but chose to ignore them better to rally an anti-Iraq emotion in the American public.
If there has been a cover-up, a conspiracy indeed, then one of more than a dozen or so journalists, possibly Wikileaks, will uncover it. I for one think John Pilger has, as he so often does, put his finger on what sounds plausible. It was all made use of to wage war and to free oil.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Oh say can you see by the dusk's grey light a nation once great fading from sight.

Some time ago, around the mid to late forties, The United States of America moved into the premier position of power. It effectively elbowed the dilapidated British Empire from the top spot, from being the world's number one superpower. This was a much-welcomed event even for the Brits, those of them anyway long tired of Imperialism.
The rise of the USA also brought with it a sense of liberality to those in England tired of the straitjacket of pomp, circumstance and forever knowing ones place. The Yanks did not know their place. In fact, the very idea galled them somewhat.
They gave the world Hollywood, Coca-Cola, Jazz, Levis, Converse Sneakers, the Blues and ultimately, Rock and Roll. It was a time of youth, world youth and even though those British imposters, The Beatles, sat firmly on that throne, still the thrust of change came from America.
Then Margaret Thatcher was elected. Then Ronald Regan. Two Neo-Conservatives with singular minds. They didn't much like the way the young had challenged the establishment so set about destabilising all those changes made, replacing them with what Margaret Thatcher called, 'Victorian Standards.
It was the end of the world as we know. And no, I don't feel fine.
A nation built on secularism is now drifting to a right wing fundamentalist viewpoint, evangelical in their zeal with mammon in their hearts.
Every coin turns a profit.
Now the United States, that beacon of modernity is taking a short walk back to Imperialism via Cruz and Trump. And as they march in reverse like a scene from a Monty Python movie so the rest of the world giggles unbelievingly at the idiocy being shown by candidates unfit for the Presidency.
Let's hope Europe will not deal with such as they. I know Britain will as that is now a state without a star.
police state,
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