This is a part of the Sikh morning prayer, prayed daily by millions of Sikhs. It is from our Sacred Book, Our Eternal Guru, Shri Guru Granth Sahib.
It is appropriate for International Women's Day, I think. It would be nice if this respect were really practiced and not just mouthed.
From woman, man is born;
within woman, man is conceived;
to woman he is engaged and married.
Woman becomes his friend;
through woman, the future generations come.
When his woman dies, he seeks another woman;
to woman he is bound.
So why call her bad?
From her, kings are born.
From woman, woman is born;
without woman, there would be no one at all.
O Nanak, only the True Lord is without a woman.
That mouth which praises the Lord continually is blessed and beautiful.
O Nanak, those faces shall be radiant in the Court of the True Lord. ||2||
Picture: Are Going To Battle courtesy of Simmal Tree