Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Scandals of Classic Hollywood: Ronald Reagan Plays the President ...

Ok you are the smartest monkey


according to many Gods gift to

the planet

The earth is a human with a lifecyle

in the billions of years

and it like everything else

on this planet is geared to making

some kind of fantastic garden

with moving parts

and villages

and everything a scale rail roader

could every wish for

and should Neil Young

who is one the biggest

moders of history

want to make those trains

deliver essential supplies

I would be signing up

Ronald Reagan left a

posined chalice that left

the world in control of

the right people

who may have

all graduated in the

same class

and they have been


much more rapid

and stable

and profit generating

than 5 G

Who cares who

runs 5 G its

like arguing

about the best

cell carrier or

streaming service

they all just want

one thing

and one thing only

the thing that moves everything

its persuading you to voluntarily

work for free

with the chance of


Marshall McLuhan kind of understood

although compared to the thinkingaboot

minds of today we have skyscrapers

of intelligent thought to copy

he was the first to understand that

George Herbert Wallace Bush was a man

from another century

Could we say his testamentary is filled

with racism, Nazi worship and

just a whole string of bad

things that have shaped the

world for decades. NO we cant

because he was the last President

that understood they are the President

Geroge Herbert Walllace Bush

coined the phrase

Vodoo Economics

because he was an incredibly

intelligent person.

Reagan may have been

smart or something else

A few decades ago they released

the writings of Ronald Reagan

and compared to Trump

they would replace

the three laws

of thermodynamics

At the very moment these monuments

to self promotion were released

George Herbert Walker Bush's

son by far least likely to be President

was reeling due to kinda

working 18th century in the world

Nevertheless the press secretary

always wanting to give the press

some wonderful shinny thing

that will not hurt

rushed to Babs Bush and

pleaded for GWB papers

so they could buff and polish them

until the looked like Shakespeare

with an accent and a 100 word

vocabulary limit. Babs despondently said

I am sorry I burned all his colouring books

when he announced. Those books

would have showed he

was some kind of artist

Reagan got a huge boost

on the influences scale

meaning that using his

name to advance ridiculous

policy just

got more authority

and a group think


if not a myth

and a legend

that was true

I could go on

and on and on

but I keep on keeping on

because I believe in history

as bad as it seems today

is light years ahead of the

world only 50 years ago

Yet the myths. superstition

and just plan lizard brain

programming are keeping

us down while

the Man expands

the empire

all round

there is no escape from

the man today


they can spell


about you faster and better

and 1000 times a minute

more often

just checking to

see if the song

remains the same

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Olias as Sunhillow

There stands Alias
Olias of Sunhillow - Wikipedia

I believe the first whale that was sacrificed to light a street at night pre saged our reckoning.

Oil is evil, its like heroin for the non human friends in our life. Buy Telsa and buy it like Nortel never went bankrupt and you lost a small fortune. In fact that may have saved millions of lives, because retirement is not something you can choose, you have to be the right age.

It only took about 200 years to recover from the black death, always look on the bright side of life:) Have you ever driven the wrong way where you hit traffic bumps, the first one you dont notice but by the time you have hit the third your schocks are bottoming out and you hair looks

like it has been free falling faster than the speed of gravity.

So we are hitting traffic bumps, I say we are still in the gravel, but might have hit the first one. We got to take a serious look at the way we drive and just where the fuck we think we are going?

Saturday, April 11, 2020


I spent decades on a bar stool
in Star Trek world trying to 
fix the world with aliens
who had software so far
from mine we found few
interfaces and
the hardware
well it blew my mind
when I did come to

Warren Zevon was a genius
why he never claimed the
throne I dont know
but his song Roland the Headless
encompass all that is wrong with
this world
an employee is too good
at his job so you off
his head just in case
he goes postal

The world died with WW3
with two assassinations
JFK at the grassy knoll
and the UN head
in Africa as told
by the story
the siege of jagotville.
The Irish troops did not
lose a man
how remarkable
and when they came home
they suffered more
than under fire
example number 1
with no dispute
that what is wrong
has always been

The world and its people
are all beautiful
but not every one is equal
and if we go down that
road we are road kill
we do need a
meritorious society
heroes of the soviet
union was
as close as we
have come
and everything I know
and everything I believe
tells me
Joseph Stalin
was the prince of lightness
we all need
now you can jump on
me and tell me he killed millions
and maybe he did
but is there any
leader ever
that backed away from
making a best practice omelet
most without a personal

You want to count deaths
in making a decision
than you dont understand math
because the laws of thermodynamics
are unyielding
they are the closest
things we have to facts

So we have never have humanity
watch Rodger Rabbit
and any other movie
you choose where
the people in power
will kill a good thing
to make a billion dollars
or less
because they have assumed
the master of the universe
position where the rest
of the world should be
bent over

History is not
something you can
choose, it is
but finding the truth of
history takes
a special mind
like a preist before
God you got to print what
you think
and dont let facebook
make it rediculuuis
so like Assic Asimov
in his classic Foundation
series I beg the world
listen to history and set
our civilization free

Just like we can model
economic bullshit
and other things
we can model
a star trek universe
and how that could
set the planet free

Did you know that in most
the world you dont own property
you lease it for 100 years
and thats just a start
the world has experienced
its just that people are
paid not to listen
Singapore and Austria
twins born of different
but if you take all the good
from both
you will have a near
perfect world.
We dont have to re event the wheel
the west has always been square
but used enough force to keep 
things turning
but now we got to all 
go for round

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Justin Trudeau communist T-Shirt - MookMerch Funny T-shirts
As is sit today with great unease
I see the vista of the past
with great authority
Pierre Elliot Trudeau
was prescient
with his NEP and
and Mulroney was
a bag man

That can not be changed now
but Canada knows now
that the USA
will break every promise
so we need to 
be promise keepers
to ourselves

This means that food and medicine
no matter what the cost
must be in the hands of Canadians
for Canadians and without restrictions
Secondly we must know
that if times get tough
the Americans are cumming for
what they need
and like Switzerland
we should prepare.

If America can not invade
IRAQ or Syria
there should be 
no problem for 
Canada to make
them think twice
or three time before
crossing the border

Traitors who IMHO
have littered Canadian history
and more every day
need to be sent
back to the USA