Monday, November 15, 2010

what is it good for?

the skull

"In Voluptas Mors"
Philippe Halsman 1951
(in collaboration with Salvador Dali)

Tired of America (Rufus Wainwright)

America WAKE UP the world has loved you long and well, perhaps more than you loved yourselves, it is time to share the love back, show the world love and stop the shame that continues, world wide in your name...........

Sirens of Titan

Is it a coincidence that the Cassini space probe inexplicably stopped sending images as it was about to fly by Titan, one of the moons of Saturn [link]? Titan is known to harbour conditions necessary for life. Another place considered a likely candidate for extraterrestrial life is Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter. However, the canyons of Europa have eluded attempts at observation as well [link]. Early radio astronomers claim to have received signals, leaking from Titan, that suggest the presence of an extraterrestrial species. However, they are trapped and shielded from detection by parasitic aliens from another galaxy ..aliens who have been exploiting Titan’s resources for eons [link]. This explains why conditions there have deteriorated to an almost “pre-biotic” state. The result has been a sort of reverse-geo-evolution. In it’s day, Titan could have been just as hospitable a place as Earth is today.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Price of life

Kirsty MacColl: Don't Come The Cowboy With Me Sonny Jim (Official Video)...

Little Grandmother Speaks

Kiesha in Zurich from kedarvideo on Vimeo.

shared by Wild Strawberry, with love

food slavery

(watch full-length movie)


The Iran–Contra affair was a political scandal in the United States that came to light in November 1986. During the Reagan administration, President Ronald Reagan and other senior U.S. officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo. At least some U.S. officials also hoped that the arms sales would secure the release of hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the Reagan administration had been prohibited by Congress (backed by a strong majority opinion of the American public).

It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to a relatively moderate, politically influential group of Iranians, and then the U.S. would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of six U.S. hostages, who were being held by the Lebanese Shia Islamist group Hezbollah, who in turn were connected to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. The plan deteriorated into an arms-for-hostages scheme, in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of the American hostages. Large modifications to the plan were devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council in late 1985, in which a portion of the proceeds from the weapon sales was diverted to fund anti-Sandinista and anti-communist rebels, or Contras, in Nicaragua.

The affair was composed of arms sales to Iran in violation of the official US policy of an arms embargo against Iran, and of using funds thus generated to arm and train the Contra militants based in Honduras as they waged a guerilla war to topple the government of Nicaragua. A Human Rights Watch report found that the Contras were guilty of targeting health care clinics and health care workers for assassination; kidnapping civilians; torturing and executing civilians, including children, who were captured in combat; raping women; indiscriminately attacking civilians and civilian homes; seizing civilian property; and burning civilian houses in captured towns.

Col. North's handwritten notebooks and memoranda sent to North show that North and other U.S. officials were repeatedly informed that Contras ties to trafficking of drugs from Latin America into the United States and that airplanes from the U.S. used to supply arms to the Contras were being flown back with Contras personnel aboard carrying cocaine into the United States. The matter was further examined in the 1997 report of the US Department of Justice Inspector General, where the main question under investigation was whether CIA was instrumental in creating the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles, and where evidence was presented of patronizing by CIA of drug trafficking to Los Angeles, California.

In the end, fourteen administration officials were indicted, including then-Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. Eleven convictions resulted, some of which were vacated on appeal. The rest of those indicted or convicted were all pardoned in the final days of the George H. W. Bush presidency; Bush had been vice-president at the time of the affair. Some of those involved in the Iran-Contra affair who were convicted of felonies and subsequently pardoned, later became members of the administration of George W. Bush.
(read more)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010


"they say time...

is the fire...

in which we burn"

Delmore Schwartz

Haiti UFO

(UFO Haiti)

Two Wolves

A Native American grandfather talking to his young grandson tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with each other.

The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The other wolf is of fear, greed and hatred. ''Which wolf will win, grandfather?'' asks the young boy.

''Whichever one I feed'' the grandfather replies.

- Native American Proverb

Things To Come

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lest We Forget

Today 11-11 at 11 o’ clock we stand for a two minute silence, to remember those warriors who were sent to war, to give their all, they innocently trusted that what they were told was true, that they were and are lied to does not detract from their bravery or from their sacrifice.

In England we buy red poppies fron the British Legion who use the money to provide help for widows, to help people who have been hurt in the fighting and to remember our brave warriors who gave their all on Flanders field and in sadly many, many other conflicts through our the world.

Today I can only think of two words, Depleted Uranium,

The Pentagon has been using radio active weapons for at least a decade and a half with full complicity of at least three White House administrations and Republican and Democratic congressional legislators. Conservatively, at least 300 tons and 1,700 tons of depleted uranium were used in the Gulf War and the current Iraq War, respectively. This is about 70 grams of depleted uranium per Iraqi citizen, and if inhaled or ingested, it is enough to kill them all.

Is this not radioactive genocide, especially when our troops used and continue to use most of the depleted uranium munitions in densely populated areas such as Baghdad and Fallujah? Depleted uranium has a half-life of billions of years. Consequently, Iraq will be a wasteland forever and essentially uninhabitable for anyone.

Iraqi and visiting doctors, and a number of news reports, have reported that birth defects and cancers in Iraqi children have increased five- to 10-fold since the 1991 Gulf War and continue to increase sharply, to over 30-fold in some areas in southern Iraq. Currently, more than 50 percent of Iraqi cancer patients are children under the age of 5, up from 13 percent. Children are especially vulnerable because they tend to play in areas that are heavily polluted by depleted uranium.

After the 1991 Gulf War, about 1 in 4, or 150,000, U.S. veterans came down with what is referred to as "Gulf War Syndrome." Most of the ailments characteristics of Gulf War Syndrome are consistent with radiation or heavy-metal poisoning. Veterans' children are now also born with higher proportions of birth defects and other genetic disorders, according to sporadic accounts. The Pentagon continues to deny the harmful effects of depleted uranium or its role in Gulf War Syndrome.

As described by a report of the World Health Organization Depleted Uranium Mission to Kosovo, uranium can be found in rocks and soil and contributes to natural background levels of radioactivity. Depleted uranium is a waste product of uranium enrichment for nuclear reactors and is about 60 percent as radioactive as naturally occurring uranium. Depleted uranium is considered weakly radioactive.

Nevertheless, depleted uranium is considered nuclear waste and has to be disposed of accordingly, which is expensive and a potential environmental hazard. The nuclear industry must be very pleased the U.S. military has found a way to get this stuff off their hands cheaply.

Depleted uranium is really a misnomer, because the potentially harmful effects are by no means depleted. Research reports have found that when depleted uranium is ingested or inhaled, it can cause cancers and birth defects. It has considerable heavy-metal toxicity.

As stated in the WHO report, because of its high density, depleted uranium is used in armor-piercing ammunition and as reinforcement against conventional weapons. Upon impact, the depleted uranium fragments burn at intense heat, and 10 to 35 percent of it becomes aerosolised. This aerosolised uranium "dust" is the most harmful component because it can easily be ingested or inhaled.

Wind and people walking through it also easily disperse the depleted uranium dust. This dust is a predominant by product of military use of depleted uranium, in contrast to, for example, exposures in uranium mines or nuclear reactors.

Our troops in Iraq will be severely affected by this radioactive war, not only because a lot more depleted uranium has been used and continues to be used, but also because they have been there a lot longer than during the Gulf War. Hundreds of thousands of our troops will come down with Gulf War Syndrome as a result of depleted uranium poisoning, and thousands will die from it. Thousands of their children will be born with genetic diseases, cancers and birth defects.

Please be warned the pictures in these links showing tragic birth defects are upsetting and haunting

Veterans Day 2010

If you love America,
this is the most important video you will ever watch.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Wall

fill in the blank

Conspiracy theory?...
it's not a theory


massive attack

You Choose ~ Take The Red Pill ?

President Andrew Jackson once said: “If people ever understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning” And after being stonewalled by the CIA in his investigation into the assassination of JFK, J. Edgar Hoover stated: “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists.”

Keeping those words in mind, I am going to try and explain why it is so important to come to terms with the truth about 911, because there are some things all of you really do need to understand. I apologize if I repeat myself during this article but I wish to make certain points absolutely clear and also try to stress how easily this situation can be solved by the spread of information. I’m going to be as blunt as I can with this article and I really don’t care how much name calling it invokes.

But before you criticize or abuse me I ask you all to open your minds.
I ask you to remember our history, and the methodology used by the Nazi Party.
I ask you all to read, consider AND RESEARCH what I am saying here very carefully before dismissing it off hand.

And having said that, I now say WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!!

Have you ever considered the possibility that you….. YES YOU! …have been Brainwashed,
because there are some things about our world that you all need to understand…

There are 13 families who run our banking, and political systems, and virtually our entire Global Industrial Complex. These families, and the immediate network they have created around themselves consist of a central core of around 2500 people and they are no more than the mob. A Criminal Cabal in you will, who have placed themselves above all laws in all countries.

This group of families, through their agents and provocateurs, have created conflicts and then armed, and financed both sides of all wars, FOR - A - PROFIT since (and including) the French & American Revolutions, maybe longer. and at the end of each conflict, both sides have been left with huge debts to repay back to them.

By means of subsidiary companies this one group of people can be proven to now also control the flow of:

And they also control ALL MAINSTREAM MEDIA
Because they control all the money!

These 13 families have also repeatedly promoted, financed and placed, political leaders of their choosing into positions of power in key areas of world politics to further their agenda.

Do you fully understand what all that means?

They make trillions upon trillions of dollars from the control and suffering of others, and you can only elect those candidates who they select for you to elect.

Can anyone see a conflict of interests here?
One group of people! 13 Families!

Just think about that for a second.

And because they control ALL mainstream media they also control the flow of ALL INFORMATION - which is why Rumsfeld now wants to SHUT DOWN THE INTERNET and replace it with “Internet 2” because he says “The Terrorists” are winning “the cyberwar”.

Get it?

And now - by means of the neoconservative movement, and using 911 and the “War on Terror” as a pretext - they are off invading whomsoever they choose, and are about to plunge the entire world into a surveillance nightmare and a GLOBAL WAR - in the name of a terror attack THEY WONT LET ANYONE INVESTIGATE!

Now, you need to think hard about that for a moment!

And meanwhile…

The head of our government (who constantly refers to these necons as “Men of Vision”) has disarmed us, and (again, using 911 as a pretext) introduced new laws exempting himself from arrest, but allowing our Government to imprison any one of US they like for 5-7 YEARS for sedition – which may reasonably be interpreted as “terrorism” under our new laws. While at the same time, IN these new laws, the definition of “a terrorist” remains listed as “undefined”.

Do you fully understand what all that means?

AND they have privatized our Prison Systems. So NOW, this SAME SMALL GROUP OF PEOPLE OWNS OUR PRISON SYSTEMS TOO!

And again, I ask you:


Even Members of the Police Force I have spoken too can’t understand these new laws!

Maybe everybody should just stop, for one minute and wake up to the fact that Hitler didn’t just up and “start World War 2” - You can’t just “start a war” - you need fundingfrom people who see the loan as a “good investment”. And you should wake upto the fact that the very people who financed both Hitler and the allies and who ran the Second World War and supplied the all the “investment capital” for all those concentration camps at a HUGE PROFIT for themselves and HUGE loss of life for others, are the same people financing and investing in this War.
Only now, they own the American Military-Industrial-Complex and now they are being helped by people who they have installed in key positions throughout the globe. now they are controlling our governments but it’s never reported or investigated because THEY OWN THE MEDIA.

Remember, wars generate money. And all money flows to them. Because they own the banks, they own the industries, plus they own the media which they use to conrol your information.

And its very easy for them to do because they also print the money. - and they are able to print it from thin air through the “magic” of fractional reserve banking. Then they loan it to you and they make you pay real money back as interest on the loan under laws that THEY had put in place. - While at the same time, they NEVER allow enough actual printed money to be in circulation for the people to ever be able to pay off the debt!

Do you see how that works?

In this way the control and enslave you with a corrupt monetary system designed to keepyou in debt to them, - and they have managed to do it to WHOLE COUNTRIES - If you or I did that it would be called insider trading and usury and we would be jailed under their own laws! Yet the banks do it on a Global scale everyday, only instead of Insider Trading and Usury, they call it “fractional reserve banking” and “interest” BECAUSE THEY INTRODUCED THE LAW! You have all been gradually brainwashed into thinking all this is normal but its not. You only think it is because they control the flow of all your information. How?


And please understand that taken them less than 100 years to do ingrain this system into the world’s psyche. The monetary system we now use has only been in place in its current form since 1913 when they abolished the Gold Standard and introduced fractional Reserve Banking, and understand that THESE these same bankers had the system put into place.

Do you understand all that? Because its important that you do!

These people are NOT Rulers, NOT Kings and NOT elected world leaders. They are 13 private families and they have been able to get away with it by controlling your money and your media. - while in the meantime they have infiltrated agents into key areas of politics, and Government and these people have then passed legislation to remove peoples rights and elevate themselves into positions where they are now above the law.
Our politics is supposed to be conducted out in the open, not by members of “secret societies” yet ALL prominent world leaders (including our own AND our governor general) are 33rd degree freemasons. Ever wonder why that is?

take the red pill ?

just the facts

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Peter Dale Scott

six keys to happiness

...8 hours of uninterrupted sleep...

...7 hours work a day...

...20 minutes or less commute a day...

...5 home cooked meals a week...

...2 hours of play with your children a day...

...4 hours of play with your partner a day...

Students threaten to unseat MPs over tuition fees

Fees protest

Thousands of students and lecturers are descending on London to demonstrate against plans to almost treble tuition fees in England to £9,000 per year.

The National Union of Students is threatening to try to unseat MPs who go back on pre-election pledges to oppose any rise in tuition fees.

It says the Liberal Democrats face an electoral "wipeout" if they break their pledge to vote against higher fees.

The coalition government says its plans are "fairer" than the current system.

But the UCU lecturers' union leader, Sally Hunt, attacked the proposals which will see the upper limit for fees rising from £3,290 to £9,000 per year from 2012.

Student targets

"There is nothing fair or progressive about tripling the cost of a degree and axing college grants that are often the difference between students being able to study or not," said Ms Hunt.

Student leaders say they expect 24,000 people to take part in the demonstration in Westminster.

They say they will try to use the proposed "right to recall" legislation to unseat MPs who ditch their election pledge to oppose an increase in tuition fees.

Hair Peace - Bed Peace

Fight for peace with



non-cooperation and

give peace a chance

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

is nothing real ?

"Ridicule is not part of the scientific method, and people should not be taught that it is. The steady flow of reports, often made in concert by reliable observers, raises questions of scientific obligation and responsibility. Is there ... any residue that is worthy of scientific attention? Or, if there isn't, does not an obligation exist to say so to the public—not in words of open ridicule but seriously, to keep faith with the trust the public places in science and scientists?".....J. Allen Hynek

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nineteen Eighty-Four

In 1984, there is a perpetual war between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, the super-states which emerged from the atomic global war. "The book", The Theory and Practice of Oligarchic Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein, explains that each state is so strong it cannot be defeated, even with the combined forces of two super-states—despite changing alliances. To hide such contradictions, history is re-written to explain that the (new) alliance always was so; the populaces accustomed to doublethink accept it. The war is not fought in Oceanian, Eurasian or Eastasian territory but in a disputed zone comprising the sea and land from Tangiers (northern Africa) to Darwin (Australia) to the Arctic. At the start, Oceania and Eastasia are allies combatting Eurasia in northern Africa.

That alliance ends and Oceania allied with Eurasia fights Eastasia, a change which occurred during the Hate Week dedicated to creating patriotic fervour for the Party's perpetual war. The public are blind to the change; in mid-sentence an orator changes the name of the enemy from "Eurasia" to "Eastasia" without pause. When the public are enraged at noticing that the wrong flags and posters are displayed they tear them down—thus the origin of the idiom "We've always been at war with Eastasia"; later the Party claims to have captured Africa.

"The book" explains that the purpose of the unwinnable, perpetual war is to consume human labour and commodities, hence the economy of a super-state cannot support economic equality (a high standard of life) for every citizen. Goldstein also details an Oceanian strategy of attacking enemy cities with atomic rockets before invasion, yet dismisses it as unfeasible and contrary to the war's purpose; despite the atomic bombing of cities in the 1950s the super-states stopped such warfare lest it imbalance the powers.
(read more)

Gumbo Weave 1

Sunday, November 7, 2010


When you die...

you will go to heaven...

we all go to heaven...

there is no hell...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Politics of the Absurd

I would like to preface this discussion with the idea that we, as a nation, live in exceedingly dangerous times. The most compelling evidence for me is the results of the recent mid-term elections. So many of the candidates, chosen for office by their electorate, have taken positions on critical issues that are rife with anti-intellectual and anti-science rhetoric. Their sense of implacable self-righteousness seems to dominate their thinking. They are apparently devoid of even the barest hint of humility. In my thinking, humility is the capacity to acknowledge that one can be mistaken, and it is an absolutely essential characteristic for those who assume positions of leadership. Without humility, we position ourselves, as a people, to a frightful future, for there can be no collective sanity without embracing our failings and our mistakes. To be devoid of humility is to welcome disaster.

Demagogues are often appealing during frightening times, for their madness entices those who are desperate for clarity, purpose and straightforward solutions no matter how absurd the answers might be in the light of critical thinking. Self righteousness can brook no compromise, for ideology is sustained and propelled by myopic vision. It proclaims clarity where there is none; it takes ownership of moral certitude where uncertainty abounds; it takes on the guise of salvation in spite of the evidence to the contrary.

If the nation is determined to choose leaders that cloak themselves in the guise of such righteousness at the ultimate expense of the common good, then we are a nation in serious trouble. This is the politics of the absurd and the dangerous.

If we are a nation in crisis, as all the evidence suggests, the answer does not lie in absurd and extreme notions, but rather through the use of reason and rational judgment in the true spirit of peace and humility.


Never in the history

of steel frame buildings has one ever "collapsed"...

withstanding fires for 24 hours

none has ever "collapsed"...

but on september 11th, 2001

three steel frame buildings "collapsed"...

what are the odds ?...

investigate 9/11