Never in the history
of steel frame buildings has one ever "collapsed"...
withstanding fires for 24 hours
none has ever "collapsed"...
but on september 11th, 2001
three steel frame buildings "collapsed"...
what are the odds ?...
investigate 9/11
of steel frame buildings has one ever "collapsed"...
withstanding fires for 24 hours
none has ever "collapsed"...
but on september 11th, 2001
three steel frame buildings "collapsed"...
what are the odds ?...
investigate 9/11
Not sure I understand. Are you saying that there was a conspiracy behind the madness of the terrorist acts? One that involved the American government who then had the building destroyed so that they could wage war on terrorism and possibly Iraq?
...i'm saying lee harvey was not a lone gunman
...the gulf of tonkin another lie
...operation northwoods
...military-industrial complex
...false flag
...inside job
...the fix is in
...and everything you think you know is a lie...
...now you can see clearly
...begin by watching loose change link...investigate 9/11
...i'm saying this is 1984 and "we have always been at war with eastasia"
Yeah two thirds of Americans think 9/11 was an inside job,
But what I don't understand is why y'all aren't doing anything about it?
and all the other shocking stories coming out of the US ?
There is so many of you, yet you all seem to be asleep, and goodness, let a poor limey question anything all we get is jingoistic propaganda
again what are you going to do about it?
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