There stands Alias

I believe the first whale that was sacrificed to light a street at night pre saged our reckoning.
Oil is evil, its like heroin for the non human friends in our life. Buy Telsa and buy it like Nortel never went bankrupt and you lost a small fortune. In fact that may have saved millions of lives, because retirement is not something you can choose, you have to be the right age.
It only took about 200 years to recover from the black death, always look on the bright side of life:) Have you ever driven the wrong way where you hit traffic bumps, the first one you dont notice but by the time you have hit the third your schocks are bottoming out and you hair looks
like it has been free falling faster than the speed of gravity.
So we are hitting traffic bumps, I say we are still in the gravel, but might have hit the first one. We got to take a serious look at the way we drive and just where the fuck we think we are going?
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