Tuesday, December 5, 2017

rulers of the earth - the archons


Russell CJ Duffy said...

Confused from across the pond here. I have a copy of the Gnostic Gospels, unabridged, unamended, untainted and unchanged. They (the Gnostic texts) make for a highly interesting read as do 'The Dead Sea Scrolls,' another book sat with pride of place on my shelf. Nowhere in the Gnostic Gospels is there a mention of The Archons being aliens. Within the pages of this forties find an archon, was any of several servants of the Demiurge, the "creator god" that stood between the human race and a transcendent God that could only be reached through gnosis. Taken in this context they can be perceived as either angels or demons of the Old Testament. I find this interesting, your YouTube film also. It strikes me as being akin to the beliefs Jehovah's witnesses hold. Although they tend to take literally the words of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, rather than, as any Theologian, even the most devout, would inform us that the Bible is riddled with symbolism. This film tends to do a 'warped mirror' variant of the Jehovah's Witness approach in that having read the texts it doesn' so much literalize them but change them to suit. The Archons have suddenly gone from angel come demons into beings from another planet. My being sceptical of aliens on Earth doesn't mean I am 'atheist' (sic) to the theory. However, whoever The Archon's are they are patently air breathers. They are also, from the images shown, biped, even the lizard, therefore are of the same building block as humankind. Logic would suggest (one possibility only) is perhaps these aliens not so much colonized us but brought us to another world (Earth) so like theirs that they, and we, can breathe the same air, enjoy similar foodstuffs and enjoy a climate patently pleasant for all concerned.

Oberon said...

...i don't pretend to know the truth...but i do like this guys stuff...in my 50 years of exploration of the ufo mystery i tend to absorb everything and ruminate on the connections that crop up again and again...it absolutely is a reality but what kind of reality i'm still not sure...what is an angel, demon, alien, i don't know...maybe different names for the same thing...with all the so called paranormal things i've read and seen i know the world is far more than we can see, hear, touch, taste and smell...bigfoot exists, and the universe is full of life and aliens and demons and angels...that much i'm sure of...or maybe i'm just crazy.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

I agree about Bigfoot or Yeti.That is easy to explain. Besides, there is evidence, proof that a large ape existed, exists still for all I know but that is not all that surprising. That is a perfect example of nature at its best. Of something very much of this planet. Aliens? Like all man-made words that one is just another. Words are often inhibitors of what is. They are not the thing they try to describe or define. Fear functions at a primal level. What frightens us makes us irrational. All life is connected. Alien's are made of the same molecules as us, have DNA like us, sex drives like us. We and they are of the ten thousand things. Trees, stars, oceans, infinity, all are connected. There is nothing paranormal only that which our limited minds are as yet unable to comprehend.