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Extrodinary Snow Mexicant |
This space will be tremendous, extraordinary, literary, irreplaceable, insightful, analytic beyond belief. Your life will be shallow if you don't follow.
Now it may not be daily and I will not melt, but in some way shape or fashion I will Interpret Trump world regularly with the tag Snow Mexican Diary. I am Thinkingaboot a image to use. The first thing that comes to mind is a snowflake with a Harper face shot in the middle. Harper is the poster child for Snow Mexicans.
Implicant in Trumps proclamations about Mexico is that Americans are vastly superior to those brown beans tolling away to give America cheap cars and Tv's.
Calling Canadians Snow Mexicans is just as condescending but white washed.
The truth is that both Canada and Mexico are vassal states of the United States.
We are like the Walking Dead, America is Neegan. Neegan is like Dread Pirate Scott, immortal and multifaceted but one thing endures, execptionalism.
Trump is the mule just as described by Issac Asimov in the Foundation. Trump is an Orwellian double speak Ninja and tracking his movements may take 6000 years old bowel examinations to determine exactly what kind of shit is going to come down. But it will be a shit show, there will be sewage beyond belief, its going to be stinky and we can only hope that in four years the opposition can offer real concrete relief.
Trump on Sixty Minutes was all NEVERMIND THE BOLLOCKS I AM A SEX PISTOL. The 70 year old punk rules.
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