Thursday, November 4, 2010

Quality of understanding

“The meaning of a sentence is derived from the original words by an active, interpretive process. The original sentence that is perceived is rapidly forgotten and memory is for the information (meaning) contained in the sentence.” [Link]
For years, neuro-linguists have studied what remains after we hear somebody speak. What they’ve come up with is something that resembles a three-dimensional network inside of our head. The network is made up of propositions (coded events), scripts (a sequence of coded events) and associated images and feelings. Although part of the network is constructed from the original sentences ..most of it is supplied from the past experience of the listener. What we come away with is a feeling of resonance and familiarity, based largely on our own beliefs and experience ..and not necessarily the meaning intended by the speaker. These finding are consistent with the construction-integration model for narrative comprehension proposed by psychologist Walter Kintsch [Link]


Mother Sharon Damnable said...

all the more reason then to develop a rich and broad experience.

Learn to see through jingoistic manipulation and propaganda.

Be circumspect when watching the manipulator of the masses ~ Television.

Did you perhaps miss this?

Empathy being our greatest blessing.

Listen to "experts" all you want but remember they are just people too.

Mother Sharon Damnable said...

...and be mindful of who pays their wages !

Mother Sharon Damnable said...

here's one for ya Bill

How would you explain to an Alien, in a distant galaxy, by radio, which was right and left?

Bill Robertson said...

I agree ..a wide range of experience and empathy are essential to understanding and communication. I also believe critical thinking and deception detection should be taught earlier in schools. (Our public school system is way behind the UK)

Thank you for sharing the video on empathy, you’re right, I missed it I have added it to my favourites on youtube. I want to return the favor by sharing a video, in the same vein, that I posted earlier on globalove ~~> Interdependence