Saturday, December 12, 2009

All You Need Is

We are born alone

live alone

die alone

What have we without love?


Lady in Red said...

We are never REALLY alone...

Russell CJ Duffy said...

I'm afraid I agree with Oberon, we are alone. Not totally alone of course as we all have friends and loved ones who share our existance, our life but at the end of the day, no matter how much we may love someone they can never sit inside our head, never occupy the remote corners of our soul, never fully understand the fears we have as they are the individulas alone. The only way we can make believe we are not alone is we are superstious and, sadly, I am not.

Oberon said...

...exactly...alone in your head.

...however, i do believe in a spiritual connection to everything.

...the oneness of it all.

Lady in Red said...

It IS possible to find that special person that understands you better than you understand yourself. That knows of those fears, hopes and desires. You are only totally alone, if you allow yourself to be totally alone.

brinni for humanity said...

To accept the notion that we are "alone" is to accept failure as a community of conscious energy. I am going to call it a tragedy. The times during which I have felt truly alone were the most devastatingly dark of my existance.

To allow our energies to combine, and to embrace the beauty of a shared consciousness, is completeness defined.

That said, thank you all for sharing in and contributing to my soul.